"Global Warming" has been called everything, from "the greatest hoax perpetuated on mankind", to "the greatest challenge to face mankind". Whilst I'm not here to debate on this subject, my primary goal is to make you aware of the simple things we can do, that will go a long way to help curb this problem.
We've heard that "charity begins at home". This sentence means that we should first ensure that at least our nearest family has sufficient resources before we give away to charity. It's the same with global warming. Unless we all individually do something about this, there is no point in blaming how careless people are towards this growing problem. You need to start taking the necessary steps first, before advocating and attacking others.
First of all, we need to understand what global warming really is and why it is happening. Global warming is the increase in temperature of the layer of air covering the earth. Increase in CO2 (carbon dioxide) is the primary cause of global warming. So if we can minimize or eliminate this emission as much as possible, we can possibly curb this to some extent. I have listed a few things below which will help you contribute to this issue. We will start with cars and traveling.
1. Tune up and maintain your car regularly; this increases fuel efficiency by 5-7%.
2. Always keep your tires properly inflated. This improves fuel efficiency by 3-4%.
3. For a change, especially when you're planning to go somewhere nearby, walk down or ride a bike. This helps in 2 ways - it reduces carbon emission and secondly, it's also good for your health. I'm not even considering the savings on fuel and parking!
4. Always try to get the most bang from a car trip by combining errands, meetings, shopping sprees, outings, dropping children to school, traveling to work, etc.
5. Carpool to work if you can. Same goes for dropping children to school - create a group of neighboring children in the same school and have a fixed day of commuting responsibility for each of the group.
6. Use public transport as much as you can. Try to avoid your car at least one day of the week, when you go to work.
7. Try to drive more evenly, with less sudden brakes or hard accelerations. Also maintain your speed at the recommended fuel efficient speed.
Other things you can do at home:
1. Reduce / eliminate meat and switch over to more organic and vegetarian food, which requires less energy to produce.
2. Use strong cloth bags for shopping and not plastic or paper. The latter not only lasts less uses, but are more prone to getting suddenly torn and resulting in a lot of inconvenience and possible damage.
3. Don't use a dryer to dry clothes unless it is urgent. Use the old fashioned way of drying them in natural air.
4. If you're in cold countries, lower the thermostat of your heating system by a few degrees where the cold is bearable. Better still; wear some good sweaters so you don't need a lot of artificial warming.
5. If you're in hot countries, choose an energy efficient air conditioner. Increase the thermostat by a few degrees where you don't feel the heat. Wear cotton clothes so you don't need a lot of cooling. A quick 2 minute shower can also instantly cool you down.
6. Insulate your water heater as well as the walls and ceilings of your home.
7. Replace your most frequently used incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent ones.
8. If your refrigerator is over 10 years old, its time to replace it. The new ones currently
available are a lot more energy efficient. Similarly, washing machines are also available in energy efficient models.
9. Don't use your washing machine or dish washer unless you have enough load. This will reduce the frequency of use and save energy.
10. Stop using screen savers in your computer, they do not save energy. Instead, switch off the monitor and / or set the power settings to switch it off after a predetermined period of inactivity. If you cannot shut down the computer regularly, keep it on sleep or standby mode whenever you're not using it.
11. Try to make your children understand the global warming problem and encourage them to switch off lights and fans when not in use. Reward them with little gifts when they do this regularly. Also encourage them not to burst crackers. Give them the money instead and let them save it separately, and then show them what wonderful things they can buy, instead of the money going up in smoke!
Feel free to visit http://www.bharatbhasha.com/author.php/Nirjara%20Rustom to read more of my articles!
About the Author
Nirjara Rustom moderates the Environment Section of http://www.bharatbhasha.com at http://www.bharatbhasha.com/environment.php

Friday, December 5, 2008
Solar Power is the Future by Joe Kazlauskas
The Future Is Safe If Man Turns To Using Solar Power
There are many incomparable advantages worth considering in regard to using solar power and in fact the number of advantages to this form of power is so many that the few disadvantages that will crop up will pale in comparison. What's more, with a proper approach it is certainly possible to convert the negative aspects of solar power into positive advantages. To take the case of advantages first: first and foremost solar power is a source of renewable energy that as such has led mankind to find a source of energy that does not involve polluting the atmosphere when producing energy.
