How to find your calling after forty - Step Up for a great New Year!
December,2006 By Craig Nathanson - The Vocational Coach™ What is my calling?
That's the first question I usually get. The second question is "how do I find it"?
I say, "Well, first you have to go looking for it!"
Most of us are afraid to take that little peak inside to see what we really want. After forty, it's time to listen to one's heart, not one's mom or boss or spouse or what we think the rest of the world wants.
Evaluate and envision your journey
Evaluate where you have been in your life and ask yourself, "Is this enough?" Do you get out of bed in the morning and decide you would rather pull the covers back over your head? Do you still yearn to write that first novel, open up your first deli, or simply stop working for other people? Can you envision what it would be like if you could only do what you love--now?
Fire your boss and your job
No one over forty deserves to be working in JUST a job or for JUST a boss. This is our time to work for ourselves, crafting and selling the natural gifts we have to offer the world...if we could just figure out what they are!
What aisle do you drift to?
Walk into your favorite bookstore; which aisle do you gravitate towards? If you had a day to yourself, what would you do and why? Who inspires you? What movies inspire you?
Start with some research
Google search is probably the greatest single technology ever invented. Take your passion and start with a simple search. Find someone else who is doing what you want to do. Insect collecting, wine tasting, making films--it doesn't matter what it is.
Don't judge the book by its cover
At this stage of your search, don't share what you are doing with anyone just yet--not even with those who love you. They will confuse your passion with their view around the practical aspects of making money. Money comes in just a moment.
Make a list of all the possibilities for your passions. Let's pretend your passion is making films. What might be possible? What films might be possible? What films do you want to make and why? What would be the best features of your films? Who would benefit from your films? Who would be the ideal niche audience for your films?
Find a filmmaker who makes the kind of films you would like to make. Interview him or her and find out what small steps you might take to get started.
Time over money
If you quit your unfulfilling job today, how long could you go without making an income? Would your answer be one month, six months, one year? How could you expand your time? The more time the better. Different answers will drive different strategies. If you can go a year without making an income, then you can afford to take a few more risks then the person who must make an income within three months.
Could you lengthen your time?
Could you cash in your retirement fund?
Scary, but why not?
You won't need it if you are doing what you love! Once you start making an income, how much, exactly, do you need to make? Expect to make around 50% less money in the first four years than you made in your traditional job if you go into business for yourself.
Expect to make about 25% less if you follow your passion and work for someone else.
In my research, I have noticed that after about four years, people who have pursued their passion start to make to close to what they made in their old unfulfilling jobs--sometimes even more.
Nothing is off limits
When it comes to following your passion, you'll need a lighter backpack for this part of the journey. Sounds difficult, but if this part was easy, everybody would be answering their calling!
Create multiple streams of income
Starting out, you might find yourself working Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for someone else, and Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays for yourself. The current model of work for those over forty is outdated and well past its prime. The corporate world, as an entity, can be helpful to those just starting out as they seek to build ego and self in the world. This stage is critical to one's development. After forty, however, the corporate world can ruin one's soul and sense of self.
Be a rebel with a cause
Twenty thousand people die each day from starvation. We waste billions of dollars on needless wars and even more justifying them. Follow the global warming trends, and earth itself might not be here in one hundred years. This won't affect you but it will affect your grandchildren.
So while large corporations compete for the most dollars without regard for our future, you can be different. You must be different. There are too many people working in faceless jobs for faceless bosses for faceless firms. Can't help cure starvation? Can't help reduce wars or save the planet? Start with your own happiness. It will spread like wildfire to all those you encounter.
Make an impact in your second half
This is one set of New Year's resolutions that won't go unnoticed by your soul. Stand up!
Shout it out loud! You are through with an empty life devoid of energy, passion and meaning!
Stand up for what you believe in. Be the change now that you want to see in the world.
It all starts with your calling--what calls you now?
Take your first steps; in some small ways this earth we all share will be just a little better because of you.
I'll be cheering you on each small step of the way.
About the Author
Craig Nathanson is the author of P Is For Perfect: Your Perfect Vocational Day and a coaching expert who works with people over forty. Craig's new E-book, Discover and live your passion 365 days a year is a workshop in a box designed to help busy adults go insane with their work. Craig's systematic approach, the trademark "Ten P" process,'' helps people break free and move toward the work they love. Visit Craig's online community at w

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Plant Spirit Shamanism: What's Up With The Weather?
Plant Spirit Shamanism: What's Up With The Weather?
Plant spirit shamans - natural healers who work with herbs, ritual, and the elements - have long known that the world is not made up of discrete and separate parts, but that we are all one: that the 'butterfly effect' of a single extra drop of water released from a cloud into a Gloucestershire river could eventually lead to flooding in the distant streets of London.
Through Gaia Theory and a more informed understanding in recent years of how the natural world, the environment, and the climate really works, some scientists are also coming round to the shaman's age-old view of the connections between all things.
How might these scientists and the shamans counter some of the current scepticism about 'carbon footprints' and climate change, and what might they say about the 'freak weather conditions' many of us have been experiencing lately? What are the objections of the sceptics, what are the facts, and what are scientists and modern-day shamans saying?
DOES CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING? The sceptics say there is no "proof" of this. But proof is not the job of science, which deals, in fact, with the art of probabilities. Scientists, that is, make hypotheses ('best guesses') which are there not to be proved, but to be disproved - if possible.
The current best guess - that CO2 does create a Greenhouse Effect by trapping solar radiation in the atmosphere and causing temperatures rises on Earth - has been around since 1829, when Joseph Fourier first put forward this hypothesis - and no-one's proved him wrong yet.
Indeed, a recent survey of almost 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific articles could not find one which disagreed that climate change is a man-made phenomenon and that our output of CO2 plays a large part in this.
Even those with a vested interest in proving the scientists wrong - like oil companies Exxon-Mobil, Shell, and BP - have all issued statements recently agreeing with the evidence: that climate change is taking place, that is happening as a result of our activities, and that CO2 is a factor.
One place you can work out your own carbon footprint is (www dot direct dot gov dot uk/ActOnCO2). You might be surprised at just how much you contribute.
If you'd then like the chance to something positive and practical to reduce it, another site to check is (www dot thefourgates dot com - then follow the link from The Village page to the fundraisers page and click on the Earth C.O.S.T. link: Carbon Offset to Save Trees).
WHAT ABOUT SOLAR RADIATION? DOESN'T THAT CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE? The current counter-theory to CO2 as the cause of global warming and climate change is one which seeks to lay the blame on solar radiation. It seems at best, however, to be a no-theory. It has been known for many years, that is - and commonsense should tell us in any case! - that solar radiation plays a part in keeping the planet warm, because when the Sun shines we all get a tan!
The science, however, shows that the Sun plays a much smaller role than greenhouse gasses in the situation now facing us.
WHAT ABOUT OTHER 'NATURAL CAUSES' - LIKE ANIMALS AND WATER VAPOUR? Water vapour is a known part of the Greenhouse Effect - but it reacts to changes in climate rather than causing climate change. Evaporation and precipitation is a cycle and any water in the atmosphere doesn't stay there for more than a few weeks.
Nature itself, in its widest to its narrowest forms, is also cyclical: the cycle of life and death. Animals and plants live, die, and become food for others, and the CO2 they create gets used up elsewhere as a result of this natural cycle.
Humans meanwhile, pump six gigatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year and take little if any out. Nor do we put any fresh air back. We could do through activities like tree planting, since every tree naturally offsets 650 kg of CO2, transforming pollution, offsetting carbon, and giving us back fresh air. The problem is that few people are planting trees and, in fact, deforestation - the reverse of what we should be doing - is a major issue.
