
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Your Role in Global Warming

Global warming is an issue that we have created. It is an issue that we can work to resolve. The damage that is already done is irreversible, but we can make changes now to protect the earth's atmosphere in the future. If we reduce the amount of fuel that we burn, by making changes to our lifestyle, we can reduce the amount of damage that is done to the atmosphere. Here, you will find what role you can take in order to reduce the effect of global warming on our world.

1) The first step that you can take in order to reduce the effect of global warming is to change all of your light bulbs from standard bulbs to energy efficient light bulbs. Energy efficient light bulbs are generally more expensive, but they will save you a considerable amount of money on your energy costs and will also reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into the earth's atmosphere.

2) The next step that you can take to reduce the effect of global warming is to ensure that you turn things off when you are not using them. This helps to save on the amount of electricity that you use. When you save on electricity, you save money on your power costs and reduce the amount of fuel that is required to burn to give you electricity. This, in turn, helps to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere. You should also ensure that you turn off water when it is not being used to benefit the atmosphere.

3) It is important that you learn to recycle and reuse things when you are able to. You should make sure that you get actively involved in a local recycling program. When you recycle, you can reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that can add to the global warming issue.

4) It is important that you try to use the air conditioner and heater in your home less. You should use a thermostat when one is available to control the usage of these items. You should try to use fans more and less air conditioning. This will help to reduce the effect of global warming by limiting the amount of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere.

5) You should try to encourage others to conserve energy. Inform them of the dangers of global warming and how greenhouse gases affect the atmosphere. You should let them know that everyone should hold themselves accountable for the energy that they consume, the amount that they drive, and the things that they do not recycle.

6) You should try to buy products that are considered energy efficient. Many appliances that are available now have an energy efficiency rating. You should make an effort to buy appliances that use less electricity in order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases that enter the earth's atmosphere.

These are just a few changes you can make in your everyday life which will contribute to lessening the amount of greenhouse gasses. By all of us working together, we can all have a positive effect on reducing the consequences of global warming.

About the Author brings you thought provoking information about global warming. Be sure to check out all the pages and decide for yourself. © 2007 copyright by DSquare Marketing and Della Franklin.

George Bush Bill Clinton Devastated the Mexican Californian Beaches

George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush have been running the world’s only superpower for the past 20 years. George H. W. Bush called the world’s environmentalists “the spotted owl crowd”. He meant that the environmentalists were choosing to save the spotted owls to the detriment of human beings. Well now the chickens have come home to roost on their horizontal rods.

The prophet Isaiah said that the name of the Messiah would be Emanuel, the middle name of A-Rod, meaning God is with us. Hopefully the Messiah isn’t planning on doing much scuba diving or surfing off the Pacific Coast of Mexico, California or Hawaii because thanks to our political leaders for the past 20 years the Pacific Ocean has now become a gigantic, poisoned, deadly garbage dump of contaminated plastic being eaten by the fish on your childrens’ plate.

In a recent interview with Time Magazine Al Gore said, “When I was in the Snow and Ice Data Center receiving a full briefing on the polar ice caps, afterwards I would turn on my TV and there were two networks with the bulletin: Britney Spears loses custody of her children. We’re living in a madhouse if our priorities focus on the embalming of Anna Nicole Smith, or the trial of O.J. Simpson, while we ignore the greatest crisis this nation has ever faced.”

The definition of insanity is when a person is a danger to themselves or others because they do not understand the nature and consequences of their actions. In 1998 under intense pressure from their main sponsors the big oil companies, Bill and Hillary Clinton refused to ratify the Kyoto Protocol. Now the U.S., the world’s largest polluter, under the leadership of George Bush has gutted the Bali Climate Change Agreement of all substance. Hillary Clinton just loaned $5M dollars to her campaign. This money came from the $10 Million dollars per year being payed by the Emir of Dubai to Bill Clinton for doing absolutely nothing. The leaders of Saudi Arabia gave $10 million to the Bill Clinton Presidential Library and hundreds of millions to the Bush family.