A Virtual Necessity
Solar power is now a virtual necessity for mankind and when it concerns our precious environment it is perhaps the best alternative which will help to save our priceless Mother Earth from further ravages. Even manufacturers of cars are on the hunt for alternative fuels as well as different kinds of renewable energy sources to combat not only the ever rising prices of gasoline but also to ward off the effects of global warming which is jeopardizing our very existence.
However, solar power has many advantages that will do a lot ensure that our environment remains free from nasty and dangerous pollutants. The need to turn to using solar power for our energy needs cannot be overemphasized and with each rise in the cost of electricity and skyrocketing oil prices it is high time to find suitable alternatives.
The ready availability of solar panels in the different hardware stores is encouraging as North America and Europe can now look at solar power for salvation even though the price of these panels is still on the high side. Nevertheless, there are thousands and thousands of home owners in all parts of the world who are looking to solar power to heat up their homes as well as get their homes illuminated.
More and more homes are being fitted with solar panels and there is also much information available to help anyone to easily install these panels to not only reduce their power bills but to also ensure that the environment remains clear and pure. The subject of home solar power has begun to elicit a lot more interest in all parts of the world and needs to be given serious consideration.
In fact, more and more people are wondering just how much money will solar power help in reducing our electricity bills. The current energy crisis is putting greater strain on our precious resources. In fact, it would also not be wrong to say that the very future of mankind depends on the proper use of solar power which is a clean, renewable and safe source of energy.
About the Author
For more information on Solar Power visit my website at http://www.solarpower.mallentry.com and visit Related Sites for information on how build your own solar power station at http://www.affiliatesden.com/sites/59392.htm
There are many incomparable advantages worth considering in regard to using solar power and in fact the number of advantages to this form of power is so many that the few disadvantages that will crop up will pale in comparison. What's more, with a proper approach it is certainly possible to convert the negative aspects of solar power into positive advantages. To take the case of advantages first: first and foremost solar power is a source of renewable energy that as such has led mankind to find a source of energy that does not involve polluting the atmosphere when producing energy.
A Virtual Necessity
Solar power is now a virtual necessity for mankind and when it concerns our precious environment it is perhaps the best alternative which will help to save our priceless Mother Earth from further ravages. Even manufacturers of cars are on the hunt for alternative fuels as well as different kinds of renewable energy sources to combat not only the ever rising prices of gasoline but also to ward off the effects of global warming which is jeopardizing our very existence.
However, solar power has many advantages that will do a lot ensure that our environment remains free from nasty and dangerous pollutants. The need to turn to using solar power for our energy needs cannot be overemphasized and with each rise in the cost of electricity and skyrocketing oil prices it is high time to find suitable alternatives.
The ready availability of solar panels in the different hardware stores is encouraging as North America and Europe can now look at solar power for salvation even though the price of these panels is still on the high side. Nevertheless, there are thousands and thousands of home owners in all parts of the world who are looking to solar power to heat up their homes as well as get their homes illuminated.
More and more homes are being fitted with solar panels and there is also much information available to help anyone to easily install these panels to not only reduce their power bills but to also ensure that the environment remains clear and pure. The subject of home solar power has begun to elicit a lot more interest in all parts of the world and needs to be given serious consideration.
In fact, more and more people are wondering just how much money will solar power help in reducing our electricity bills. The current energy crisis is putting greater strain on our precious resources. In fact, it would also not be wrong to say that the very future of mankind depends on the proper use of solar power which is a clean, renewable and safe source of energy.
About the Author
For more information on Solar Power visit my website at http://www.solarpower.mallentry.com and visit Related Sites for information on how build your own solar power station at http://www.affiliatesden.com/sites/59392.htm
Barack Obama and Global Warming by Barry Jonathan Lough
Is anybody sure about the cause of global warming? One thing is certain. The answer to THAT question is NO.