In 1600, for example, over 12% of Ireland was covered by broadleaf forests. By 1800, the figure was down to 2%. Since then, the country has been working to restore its forests but, by 2000, only 7% of woodlands had been returned. And, in the urgency to put trees back, the bulk of planting has been non-native trees. Many of these - like the iroko, from West Africa - are being logged in such an unsustainable way that if the present rate of depletion continues the forests there will be gone in five years. The outcome is stalemate (at best).
It is for these reasons that The Village has introduced the Earth C.O.S.T. Programme to plant a new forest of indigenous trees at its Centre for environmental and personal healing.
As it is, the Earth absorbs about half of our current CO2 but the rest hangs around as a greenhouse gas. Cutting back on energy usage and planting more trees would help. We know this because levels of CO2 have been stable for thousands of years until the Industrial Revolution began 150 years ago and deforestation also became rife.
ISN'T CLIMATE CHANGE JUST PART OF A NATURAL CYCLE? It is true that every 100,000 years or so the Earth is subject to climate changes due to its orbit around the Sun. This is known as Milankovitch Cycle and its effects as well as its timeline are all fairly predictable.
In the 1970s, for example, scientists were already warning of a coming Ice Age as a result of this Cycle, so nothing's changed there - except the timing. We should be able to predict about 50,000 years of natural warming as a result of the Milankovitch Cycle, that is; the problem, however, is that current warming is off the scale by a factor of - well, a lot! - if only the
Milankovitch Cycle was the cause.
Climate change and global warming is speeding the process up.
WE CAN'T PREDICT THE WEATHER EVEN A FEW DAYS AHEAD SO HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT THE CLIMATE OF THE FUTURE HOLDS? Firstly, weather isn't climate. Weather refers to individual instances of sun or rain in specific geographical areas; climate is the average of all these instances over a bigger area and a longer period of time. Weather changes rapidly (which is why it can be so hard to predict) but climate is relatively stable.
An analogy, if you're a gambling man, is the form of a particular horse. Of course you can't predict (i.e. know) if he'll win the race you've just bet the house on, but if you look back over his form, his performance on certain fields, and his fitness levels now, then average out his wins against losses, you can get an idea of his potential in this coming race - enough to make an informed decision, at least, on where to place your bet.
Which brings us back to our first point, since this is also how science works: through educated best guesses. And the current best guess, after studying past form and looking at the health of the planet now, is that man-made CO2 is leading to raised temperatures and to climate change.
WHAT DO THE SHAMANS SAY? The Sioux medicine man Black Elk spoke early last century of the "sacred hoop of life", that all things are "one" and that everything is part of a "great circle of existence". Visionaries like Black Elk, and plant spirit shamans today, know that life on our planet amounts to far more than the discrete boxes, capable of control and intervention, that we have taken it to be until now.
James Lovelock - a visionary scientist rather than a shaman - has also shown, in our century, through his Gaia Hypothesis, that the world is alive, aware, and intelligent; a self-regulating organism that seeks balance, like our own bodies.
The job of human beings, says Lovelock, is "through our intelligence and communication [to act as] the nervous system of the planet. Through us, Gaia has seen herself from space and begins to know her place in the universe. We should be the heart and mind of the Earth, not its malady".
A humble plea that we might start taking our rightful place by simply planting a few more trees.
Ross Heaven is a therapist, workshop leader, and the author of several books on shamanism and healing, including Darkness Visible, the best-selling Plant Spirit Shamanism, The Way of The Lover, The Journey to You, and Love's Simple Truths. His website is where you can also read more about The Village and how to join his sacred journeys to the plant spirit shamans and healers of the Amazon.
About the Author
Ross Heaven is a therapist, workshop leader, and the author of several books on shamanism and healing, including Darkness Visible, the best-selling Plant Spirit Shamanism, The Way of The Lover, The Journey to You, and Love's Simple Truths. His website is where you can also read more about The Village and how to join his sacred journeys to the plant spirit shamans and healers of the Amazon.
Plant spirit shamans - natural healers who work with herbs, ritual, and the elements - have long known that the world is not made up of discrete and separate parts, but that we are all one: that the 'butterfly effect' of a single extra drop of water released from a cloud into a Gloucestershire river could eventually lead to flooding in the distant streets of London.
Through Gaia Theory and a more informed understanding in recent years of how the natural world, the environment, and the climate really works, some scientists are also coming round to the shaman's age-old view of the connections between all things.
How might these scientists and the shamans counter some of the current scepticism about 'carbon footprints' and climate change, and what might they say about the 'freak weather conditions' many of us have been experiencing lately? What are the objections of the sceptics, what are the facts, and what are scientists and modern-day shamans saying?
DOES CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING? The sceptics say there is no "proof" of this. But proof is not the job of science, which deals, in fact, with the art of probabilities. Scientists, that is, make hypotheses ('best guesses') which are there not to be proved, but to be disproved - if possible.
The current best guess - that CO2 does create a Greenhouse Effect by trapping solar radiation in the atmosphere and causing temperatures rises on Earth - has been around since 1829, when Joseph Fourier first put forward this hypothesis - and no-one's proved him wrong yet.
Indeed, a recent survey of almost 1,000 peer-reviewed scientific articles could not find one which disagreed that climate change is a man-made phenomenon and that our output of CO2 plays a large part in this.
Even those with a vested interest in proving the scientists wrong - like oil companies Exxon-Mobil, Shell, and BP - have all issued statements recently agreeing with the evidence: that climate change is taking place, that is happening as a result of our activities, and that CO2 is a factor.
One place you can work out your own carbon footprint is (www dot direct dot gov dot uk/ActOnCO2). You might be surprised at just how much you contribute.
If you'd then like the chance to something positive and practical to reduce it, another site to check is (www dot thefourgates dot com - then follow the link from The Village page to the fundraisers page and click on the Earth C.O.S.T. link: Carbon Offset to Save Trees).
WHAT ABOUT SOLAR RADIATION? DOESN'T THAT CAUSE CLIMATE CHANGE? The current counter-theory to CO2 as the cause of global warming and climate change is one which seeks to lay the blame on solar radiation. It seems at best, however, to be a no-theory. It has been known for many years, that is - and commonsense should tell us in any case! - that solar radiation plays a part in keeping the planet warm, because when the Sun shines we all get a tan!
The science, however, shows that the Sun plays a much smaller role than greenhouse gasses in the situation now facing us.
WHAT ABOUT OTHER 'NATURAL CAUSES' - LIKE ANIMALS AND WATER VAPOUR? Water vapour is a known part of the Greenhouse Effect - but it reacts to changes in climate rather than causing climate change. Evaporation and precipitation is a cycle and any water in the atmosphere doesn't stay there for more than a few weeks.
Nature itself, in its widest to its narrowest forms, is also cyclical: the cycle of life and death. Animals and plants live, die, and become food for others, and the CO2 they create gets used up elsewhere as a result of this natural cycle.
Humans meanwhile, pump six gigatonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year and take little if any out. Nor do we put any fresh air back. We could do through activities like tree planting, since every tree naturally offsets 650 kg of CO2, transforming pollution, offsetting carbon, and giving us back fresh air. The problem is that few people are planting trees and, in fact, deforestation - the reverse of what we should be doing - is a major issue.
In 1600, for example, over 12% of Ireland was covered by broadleaf forests. By 1800, the figure was down to 2%. Since then, the country has been working to restore its forests but, by 2000, only 7% of woodlands had been returned. And, in the urgency to put trees back, the bulk of planting has been non-native trees. Many of these - like the iroko, from West Africa - are being logged in such an unsustainable way that if the present rate of depletion continues the forests there will be gone in five years. The outcome is stalemate (at best).
