The Simple Solution to Global Warming, Gas Prices and Health Care Costs in 900 Words or
Less by Patrick Rafferty
Why are gas prices so high?
Because the supply is low and the demand is high
So what are we going to do about it?
Really, if you want to do anything about the high gas prices, what we have to do is help to cut the demand. It's as simple as that. And how do we do this? Well for one, we could stop using so much gas! People have become wasteful and lazy. And you can only blame yourself for doing your part to use so much gas.
You could walk or ride a bicycle every now and then but it's too hard, or your too old, it takes too much time. You can make up whatever excuse you want, but people are wasteful and lazy simply because we love our cars so much. Many of us could even buy one of those economical scooters that get high gas mileage but those are un-cool. We could start taking the bus every now and then but it's too incontinent or your too proud or good for that sort of thing. We could carpool more or we could even walk to the store instead of driving once in a while. Whatever way you choose to help to help out, if everybody all got together and took an alternative method of transportation from point A to point B once a week, whatever way it is, we would cut gas consumption just enough to bring gas prices down just a little bit.
The more we did this the lower the price would be. If everybody all got together and at least put a little bit of responsibility upon themselves to use just a little less gas, watch and see what would happen.
If everybody all got together and simply cut a little bit of driving time out of their lives the supply would increase, demand would drop and prices would go down. Not to mention the health benefits from this, as America has an obesity problem to consider. Why? Because people, in their arrogance, have grown lazy over the years. They drive to McDonalds for that cheeseburger and I'll be damned if they even have to get out of their car to do it meanwhile their car is idling in a line with ten others just for the convince, while the counter inside is pretty much empty. Hmm, imagine that.
Think about it, do you think that Jared from the Subway commercials would have lost all that weight if he had driven to Subway every day? No! He got up off his ass and walked. And by doing this, he saved money that wasn't put in the gas tank of his car which helped him to support his Subway diet, I would imagine. And today he is a much healthier person because of it.
So if we all pitched in and did this! Do you know what else would be cut? Health care costs. Why? Because statistically speaking and as plain old common sense should tell you, people who walk from point A to point B are healthier because they get the exercise from doing it, and healthier people have less of a need for health care. Walk around the block instead of driving and you might just shed a few of those unwanted pounds and then you're less likely to have a heart attack too. So perhaps your insurance premiums might just go down a little bit as well because you took a little bit of the responsibility for your own health upon yourself by helping to cut gas prices. Either way, they're all making a profit but since the demand for health care and gas would go down, so would the price. So you can blame President Bush or Iraq or the CEO's or whoever you want but at least part of it is your own damn fault. So there!
Then there are the environmental benefits to consider. Less driving would mean less of those greenhouse gasses responsible for global warming. So if you do your part to help to bring gas prices and health care costs down, you will also help to save the world for the future of your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren etc. Think of what a hero you would be to them. The earth might just be able to sustain life just a little bit longer, simply because you helped to cut health care costs and gas prices.
Now they've hurt us, so let's get those profiteers back by not only using less gas, lowering health care costs, and saving the world, but you would save money too! Imagine that.
We are in this together people. So please help to do your part. And Share this simple solution to all of these problems with everybody you know.
About the Author
Patrick Rafferty is otherwise known as the Blogmaster of and Also webmaster for When he's not doing all that, he's a computer tech and sales person at a regular job. For more information on gas prices visit
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