A lot of people would say it is air pollution, and the newest president of the USA seems to think so. Can a new government save future generations from global catastrophe? A market for cleaner-burning fuels might help stop climate change and President Obama's administration could make this possible. So a number of environmental groups and lobbyist groups hope.
One such special interest group is known as Ceros. This coalition of environmental organizations and investors wishes for Obama to curtail global warming. They figure he could pass legislation to reduce green house gas emissions by 25% below 1990 levels before 2020, and they might be right.
One step in achieving this end is "honest accounting of financial risks that companies and investors face from climate change," according to Ceros. Another might be dispensing with a system of emissions credits to force this honest accounting instead of providing an avenue for deep-pocketed corporations from easily buying their way out of responsibility.
Who wouldn't want Barack Obama's government to take charge in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and rates of deforestation? Is this even the right person for the job? No one person can do it all, of course.
According to Obama, "The issue of climate change is one that we ignore at our own peril. There may still be disputes about exactly how much is naturally occurring, but what we can be scientifically certain of is that our continued use of fossil fuels is pushing us to a point of no return. And unless we free ourselves from a dependence on these fossil fuels and chart a new course on energy in this country, we are condemning future generations to global catastrophe."
This tells us that he has some regard for scientific research, and that he believes we CAN do something about global warming. Applying science correctly provides a good start to arriving at a solution. And scientists will play a big role in finding a solution, even if that solution is simply a "wait and see what happens".
A scientific approach includes taking off the blinders and thinking creatively to arrive at one or several solutions. Focussing on carbon in initiatives such as the National Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which is trying to find "clean" fuels instead of the ones we currently consume, takes the sights off other climate drivers and other greenhouse gases. Water vapour being chief amongst those.
Another example, please...
It has been said that the sun is the only source of global warming. A new energy economy proposed by Obama would rely on renewable energy such as solar and wind, both of which depend on sunlight. Other documents have said that extra sunspot activity can reduce cloud cover, resulting in a more heated planet/atmosphere system.
Furthermore, An Inconvenient Truth shows Al Gore putting carbon dioxide as the culprit as far as global warming is concerned. Anthropogenic carbon dioxide. But a credible theory of climate variations points to Milankovitch Cycles, where changes in earth-heating patterns occur in a recurring pattern.
Maybe Obama got in at the right time with his campaign promises and we will see improvements take place that would have happened without anybody's effort at all. Barack will certainly get the credit, though.
About the Author
Barry is an air quality scientist who writes about atmospheric environmental issues. See this Cause of Global Warming article for further perspective on global warming. Barry's Weather Man page gives you more about the author.
A lot of people would say it is air pollution, and the newest president of the USA seems to think so. Can a new government save future generations from global catastrophe? A market for cleaner-burning fuels might help stop climate change and President Obama's administration could make this possible. So a number of environmental groups and lobbyist groups hope.
One such special interest group is known as Ceros. This coalition of environmental organizations and investors wishes for Obama to curtail global warming. They figure he could pass legislation to reduce green house gas emissions by 25% below 1990 levels before 2020, and they might be right.
One step in achieving this end is "honest accounting of financial risks that companies and investors face from climate change," according to Ceros. Another might be dispensing with a system of emissions credits to force this honest accounting instead of providing an avenue for deep-pocketed corporations from easily buying their way out of responsibility.
Who wouldn't want Barack Obama's government to take charge in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and rates of deforestation? Is this even the right person for the job? No one person can do it all, of course.
According to Obama, "The issue of climate change is one that we ignore at our own peril. There may still be disputes about exactly how much is naturally occurring, but what we can be scientifically certain of is that our continued use of fossil fuels is pushing us to a point of no return. And unless we free ourselves from a dependence on these fossil fuels and chart a new course on energy in this country, we are condemning future generations to global catastrophe."
This tells us that he has some regard for scientific research, and that he believes we CAN do something about global warming. Applying science correctly provides a good start to arriving at a solution. And scientists will play a big role in finding a solution, even if that solution is simply a "wait and see what happens".