It is for these reasons that The Village has introduced the Earth C.O.S.T. Programme to plant a new forest of indigenous trees at its Centre for environmental and personal healing.
As it is, the Earth absorbs about half of our current CO2 but the rest hangs around as a greenhouse gas. Cutting back on energy usage and planting more trees would help. We know this because levels of CO2 have been stable for thousands of years until the Industrial Revolution began 150 years ago and deforestation also became rife.
ISN'T CLIMATE CHANGE JUST PART OF A NATURAL CYCLE? It is true that every 100,000 years or so the Earth is subject to climate changes due to its orbit around the Sun. This is known as Milankovitch Cycle and its effects as well as its timeline are all fairly predictable.
In the 1970s, for example, scientists were already warning of a coming Ice Age as a result of this Cycle, so nothing's changed there - except the timing. We should be able to predict about 50,000 years of natural warming as a result of the Milankovitch Cycle, that is; the problem, however, is that current warming is off the scale by a factor of - well, a lot! - if only the
Milankovitch Cycle was the cause.
Climate change and global warming is speeding the process up.
WE CAN'T PREDICT THE WEATHER EVEN A FEW DAYS AHEAD SO HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT THE CLIMATE OF THE FUTURE HOLDS? Firstly, weather isn't climate. Weather refers to individual instances of sun or rain in specific geographical areas; climate is the average of all these instances over a bigger area and a longer period of time. Weather changes rapidly (which is why it can be so hard to predict) but climate is relatively stable.
An analogy, if you're a gambling man, is the form of a particular horse. Of course you can't predict (i.e. know) if he'll win the race you've just bet the house on, but if you look back over his form, his performance on certain fields, and his fitness levels now, then average out his wins against losses, you can get an idea of his potential in this coming race - enough to make an informed decision, at least, on where to place your bet.
Which brings us back to our first point, since this is also how science works: through educated best guesses. And the current best guess, after studying past form and looking at the health of the planet now, is that man-made CO2 is leading to raised temperatures and to climate change.
WHAT DO THE SHAMANS SAY? The Sioux medicine man Black Elk spoke early last century of the "sacred hoop of life", that all things are "one" and that everything is part of a "great circle of existence". Visionaries like Black Elk, and plant spirit shamans today, know that life on our planet amounts to far more than the discrete boxes, capable of control and intervention, that we have taken it to be until now.
James Lovelock - a visionary scientist rather than a shaman - has also shown, in our century, through his Gaia Hypothesis, that the world is alive, aware, and intelligent; a self-regulating organism that seeks balance, like our own bodies.
The job of human beings, says Lovelock, is "through our intelligence and communication [to act as] the nervous system of the planet. Through us, Gaia has seen herself from space and begins to know her place in the universe. We should be the heart and mind of the Earth, not its malady".
A humble plea that we might start taking our rightful place by simply planting a few more trees.
Ross Heaven is a therapist, workshop leader, and the author of several books on shamanism and healing, including Darkness Visible, the best-selling Plant Spirit Shamanism, The Way of The Lover, The Journey to You, and Love's Simple Truths. His website is where you can also read more about The Village and how to join his sacred journeys to the plant spirit shamans and healers of the Amazon.
About the Author
Ross Heaven is a therapist, workshop leader, and the author of several books on shamanism and healing, including Darkness Visible, the best-selling Plant Spirit Shamanism, The Way of The Lover, The Journey to You, and Love's Simple Truths. His website is where you can also read more about The Village and how to join his sacred journeys to the plant spirit shamans and healers of the Amazon.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Oh, you're just spoiled rotten!
Oh, you're just spoiled rotten!
If you've ever called your own child spoiled rotten, you should be ashamed of yourself. Call someone else's kid that, no problem, but not your own. Why? Because all we can see of someone else's child is a result, and it may be disturbing. Whereas in your own case, the child is the 'spoilee' and you are the 'spoiler'. OK, perhaps your spouse, but you both have some responsibility in it.
Your child is like a dry sponge, with thousands of little cavities waiting to be filled up. And around the child is a world bursting with candy, toys, activities, snacks, TV and computer games all eager to pounce. And who is in the middle? You, the gatekeeper. The key master. The valve.
Now, if you think about it, a sponge works so so when it is bone dry. It actually works a little better when slightly damp, but if the valve is broken, the sponge will fill to capacity quickly and become useless.
Granted, you can point a finger at your mate. He or she is the one who gives Bobby everything he wants. You've even argued about it from time to time, and the same thing is said every time. "Come on, it's just until 11:00", or "think of how happy it will make him", or "I never got one of these when I was a kid", or "OK, but just this once". Sound familiar?
Almost everyone is guilty of this lack of will power to some degree. Unfortunately, if a parent lacks will power, the child will lack even more. This will develop to the point that the child will have no reason to deny him or herself anything. The notion was never passed down from the previous generation. Exercise a little restraint, can't ya?
OK, why should anyone deprive themselves of anything? Seems like a reasonable question. Well, for starters, if, in the extreme case, you got everything you asked for, you would never get to the point of truly wanting for something. However, without wanting something you can't have, at least right away, you don't set goals. And without goals you don't get anywhere. You are simply a full, soggy, sponge.
In addition, the spoiled rotten trait delivers a one-two punch. The spoiled individual may have little concept of the value of something. And worse still, the idea of having to save up for it and buy it on their own can seem ridiculous. Then there is the issue of generosity. How often is a spoiled individual truly generous? These and more negative characteristics can be attributed to someone who is spoiled rotten.
So my point is that as the guardian of all that is innocent and pure, being your child, you have the responsibility to think about such things and teach yourself how to control that which, if left unchecked, might put your child's life out of balance. If discussions with your spouse are called for and may cause some short term distress, better that than passing a bad apple down to your children to make them spoiled rotten.
I heard a remarkable phrase recently that I'd like to relate here. It had to do with ecology, global warming etc. "We did not inherit the earth from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children". And, in a way, I see this fitting in that we are the keepers of (their) childhood so that we can give it back healthy and strong.
About the Author
A father, coach and writer, I take a special interest in the well-being of children and attempt to show parents how to guide their kids in meaningful, productive endeavours. I am keenly aware of what might get a youth's attention and how to hold it. For more information you can visit my web-site at
If you've ever called your own child spoiled rotten, you should be ashamed of yourself. Call someone else's kid that, no problem, but not your own. Why? Because all we can see of someone else's child is a result, and it may be disturbing. Whereas in your own case, the child is the 'spoilee' and you are the 'spoiler'. OK, perhaps your spouse, but you both have some responsibility in it.
Your child is like a dry sponge, with thousands of little cavities waiting to be filled up. And around the child is a world bursting with candy, toys, activities, snacks, TV and computer games all eager to pounce. And who is in the middle? You, the gatekeeper. The key master. The valve.
Now, if you think about it, a sponge works so so when it is bone dry. It actually works a little better when slightly damp, but if the valve is broken, the sponge will fill to capacity quickly and become useless.
Granted, you can point a finger at your mate. He or she is the one who gives Bobby everything he wants. You've even argued about it from time to time, and the same thing is said every time. "Come on, it's just until 11:00", or "think of how happy it will make him", or "I never got one of these when I was a kid", or "OK, but just this once". Sound familiar?
Almost everyone is guilty of this lack of will power to some degree. Unfortunately, if a parent lacks will power, the child will lack even more. This will develop to the point that the child will have no reason to deny him or herself anything. The notion was never passed down from the previous generation. Exercise a little restraint, can't ya?
