Many might think that building a home made wind generator is just a bit of a fun, and it's not really a serious undertaking. Many may think that it is probably just to complicated to even think about making one, but like the thought of having one.
Whatever the reason, it really is worth taking a serious look at making a home made wind generator. You can buy some ready made wind generators which although work very well, they can cost upwards of three thousand dollars.
There are some very good reasons therefore, to find yourself a proven design that costs only a few hundred dollars to make and get one set up on your property.
Apart from it being cost effective, the most important issue concerning humanity at this moment is the continuing onset of global warming. It will not go away unless we do something about it right now. We, as individuals, have to take responsibility and not leave it all for the governments to do. If we all had our own power sources, just think how much it would reduce the use of conventional power stations. It is almost incalculable in terms of the reduction of pumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
Not only greenhouse gasses would be reduced. All of the other dangerous emissions would be reduced. Respiratory complaints are very high and they would be decreased dramatically. I would love a world where my children and everyone could breathe clean fresh air.
Wind energy is a great alternative power source because it is free, it is endless and it doesn't cost the earth. Literally speaking.
It's not a difficult project to get involved in. All of the items that you will need to make your home made wind generator can be purchased from your local hardware store. It's inexpensive and a lot of fun to make.
For goodness sake, don't waste the wind.
About the Author
Do you want more information on creating your own wind power?
If you want to know more, you can find out further details here on two of the top suppliers of Build a Home Made Wind Generator.
Martin Lauder left his full time employment in December 2007 to concentrate on a career in internet marketing.
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