In return for the money, the Bush and Clinton families have agreed to allow Saudi Arabia and Dubai to buy America’s banks, (Hillary O.K.’d this in the Nevada debate), part of Daimler Chrysler, large stakes in America’s corporations, America’s ports, (remember Bush and Cheney pushing for the Dubai ports deal?), and the Bush and Clinton families have agreed to kill any world environment treaties like Kyoto and Bali which would hamper the Saudi and Persian Gulf States’ exporting of 10 million barrels per day at $100 per barrel, a billion dollars every day. How did Saudi Arabia and Dubai buy the Bush and Clinton families so cheaply? Did they buy them at Wal Mart?

Pope Benedict XVI is a champion of the environmental movement and has urged all Catholics to become environmentalists. The Catholic Church has taken a firm stance against global warming. Pope Benedict XVI has warned against the seductive nature of science. Our own experience has been that Bill Clinton has repeatedly demonstrated an inability to resist temptation. God the Father carved in stone, “Don’t Murder, or else I will punish you, your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren.” Don’t Murder means don’t murder people or poison to death the parts people are made of, air, water and earth.

If you put a frog in water and then gradually raise the temperature the frog will boil to death. If you throw a frog into boiling water it will get very hot and jump out. Plastic is made from oil. The great Pacific Ocean Plastic Garbage Dump, the Pacific Ocean Plastic Soup, now stretches from 500 miles off the California coast, past Hawaii almost to Japan. It is twice the size of the United States. Curtis Ebbesmeyer, an oceanographer says that when the plastic soup comes near land, as it does at the Hawaiian archipelago, the gargbage patch vomits, and you get a beach covered with this plastic.

Charles Moore, an oil heir, sold his business, and became an oceanographer. Charles Moore said this week that on our present course the Pacific Plastic Stew will double in size over the next 10 years. Our experience shows us that if Hillary Clinton, a puppet of the oil executives, bought and paid for by the oil barons, becomes President, then when she leaves office, the entire Pacific Ocean and its beaches will be a deadly plastic garbage dump. The end of tourism will be the least of our worries.

Professor David Karl, an oceanographer at the University of Hawaii says that the plastic is not biodegrading, and modern plastic is so durable that 50 year old plastic is in the soup. Tony Andrady, a chemist with the U.S. based Research Triangle Institute says that “Every little piece of plastic manufactured in the past 50 years that made it into the ocean is still out there.” The Pacific Ocean now has billions of tiny plastic pellets, nurdles, which combine with man made poison petrochemicals, the toxic pesticide DDT, which are eaten by the fish on your child’s dinner plate.

White females over 50 and Latinos are handing Hillary Clinton the Presidency because they trust the bought off by the oil executives, corrupt, lying Clintons who got us all into this mess. White females over 50 and Latinos say that Bill and Hillary Clinton have more experience than Barack Obama, as if the number of years in politics means wisdom, and sound judgment. Look at your child’s globe. In fact the Earth only has one ocean. People think that times were good under the Clintons, in the time that the world was turning into a poisonous greenhouse and the ocean was turning into a deadly plastic garbage dump.

The Bush Clinton American Royal family for the past 20 years tried to sweep this all under the rug. George Bush had Philip Cooney of Exxon Mobil change scientific research to say that there was no human made global warming, and Republicans have been duped into believing this. Now the kaka has hit the fan. The toxic plastic and poison chemicals are now contaminating the American rivers and lakes too. Cesar Chavez was a Mexican American civil rights activist. Which right is more important than the right to poison free air, soil, water and food? Which Democratic Presidential candidate voted to waste American lives and money in Iraq as her Saudi Arabian and Persian Gulf benefactors lined her pockets with gold for the right to poison your children to death?

The Clinton and Bush families are the canidates of change. They have changed the Garden of Eden into a toxic wasteland.

About the Author

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love