OK, why should anyone deprive themselves of anything? Seems like a reasonable question. Well, for starters, if, in the extreme case, you got everything you asked for, you would never get to the point of truly wanting for something. However, without wanting something you can't have, at least right away, you don't set goals. And without goals you don't get anywhere. You are simply a full, soggy, sponge.
In addition, the spoiled rotten trait delivers a one-two punch. The spoiled individual may have little concept of the value of something. And worse still, the idea of having to save up for it and buy it on their own can seem ridiculous. Then there is the issue of generosity. How often is a spoiled individual truly generous? These and more negative characteristics can be attributed to someone who is spoiled rotten.
So my point is that as the guardian of all that is innocent and pure, being your child, you have the responsibility to think about such things and teach yourself how to control that which, if left unchecked, might put your child's life out of balance. If discussions with your spouse are called for and may cause some short term distress, better that than passing a bad apple down to your children to make them spoiled rotten.
I heard a remarkable phrase recently that I'd like to relate here. It had to do with ecology, global warming etc. "We did not inherit the earth from our parents, we are borrowing it from our children". And, in a way, I see this fitting in that we are the keepers of (their) childhood so that we can give it back healthy and strong.
About the Author
A father, coach and writer, I take a special interest in the well-being of children and attempt to show parents how to guide their kids in meaningful, productive endeavours. I am keenly aware of what might get a youth's attention and how to hold it. For more information you can visit my web-site at
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know and How You can Help by Nathalie Fiset
Water Pollution: Everything You Need to Know and How You can Help by Nathalie Fiset
What do the human body and the planet earth have in common?
Water. If the human body has about two-thirds water, our planet has about 70% of it, which establishes the fact that water constitutes a major portion in both body masses. And that is what's alarming. If 70% of the earth's surface is made up of water, then humankind should have been very wary of anything that would pollute this major portion of the planet. Alas, the human race has done otherwise. Water pollution is now a global problem.
Today, water pollution is rampant and the chief source of water pollution is the human race. We are the very ones that need water most and, yet, we have polluted it, even to the brink of extinction.
There are many types of water pollutants but these can be segregated into four classifications: natural, agricultural, municipal and industrial pollutants. Natural water pollutants could include all the natural phenomena that happen from time to time such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes that cause major upheavals in the ocean floor and storms that cause flashfloods. Even global warming could be qualified as a cause of water pollution.
Agricultural pollution consists mainly of poultry and other agricultural animal wastes that are carelessly thrown off to bodies of water near farms. It could also be the fertilizers or pesticides that are used to make better crops, which erode into lakes, rivers or streams. Municipal wastes are those that come from residential areas. This is the liquid waste that households throw into bodies of water. Industrial pollution consists of all the wastes that major industrial firms chuck into the waters. This last classification is the most severe and most rampant among the three - and it is also the one that has caused the most damage. Industrial waste could include contaminants that are hard to take off from the waters once they spread - petroleum from oil spills or nuclear wastes.
The bodies of water in the world are in catastrophic danger, what with all the industries in the world today, plus our individual wastes all put together! No wonder mankind now drinks from bottles instead of just scooping water from running streams. The effects of water pollution to humanity is staggering. But we should also consider all the other life forms that suffer - the fishes and other animals such as birds, and plants. And what happens when humans eat the very fishes that live in polluted waters? Do you still want that answered?
But where there is life, there is hope. There is something that we can do - you can do - to save the only planet that we have. You could be an advocate, in your own simple way, of retrieving the lost beauty of oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. Here is a list that might get you to consider in fighting water pollution:
1. Primarily, you should prevent water pollution. Just like an illness, it is much simpler to prevent its occurrence rather than to cure. Begin at your own home. Make sure that you conserve water. You can never imagine the water shortages that happen all over the globe. So if you have a constant supply of water at home, use it wisely.
2. Plant trees (if circumstance would allow you). Having more trees or plants in your yard would prevent pollutants from flowing freely into nearby bodies of water. Since they keep the soil from eroding, water pollution or, at least, the quality of the water is improved.
3. Do not throw any form of garbage into any body of water. Sign up for any organization that aims in cleaning up beaches (or lakes, or streams). Be an active member of such organizations.
4. Never throw water pollutants down your sink or toilet bowl. Make sure to dispose wastewater properly. Think of the many septic tanks that contribute to water pollution. Now, 'get the picture?
Luckily, for all of us, there were concerned lawmakers out there that have made legislations on water pollution. The U.S. alone has several anti-water pollution laws such as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, which was amended in 1988. These laws prevent further damage to U.S. waters.
Although water pollution is an extensive problem, bridling it is still possible. And everything begins with each and every individual in each and every home. And yes, that population includes YOU.
About the Author
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What do the human body and the planet earth have in common?
Water. If the human body has about two-thirds water, our planet has about 70% of it, which establishes the fact that water constitutes a major portion in both body masses. And that is what's alarming. If 70% of the earth's surface is made up of water, then humankind should have been very wary of anything that would pollute this major portion of the planet. Alas, the human race has done otherwise. Water pollution is now a global problem.
Today, water pollution is rampant and the chief source of water pollution is the human race. We are the very ones that need water most and, yet, we have polluted it, even to the brink of extinction.
There are many types of water pollutants but these can be segregated into four classifications: natural, agricultural, municipal and industrial pollutants. Natural water pollutants could include all the natural phenomena that happen from time to time such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes that cause major upheavals in the ocean floor and storms that cause flashfloods. Even global warming could be qualified as a cause of water pollution.
Agricultural pollution consists mainly of poultry and other agricultural animal wastes that are carelessly thrown off to bodies of water near farms. It could also be the fertilizers or pesticides that are used to make better crops, which erode into lakes, rivers or streams. Municipal wastes are those that come from residential areas. This is the liquid waste that households throw into bodies of water. Industrial pollution consists of all the wastes that major industrial firms chuck into the waters. This last classification is the most severe and most rampant among the three - and it is also the one that has caused the most damage. Industrial waste could include contaminants that are hard to take off from the waters once they spread - petroleum from oil spills or nuclear wastes.
The bodies of water in the world are in catastrophic danger, what with all the industries in the world today, plus our individual wastes all put together! No wonder mankind now drinks from bottles instead of just scooping water from running streams. The effects of water pollution to humanity is staggering. But we should also consider all the other life forms that suffer - the fishes and other animals such as birds, and plants. And what happens when humans eat the very fishes that live in polluted waters? Do you still want that answered?
But where there is life, there is hope. There is something that we can do - you can do - to save the only planet that we have. You could be an advocate, in your own simple way, of retrieving the lost beauty of oceans, lakes, rivers and streams. Here is a list that might get you to consider in fighting water pollution:
1. Primarily, you should prevent water pollution. Just like an illness, it is much simpler to prevent its occurrence rather than to cure. Begin at your own home. Make sure that you conserve water. You can never imagine the water shortages that happen all over the globe. So if you have a constant supply of water at home, use it wisely.
2. Plant trees (if circumstance would allow you). Having more trees or plants in your yard would prevent pollutants from flowing freely into nearby bodies of water. Since they keep the soil from eroding, water pollution or, at least, the quality of the water is improved.
3. Do not throw any form of garbage into any body of water. Sign up for any organization that aims in cleaning up beaches (or lakes, or streams). Be an active member of such organizations.
4. Never throw water pollutants down your sink or toilet bowl. Make sure to dispose wastewater properly. Think of the many septic tanks that contribute to water pollution. Now, 'get the picture?
Luckily, for all of us, there were concerned lawmakers out there that have made legislations on water pollution. The U.S. alone has several anti-water pollution laws such as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, The Safe Drinking Water Act of 1974, and the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, which was amended in 1988. These laws prevent further damage to U.S. waters.