A scientific approach includes taking off the blinders and thinking creatively to arrive at one or several solutions. Focussing on carbon in initiatives such as the National Low Carbon Fuel Standard, which is trying to find "clean" fuels instead of the ones we currently consume, takes the sights off other climate drivers and other greenhouse gases. Water vapour being chief amongst those.
Another example, please...
It has been said that the sun is the only source of global warming. A new energy economy proposed by Obama would rely on renewable energy such as solar and wind, both of which depend on sunlight. Other documents have said that extra sunspot activity can reduce cloud cover, resulting in a more heated planet/atmosphere system.
Furthermore, An Inconvenient Truth shows Al Gore putting carbon dioxide as the culprit as far as global warming is concerned. Anthropogenic carbon dioxide. But a credible theory of climate variations points to Milankovitch Cycles, where changes in earth-heating patterns occur in a recurring pattern.
Maybe Obama got in at the right time with his campaign promises and we will see improvements take place that would have happened without anybody's effort at all. Barack will certainly get the credit, though.
About the Author
Barry is an air quality scientist who writes about atmospheric environmental issues. See this Cause of Global Warming article for further perspective on global warming. Barry's Weather Man page gives you more about the author.
Why Build a Home Made Wind Generator? - To Help Save The Earth by Martin Loader
Many might think that building a home made wind generator is just a bit of a fun, and it's not really a serious undertaking. Many may think that it is probably just to complicated to even think about making one, but like the thought of having one.
Whatever the reason, it really is worth taking a serious look at making a home made wind generator. You can buy some ready made wind generators which although work very well, they can cost upwards of three thousand dollars.
There are some very good reasons therefore, to find yourself a proven design that costs only a few hundred dollars to make and get one set up on your property.
Apart from it being cost effective, the most important issue concerning humanity at this moment is the continuing onset of global warming. It will not go away unless we do something about it right now. We, as individuals, have to take responsibility and not leave it all for the governments to do. If we all had our own power sources, just think how much it would reduce the use of conventional power stations. It is almost incalculable in terms of the reduction of pumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
Not only greenhouse gasses would be reduced. All of the other dangerous emissions would be reduced. Respiratory complaints are very high and they would be decreased dramatically. I would love a world where my children and everyone could breathe clean fresh air.
Wind energy is a great alternative power source because it is free, it is endless and it doesn't cost the earth. Literally speaking.
It's not a difficult project to get involved in. All of the items that you will need to make your home made wind generator can be purchased from your local hardware store. It's inexpensive and a lot of fun to make.
For goodness sake, don't waste the wind.
About the Author
Do you want more information on creating your own wind power?
If you want to know more, you can find out further details here on two of the top suppliers of Build a Home Made Wind Generator.
Martin Lauder left his full time employment in December 2007 to concentrate on a career in internet marketing.
Whatever the reason, it really is worth taking a serious look at making a home made wind generator. You can buy some ready made wind generators which although work very well, they can cost upwards of three thousand dollars.
There are some very good reasons therefore, to find yourself a proven design that costs only a few hundred dollars to make and get one set up on your property.
Apart from it being cost effective, the most important issue concerning humanity at this moment is the continuing onset of global warming. It will not go away unless we do something about it right now. We, as individuals, have to take responsibility and not leave it all for the governments to do. If we all had our own power sources, just think how much it would reduce the use of conventional power stations. It is almost incalculable in terms of the reduction of pumping greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere.
Not only greenhouse gasses would be reduced. All of the other dangerous emissions would be reduced. Respiratory complaints are very high and they would be decreased dramatically. I would love a world where my children and everyone could breathe clean fresh air.
Wind energy is a great alternative power source because it is free, it is endless and it doesn't cost the earth. Literally speaking.
It's not a difficult project to get involved in. All of the items that you will need to make your home made wind generator can be purchased from your local hardware store. It's inexpensive and a lot of fun to make.
For goodness sake, don't waste the wind.
About the Author
Do you want more information on creating your own wind power?
If you want to know more, you can find out further details here on two of the top suppliers of Build a Home Made Wind Generator.
Martin Lauder left his full time employment in December 2007 to concentrate on a career in internet marketing.