Although water pollution is an extensive problem, bridling it is still possible. And everything begins with each and every individual in each and every home. And yes, that population includes YOU.
About the Author
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Pope Benedict XVI Calls for Permanent World Wide Car Boycott by Karen Fish
Pope Benedict XVI Calls for Permanent World Wide Car Boycott by Karen Fish
In a stunning display of unity the world's religious leaders have come together led by Pope Benedict XVI to call for a permanent world wide Car boycott. At yesterday's Vatican Conference on Climate Change Pope Benedict XVI addressed world religious leaders, politicians and scientists. Here is the text of Pope Benedict XVI's remarks:
Pope Benedict XVI: "Imagine that you are a lawyer. A new client walks in the door and wants to sue Mr. X. Mr. X is your client. It is your obligation to tell the new client that you cannot act for him because you have a conflict of interest."
Pope Benedict XVI continued: "Many world governments have adopted a separation of Church and State. This means that the Government must be secular, separate from religion."
"Imagine that the air is gray and filled with poison caused by cars burning oil, gasoline. Now imagine that your political leaders are oil executives. Is this not like putting the fox in charge of the hen house? Is this not the ultimate conflict of interest? The oil executive political leaders lured by the allmighty dollar are putting their own finacial interests above the right of every person on earth to breathe air free from deadly poison."
"A cancer chemical shot out of a car's exhaust pipe hits a man, woman or child and then explodes inside of that person 10 years later in the form of a deadly cancer which eats the person alive from the inside until they die a prolonged and agonizing death. The time has come to stop wasting our money treating the symptoms of the cancer. The time has come to weed out the Root Cause of the cancer, the car. This is why we, the religious leaders of the world have come together today to demand an immediate permanent world wide car boycott."
Pope Benedict XVI continued: "Soon I will be traveling to New York City to address the United Nations. The United States of America is using an obscene 22 million barrels of oil per day, 12 million barrels of which are imported from Saudi Arabia. Four years ago the United States invaded Iraq to capture the Middle East's oil. No other country uses even 2 million barrels of oil per day. It is the burning of these fossil fuels which is causing the global warming catastrophe now upon us. It is this addiction to gasoline which is the root cause of the Iraq War now spreading to Iran and Nuclear World War 3. Every scientist here today knows that Nuclear World War 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will leave no survivors and will soon cause the extinction of life on earth forever at our human hands."
"God helps those who help themselves. God gave us all brains and it is time for us to use them. A dilemma is when a person has two choices, one bad and one worse. The lesson of the cross is personal sacrifice. Replacing cars with bicycles and bicycle paths will be painful in the beginning but this is how we will save the world ourselves. Humans lived for 5 million years without cars until 100 years ago. This proves that we can all live without cars again."
Pope Benedict XVI continued: "Disregard for the environment, the earth, water and air of which we are made will soon end our existence as a species and the rest of life on earth, God's planet, forever. The mastery of man over life on earth, God's creation has become despotic and senseless. We must safeguard life on earth, God's creation. We must preserve the rainforests. Trees and plants are our only source of oxygen. Humans and other animals will not be able to survive drinking man made deadly poison acid rain water."
"Our God carved in stone, "Do Not Murder". Poisoning the earth's air, water and earth is the ultimate world wide murder suicide of life on earth forever and in order to weed out the Root Cause of the problem we, the religious leaders of the world have come together today to call for an immediate permanent world wide car boycott. Stop buying cars immediately."
"This personal sacrifice by all of us now will save life on earth. Your continued purchase of cars will soon end life on earth forever because cars are the Root Cause of our biggest problems. Loving yourself and loving your neighbor does not include poisoning yourself and your neighbor to death and extinction with your car. When the earth returns to its original pristine pure clean condition your children and grandchildren will thank God that you stopped buying cars today."
Claire Foster, the environmental policy adviser to the Church of England said at the Vatican Conference on Climate Change yesterday, "The environment and religion is a no brainer but we are all only now realising it. The Church of England is 100% behind Pope Benedict XVI. It's only common sense. You cannot break the laws of nature but if you do it will break your back." The Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Sikh and all of the other religious leaders at the Vatican Conference on Climate Change yesterday unanimously backed the call for the immediate and permanent world wide car boycott.
About the Author
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love The International Society for the Study of Religion Nature and Culture
In a stunning display of unity the world's religious leaders have come together led by Pope Benedict XVI to call for a permanent world wide Car boycott. At yesterday's Vatican Conference on Climate Change Pope Benedict XVI addressed world religious leaders, politicians and scientists. Here is the text of Pope Benedict XVI's remarks:
Pope Benedict XVI: "Imagine that you are a lawyer. A new client walks in the door and wants to sue Mr. X. Mr. X is your client. It is your obligation to tell the new client that you cannot act for him because you have a conflict of interest."
Pope Benedict XVI continued: "Many world governments have adopted a separation of Church and State. This means that the Government must be secular, separate from religion."
"Imagine that the air is gray and filled with poison caused by cars burning oil, gasoline. Now imagine that your political leaders are oil executives. Is this not like putting the fox in charge of the hen house? Is this not the ultimate conflict of interest? The oil executive political leaders lured by the allmighty dollar are putting their own finacial interests above the right of every person on earth to breathe air free from deadly poison."
"A cancer chemical shot out of a car's exhaust pipe hits a man, woman or child and then explodes inside of that person 10 years later in the form of a deadly cancer which eats the person alive from the inside until they die a prolonged and agonizing death. The time has come to stop wasting our money treating the symptoms of the cancer. The time has come to weed out the Root Cause of the cancer, the car. This is why we, the religious leaders of the world have come together today to demand an immediate permanent world wide car boycott."
Pope Benedict XVI continued: "Soon I will be traveling to New York City to address the United Nations. The United States of America is using an obscene 22 million barrels of oil per day, 12 million barrels of which are imported from Saudi Arabia. Four years ago the United States invaded Iraq to capture the Middle East's oil. No other country uses even 2 million barrels of oil per day. It is the burning of these fossil fuels which is causing the global warming catastrophe now upon us. It is this addiction to gasoline which is the root cause of the Iraq War now spreading to Iran and Nuclear World War 3. Every scientist here today knows that Nuclear World War 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will leave no survivors and will soon cause the extinction of life on earth forever at our human hands."
"God helps those who help themselves. God gave us all brains and it is time for us to use them. A dilemma is when a person has two choices, one bad and one worse. The lesson of the cross is personal sacrifice. Replacing cars with bicycles and bicycle paths will be painful in the beginning but this is how we will save the world ourselves. Humans lived for 5 million years without cars until 100 years ago. This proves that we can all live without cars again."
Pope Benedict XVI continued: "Disregard for the environment, the earth, water and air of which we are made will soon end our existence as a species and the rest of life on earth, God's planet, forever. The mastery of man over life on earth, God's creation has become despotic and senseless. We must safeguard life on earth, God's creation. We must preserve the rainforests. Trees and plants are our only source of oxygen. Humans and other animals will not be able to survive drinking man made deadly poison acid rain water."
"Our God carved in stone, "Do Not Murder". Poisoning the earth's air, water and earth is the ultimate world wide murder suicide of life on earth forever and in order to weed out the Root Cause of the problem we, the religious leaders of the world have come together today to call for an immediate permanent world wide car boycott. Stop buying cars immediately."
"This personal sacrifice by all of us now will save life on earth. Your continued purchase of cars will soon end life on earth forever because cars are the Root Cause of our biggest problems. Loving yourself and loving your neighbor does not include poisoning yourself and your neighbor to death and extinction with your car. When the earth returns to its original pristine pure clean condition your children and grandchildren will thank God that you stopped buying cars today."
Claire Foster, the environmental policy adviser to the Church of England said at the Vatican Conference on Climate Change yesterday, "The environment and religion is a no brainer but we are all only now realising it. The Church of England is 100% behind Pope Benedict XVI. It's only common sense. You cannot break the laws of nature but if you do it will break your back." The Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, Sikh and all of the other religious leaders at the Vatican Conference on Climate Change yesterday unanimously backed the call for the immediate and permanent world wide car boycott.
About the Author
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love The International Society for the Study of Religion Nature and Culture
Global Warming by Sue C.
Global Warming by Sue C.
Global Warming
Global warming has become such a great concern. Many scientists and some authorities in some countries are trying to take measures to prevent it or slow it down. Some people have even suggested banning the light bulb because it contributes to global warming.
What should one think about global warming? Is there any truth to all that is being said, or is it all scare tactics? Does the Bible say anything about global warming?
Although it is not known for sure what the weather was like before the flood of Noah's day, there apparently was no severe hot or cold weather. It is often suggested that a greenhouse effect kept the earth at pleasant temperatures all the time.
However, after the flood, God made this promise to Noah, "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Genesis 8:22) In Psalm 74:17, the Bible says this about God, "Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter."
There is no doubt that there will one day be drastic changes in the earth, and the weather patterns will greatly change. Can man do anything to stop these changes? What does the Bible say?
One day the sun will become extremely hot. God will give power to angels to send plagues upon the earth. Men will be scorched by the heat of the sun. Revelation 16:8,9 says, "And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory."
God will also cause changes in the earth's water supply. In Revelation 8:10,11, the Bible says, "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." Revelation 16:3 says, "And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea."
God promises that the weather will be affected, and there will be a great earthquake, worse than any other earthquake that has ever occurred on the earth before it. Revelation 16:18 says, "And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." The face of the earth will be changed completely because of this earthquake. "And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great." (Revelation 18:20,21)
One day God will come down in great wrath to finish his judgment upon mankind. Revelation 6:12-17 says, "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
Do these words frighten you? They should if you do not know Jesus as your Saviour. One day the Lord is coming back to earth to receive His own. He will take all those who believe in Him to Heaven to live with Him for all eternity. (See I Thessalonians 4:16,17) Will you be going?
If you do not know Jesus as your Saviour you will be left behind. And if you have heard the gospel and rejected it, you will believe a lie. II Thessalonians 2:11,12 says, "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
Also, you will worship the beast and receive his mark in your hand or in your forehead. Revelation 13:11,12 says that the other beast that comes up out of the earth will cause those who dwell upon the earth to worship the beast. And verses 16 and 17 say, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
And in the end you will suffer the wrath of Almighty God because you worshipped the beast and rejected God. Because you did not trust in Jesus, "the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world," (John 1:29) you will suffer in the lake of fire for ever and ever. God's word says, "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:8)
How can you escape the terrible plagues that are coming? How can you escape the scorching sun and the bitter waters and the earthquakes and great hail? Repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow may be too late. "Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." (Isaiah 55:6,7)
Turn to God from your sin. Realize that your sin separates you from God. You cannot remove your own sin. You cannot get yourself to Heaven. Jesus has already done everything for you. It is finished. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." (Acts 16:31) "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
Yes, the globe will warm up. The weather patterns will be changed. But this does not need to concern you if you are saved, if you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
God has told us what will happen to the earth and to outer space in the end of time. He said, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (II Peter 3:10)
Where will you be when these things happen? Where will you spend eternity? Will you spend your life here on earth trying to battle global warming, trying to keep the earth from warming up? Or will you make preparations for eternity? Will you be content with a temporary home here on earth and eternity in the lake of fire? Or will you seek a heavenly city, one not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, a place where you may live in eternal joy and constant fellowship with God and the Lord Jesus Christ? Believe in Jesus today. He is ready to receive you.
All Scripture verses quoted from KJV
by Sue C.
About the Author
Through God's mercy and grace, I was saved at an early age. My parents were missionaries to Papua New Guinea and trained me up on the word of God. It is my desire to share the gospel with others and to encourage other Christians in the Lord.
Global Warming
Global warming has become such a great concern. Many scientists and some authorities in some countries are trying to take measures to prevent it or slow it down. Some people have even suggested banning the light bulb because it contributes to global warming.
What should one think about global warming? Is there any truth to all that is being said, or is it all scare tactics? Does the Bible say anything about global warming?
Although it is not known for sure what the weather was like before the flood of Noah's day, there apparently was no severe hot or cold weather. It is often suggested that a greenhouse effect kept the earth at pleasant temperatures all the time.
However, after the flood, God made this promise to Noah, "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." (Genesis 8:22) In Psalm 74:17, the Bible says this about God, "Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter."
There is no doubt that there will one day be drastic changes in the earth, and the weather patterns will greatly change. Can man do anything to stop these changes? What does the Bible say?
One day the sun will become extremely hot. God will give power to angels to send plagues upon the earth. Men will be scorched by the heat of the sun. Revelation 16:8,9 says, "And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire. And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory."
God will also cause changes in the earth's water supply. In Revelation 8:10,11, the Bible says, "And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." Revelation 16:3 says, "And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea."
God promises that the weather will be affected, and there will be a great earthquake, worse than any other earthquake that has ever occurred on the earth before it. Revelation 16:18 says, "And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great." The face of the earth will be changed completely because of this earthquake. "And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found. And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great." (Revelation 18:20,21)
One day God will come down in great wrath to finish his judgment upon mankind. Revelation 6:12-17 says, "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
Do these words frighten you? They should if you do not know Jesus as your Saviour. One day the Lord is coming back to earth to receive His own. He will take all those who believe in Him to Heaven to live with Him for all eternity. (See I Thessalonians 4:16,17) Will you be going?
If you do not know Jesus as your Saviour you will be left behind. And if you have heard the gospel and rejected it, you will believe a lie. II Thessalonians 2:11,12 says, "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
Also, you will worship the beast and receive his mark in your hand or in your forehead. Revelation 13:11,12 says that the other beast that comes up out of the earth will cause those who dwell upon the earth to worship the beast. And verses 16 and 17 say, "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
And in the end you will suffer the wrath of Almighty God because you worshipped the beast and rejected God. Because you did not trust in Jesus, "the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world," (John 1:29) you will suffer in the lake of fire for ever and ever. God's word says, "And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." (Revelation 20:8)
How can you escape the terrible plagues that are coming? How can you escape the scorching sun and the bitter waters and the earthquakes and great hail? Repent of your sins and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow may be too late. "Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon." (Isaiah 55:6,7)
Turn to God from your sin. Realize that your sin separates you from God. You cannot remove your own sin. You cannot get yourself to Heaven. Jesus has already done everything for you. It is finished. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved." (Acts 16:31) "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)
Yes, the globe will warm up. The weather patterns will be changed. But this does not need to concern you if you are saved, if you have trusted Jesus Christ as your Saviour.
God has told us what will happen to the earth and to outer space in the end of time. He said, "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." (II Peter 3:10)
Where will you be when these things happen? Where will you spend eternity? Will you spend your life here on earth trying to battle global warming, trying to keep the earth from warming up? Or will you make preparations for eternity? Will you be content with a temporary home here on earth and eternity in the lake of fire? Or will you seek a heavenly city, one not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, a place where you may live in eternal joy and constant fellowship with God and the Lord Jesus Christ? Believe in Jesus today. He is ready to receive you.