Getting Green to Assist Mother Earth, Solar Energy Facts by Steve Madigan
If you think that solar energy consists solely of those large panels that reflect off of homes, think again. With the assistance of this article, we will talk about some other solar energy facts.
Although it came to light, so to speak, in the 1960s, solar energy has progressed and can be used for everything from heating our houses to fueling our cars. Solar energy is free.
Our electricity bills get higher each and every year. We can take this solar power using Earth4Energys kit for a fraction of what it cost us for electricity. We hear that the environment is having troubles with global warming, green house gases, but solar power if we decide to use and commit in it, is positive for the environment. These are just some solar energy facts.
A long time ago, we considered people who used solar energy to heat their households pretty much as nuts. Now, they are the ones who are laughing Oil rises one day. We have experienced it as high as $150 a barrel. It has come down, but the price is still high. These fossil fuels are killing our world at the same time. But there are people out there that are employing Green Energy, solar and wind to help with there energy demands. They are the one's that are preserving money month after month.
When new buildings are starting up, in some cases they have some type of alternative energy source built in for saving money as well as thinking about not destroying our earth that we live in. Warming our households and water is only one use for solar and wind energy.
Solar and wind energy can be used for working our appliance's as well as some electronic devices that we use. How about a calculator? Now you can have lights in your yard work on stashed away solar power. No batteries necessary either to run some of these devices. So, why not use that same energy to power other gadgets as well?
Uniting the powers of wind with solar and you can really start to save. Heating our homes, running our automobile, operating electronic devices, appliances are just a couple things for solar energy purposes. Saving lives is another, such as cleaning water for people to drink, in some third world nations. As you can see there are numerous uses for solar and wind energy.
To keep solar and wind energy active and going forward, thought has to be given to the cost of producing this power. We also have to remember to consider the eco system as well. People wanting to save money utilizing solar and individuals who want to protect the environment are in agreement in this way. They both think that solar and wind energy can be an answer to a major problem moving into the next generation.
Now if you really want to save some money then solar and wind energy are the answers, click solar energy facts. This will help to reduce your electric power a bunch. Learn more by clicking on solar panels for homes.
About the Author
Have submitted many articles in a variety of niches.
Although it came to light, so to speak, in the 1960s, solar energy has progressed and can be used for everything from heating our houses to fueling our cars. Solar energy is free.
Our electricity bills get higher each and every year. We can take this solar power using Earth4Energys kit for a fraction of what it cost us for electricity. We hear that the environment is having troubles with global warming, green house gases, but solar power if we decide to use and commit in it, is positive for the environment. These are just some solar energy facts.
A long time ago, we considered people who used solar energy to heat their households pretty much as nuts. Now, they are the ones who are laughing Oil rises one day. We have experienced it as high as $150 a barrel. It has come down, but the price is still high. These fossil fuels are killing our world at the same time. But there are people out there that are employing Green Energy, solar and wind to help with there energy demands. They are the one's that are preserving money month after month.
When new buildings are starting up, in some cases they have some type of alternative energy source built in for saving money as well as thinking about not destroying our earth that we live in. Warming our households and water is only one use for solar and wind energy.
Solar and wind energy can be used for working our appliance's as well as some electronic devices that we use. How about a calculator? Now you can have lights in your yard work on stashed away solar power. No batteries necessary either to run some of these devices. So, why not use that same energy to power other gadgets as well?
Uniting the powers of wind with solar and you can really start to save. Heating our homes, running our automobile, operating electronic devices, appliances are just a couple things for solar energy purposes. Saving lives is another, such as cleaning water for people to drink, in some third world nations. As you can see there are numerous uses for solar and wind energy.
To keep solar and wind energy active and going forward, thought has to be given to the cost of producing this power. We also have to remember to consider the eco system as well. People wanting to save money utilizing solar and individuals who want to protect the environment are in agreement in this way. They both think that solar and wind energy can be an answer to a major problem moving into the next generation.
Now if you really want to save some money then solar and wind energy are the answers, click solar energy facts. This will help to reduce your electric power a bunch. Learn more by clicking on solar panels for homes.
About the Author
Have submitted many articles in a variety of niches.
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