All Scripture verses quoted from KJV
by Sue C.
About the Author
Through God's mercy and grace, I was saved at an early age. My parents were missionaries to Papua New Guinea and trained me up on the word of God. It is my desire to share the gospel with others and to encourage other Christians in the Lord.
Seven Reasons For Not Buying A Hybrid Car by Erik Leipoldt
Seven Reasons For Not Buying A Hybrid Car by Erik Leipoldt
Looking to buy a hybrid car? Are you scouring the web for which are the best hybrid cars, what are the facts about hybrid cars, and perhaps even what are hybrid cars for sale on eBay?
Just hold on a moment and slow down. Of course, a hybrid car is a popular choice right now. And you're thinking that getting a hybrid vehicle is all about doing your bit about global warming and save money on fuel. It's a feel-good, win-win situation isn't it?
But is this true and is that all there is to it? Well, let's just say that there are at least seven good reasons why you should not buy a hybrid car.
Do you need a hybrid car? Have you thought about your purpose of using a car at all? Who, and how many passengers will be using the car? Driving in the city or in the country? Perhaps public transport, a bicycle or an electric scooter could fit your needs just as well.
Just because we're all used to the comfort of our air-conditioned boxes on wheels does not necessarily mean we need to continue the habit, does it? You don't really need a car, hybrid or other? Then the best thing you can do for the environment, and for your pocket, is not to buy one.
Would your hybrid hold its value? OK, so you know that hybrid car prices are above average but are inevitably coming down with a rapidly increasing demand. You also know that any tax incentives that may apply now may not continue forever. What does that mean? It means that you will not be able to sell your car at a premium price later, even though resale value is good now. So if you buy a hybrid because you think it will hold its value, don't count on that being true in five year's time.
Getting your money back by saving on fuel? This depends on your mileage and the model hybrid. Even in the best scenarios you will need five years before you recoup your purchase price. Don't buy a hybrid for economic reasons only.
What are your alternatives? Hybrid car technology is only one means of saving the environment and your money. Cars that drive on liquid petroleum gas (LPG) or natural liquid gas (NLG) do this too. Modern diesel vehicles run much cleaner than older models and biodiesel fuel is emerging rapidly as an alternative, not to mention ethanol blends.
So, if you cannot justify buying a hybrid car compared to what's locally available to you in alternative fuels, don't buy one.
Mechanical assistance? Many mechanics are not yet trained in maintaining a hybrid vehicle. Could you get yours repaired and maintained locally?
Hybrids ain't hybrids The hybrid car range includes SUVs. How many people really need one? Buying a hybrid to roll over the off-road environment seems a little incongruous. Don't buy one unless you absolutely cannot do without it for good reasons.
Saving the environment? You are probably like most people who buy a hybrid car because they want to do their bit about global warming. Right? Good for you. Hybrid cars are part of the future. But...
You cannot buy a sustainable world. Selling cars, whatever fuel they use, involves vast quantities of energy and emissions in mining metals, transportation, production and distribution. Whereas it is better to drive a hybrid car than a gasoline-driven one, don't expect to save the planet from global warming just by doing that.
It's a change in thinking that's needed, from seeing ourselves as independent consumers, to interdependent people who live in relationship to others and our environments. Once you and I know that we'll act more wisely in choosing Earth-friendly technologies that we really need.
Cannot afford to buy a hybrid? So what? Reach out to someone else who needs you today or volunteer in your local environment protection group. That's really putting your foot down in making a difference!
About the Author
Dr Erik Leipoldt has long been concerned about the effects of global warming. He uses his experience of severe disability in practical approaches towards alternate energy sources to survive and thrive with climate change. See
Looking to buy a hybrid car? Are you scouring the web for which are the best hybrid cars, what are the facts about hybrid cars, and perhaps even what are hybrid cars for sale on eBay?
Just hold on a moment and slow down. Of course, a hybrid car is a popular choice right now. And you're thinking that getting a hybrid vehicle is all about doing your bit about global warming and save money on fuel. It's a feel-good, win-win situation isn't it?
But is this true and is that all there is to it? Well, let's just say that there are at least seven good reasons why you should not buy a hybrid car.
Do you need a hybrid car? Have you thought about your purpose of using a car at all? Who, and how many passengers will be using the car? Driving in the city or in the country? Perhaps public transport, a bicycle or an electric scooter could fit your needs just as well.
Just because we're all used to the comfort of our air-conditioned boxes on wheels does not necessarily mean we need to continue the habit, does it? You don't really need a car, hybrid or other? Then the best thing you can do for the environment, and for your pocket, is not to buy one.
Would your hybrid hold its value? OK, so you know that hybrid car prices are above average but are inevitably coming down with a rapidly increasing demand. You also know that any tax incentives that may apply now may not continue forever. What does that mean? It means that you will not be able to sell your car at a premium price later, even though resale value is good now. So if you buy a hybrid because you think it will hold its value, don't count on that being true in five year's time.
Getting your money back by saving on fuel? This depends on your mileage and the model hybrid. Even in the best scenarios you will need five years before you recoup your purchase price. Don't buy a hybrid for economic reasons only.
What are your alternatives? Hybrid car technology is only one means of saving the environment and your money. Cars that drive on liquid petroleum gas (LPG) or natural liquid gas (NLG) do this too. Modern diesel vehicles run much cleaner than older models and biodiesel fuel is emerging rapidly as an alternative, not to mention ethanol blends.
So, if you cannot justify buying a hybrid car compared to what's locally available to you in alternative fuels, don't buy one.
Mechanical assistance? Many mechanics are not yet trained in maintaining a hybrid vehicle. Could you get yours repaired and maintained locally?
Hybrids ain't hybrids The hybrid car range includes SUVs. How many people really need one? Buying a hybrid to roll over the off-road environment seems a little incongruous. Don't buy one unless you absolutely cannot do without it for good reasons.
Saving the environment? You are probably like most people who buy a hybrid car because they want to do their bit about global warming. Right? Good for you. Hybrid cars are part of the future. But...
You cannot buy a sustainable world. Selling cars, whatever fuel they use, involves vast quantities of energy and emissions in mining metals, transportation, production and distribution. Whereas it is better to drive a hybrid car than a gasoline-driven one, don't expect to save the planet from global warming just by doing that.
It's a change in thinking that's needed, from seeing ourselves as independent consumers, to interdependent people who live in relationship to others and our environments. Once you and I know that we'll act more wisely in choosing Earth-friendly technologies that we really need.
Cannot afford to buy a hybrid? So what? Reach out to someone else who needs you today or volunteer in your local environment protection group. That's really putting your foot down in making a difference!
About the Author
Dr Erik Leipoldt has long been concerned about the effects of global warming. He uses his experience of severe disability in practical approaches towards alternate energy sources to survive and thrive with climate change. See
Global Warming and Y2K by George Lunt
Global Warming and Y2K by George Lunt
To earn a living, scientists or engineers must obtain funding for their projects. To get this funding, they are forced to become marketers and try to sell their ideas to their potential benefactors.
One good excuse for obtaining funding is to claim that at some future time a tragedy will befall the human race if something isn't done about it now. As long as there is enough data being created to signal impending doom, the influx of funds will continue to the ones performing the research.
Impending doom is good for the media too. Reporters have a lot to talk about; the more they scare the public, the more attention the public gives the media networks, and the more advertising dollars they get.
Politicians have to get involved too. The more laws they pass to save the world, the more the media-conditioned masses applaud their efforts and insure their reelection.
Let's look at what the media said would be a major tragedy, and how tens of billions of dollars were spent to avert it. The disaster never happened and lot of the money spent was wasted. This event should still be fresh in all but the youngest memories. It was labeled "Y2K" and ended just over seven years ago.
It came about because early mainframe computers were programmed using two digits to store the year instead of four. Thus "98" meant 1998 and "95" meant 1995. The older software would not know how to interpret "00"; it could mean 1900 or 2000. It was believed that some financial systems could crash if this problem was not corrected by the time the clock hit midnight bringing in the year 2000.
Many banks and financial institutions were aware of the problem and had it fixed or upgraded their software long before the end of the century.
With the help of the news media, "Y2K" turned into a serious business during the last decade of the twentieth century. Experts were often seen appearing on TV warning about the horrible things that would happen if every computerized device was not made "Y2K" compatible.
"Y2K" even made it to the movies. In the popular movie "Office Space" the main character, Peter Gibbons, was a "Y2K" engineer. "Y2K: The Movie" was a made-for-television movie released in late 1999 that depicted all the possible horrors that could occur because of "Y2K."
In 1999, I was working for the Chicago branch of a Technical College as a systems administrator. This college had over eighty branches throughout the U.S. and each branch got its policy from corporate headquarters. I was in charge of maintaining over 300 computers, the majority of which were used as student laboratory computers.
It was early in 1999, when the corporate directive came. All computers in school had to be made "Y2K" compatible. I tried to explain to the school director that it makes no sense to upgrade student lab computers, since they are not used in production and most of the PC software that the students run already recognized the year 2000. The experts have told them that the ROMs (Read Only Memories) had to be upgraded.
On the newer computers I was able to download a ROM update and flash the ROMs. On older computers the ROM chips had to be physically changed. We had to get "Y2K" engineers to come and change the chips. This service cost thousands of dollars. What really irritated me, was that requests for things the students or instructors really needed were always denied, instead the corporate idiots spent their money on useless upgrades. Undoubtedly, they must have made all their eighty schools "Y2K" compatible.
As 1999 drew to a close, rumors of impending doom became more prevalent. The media kept emphasizing the possibility of riots. People were buying bottled water, wood stoves, and other survival gear, expecting the worse.
Then the new century rolled in, and nothing happened. It is estimated that 300 billion dollars were spent trying to make everything "Y2K" compatible. I would guess that only a small fraction of the total expenditure was really necessary.
I also have a consulting business, and none of computers I own were made "Y2K" compatible nor did I recommend that my clients make any "Y2K" upgrades. I have never seen a "Y2K" problem, nor has any client reported one.
Now let's look at the present. In 2006 the former vice president and ex presidential candidate Al Gore released a documentary called "The Inconvenient Truth." This documentary discusses a phenomenon called global warming. According to the film scientists are saying that the earth's temperature is rising because of man's carbon dioxide emissions. This rise in temperature can have cataclysmic effects on our world.
The film received an Academy Award for best documentary. This revived Gore's career as a politician.
Experts are popping up throughout the world saying something must be done to avert disaster. The media has already assumed that most scientists agree that global warming is a reality and that we can expect dire consequences if we do not act.
Thus the new "Y2K" is born. This one can last more than ten years as long as the experts keep feeding the frenzy. Global Warming has now become a big business. As long as favorable data keeps being generated, the research keeps being funded and the media happily passes it on to the public.
The politicians are there to pass all the laws needed, no matter how ridiculous, to save the planet from impending doom. They can expect more votes from masses who have been thoroughly indoctrinated about the horrors of global warming from media propaganda.
Some scientists do not agree with the findings of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the United Nations group pushing global warming. They concur that currently the earth's surface temperature is warming. However, they contend that solar activity data correlates much closer to the increase of the earth's surface temperature than man's carbon dioxide emissions. They also say that the computer models used to predict future disasters are based on incomplete data and can't accurately foretell upcoming events.
I've seen the movie "The Inconvenient Truth." Gore tries to illustrate his point by using a standard IPCC hockey stick curve, that many critics dispute. The majority of the movie gives examples of the bad things that are happening supposedly because of global warming. But if the major premise is wrong, then his examples of extreme weather are just events based on the unpredictability of climate change. The film feels like it's more emotional than factual. It's seems entertaining enough as a documentary to deserve the academy award.
The opposition has several films out. The best one can be seen on Google video. It is called The Great Global Warming Swindle (1hr 14min). This film is much more informative than Gore's documentary, since it gives a thorough and very convincing explanation of why global warming opponent scientists believe that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels do not influence climate change.
Global warming is being marketed pretty much like "Y2K" was in the late nineties. Even Hollywood is capitalizing on it. The opening lines of the movie "AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001)" predict the melting of polar ice caps due to greenhouse gases and the flooding of cities like New York. More recently, "The Day After Tomorrow (2004)" predicted massive climate change because of unabated global warming.
I think that the scientists who oppose global warming present a much better case than the ones for it. But because global warming is "politically correct" these days, the opposition is largely ignored or accused of being paid by oil companies in order to sabotage the "inconvenient truth."
About the Author
George Lunt is someone who feels the world is getting too corporate. His writings relate the individual's struggle with big government and big corporations. His website is
This article is © George Lunt. All usage of this article must include a citation to the author and a link to
To earn a living, scientists or engineers must obtain funding for their projects. To get this funding, they are forced to become marketers and try to sell their ideas to their potential benefactors.
One good excuse for obtaining funding is to claim that at some future time a tragedy will befall the human race if something isn't done about it now. As long as there is enough data being created to signal impending doom, the influx of funds will continue to the ones performing the research.
Impending doom is good for the media too. Reporters have a lot to talk about; the more they scare the public, the more attention the public gives the media networks, and the more advertising dollars they get.
Politicians have to get involved too. The more laws they pass to save the world, the more the media-conditioned masses applaud their efforts and insure their reelection.
Let's look at what the media said would be a major tragedy, and how tens of billions of dollars were spent to avert it. The disaster never happened and lot of the money spent was wasted. This event should still be fresh in all but the youngest memories. It was labeled "Y2K" and ended just over seven years ago.
It came about because early mainframe computers were programmed using two digits to store the year instead of four. Thus "98" meant 1998 and "95" meant 1995. The older software would not know how to interpret "00"; it could mean 1900 or 2000. It was believed that some financial systems could crash if this problem was not corrected by the time the clock hit midnight bringing in the year 2000.
Many banks and financial institutions were aware of the problem and had it fixed or upgraded their software long before the end of the century.
With the help of the news media, "Y2K" turned into a serious business during the last decade of the twentieth century. Experts were often seen appearing on TV warning about the horrible things that would happen if every computerized device was not made "Y2K" compatible.
"Y2K" even made it to the movies. In the popular movie "Office Space" the main character, Peter Gibbons, was a "Y2K" engineer. "Y2K: The Movie" was a made-for-television movie released in late 1999 that depicted all the possible horrors that could occur because of "Y2K."
In 1999, I was working for the Chicago branch of a Technical College as a systems administrator. This college had over eighty branches throughout the U.S. and each branch got its policy from corporate headquarters. I was in charge of maintaining over 300 computers, the majority of which were used as student laboratory computers.
It was early in 1999, when the corporate directive came. All computers in school had to be made "Y2K" compatible. I tried to explain to the school director that it makes no sense to upgrade student lab computers, since they are not used in production and most of the PC software that the students run already recognized the year 2000. The experts have told them that the ROMs (Read Only Memories) had to be upgraded.
On the newer computers I was able to download a ROM update and flash the ROMs. On older computers the ROM chips had to be physically changed. We had to get "Y2K" engineers to come and change the chips. This service cost thousands of dollars. What really irritated me, was that requests for things the students or instructors really needed were always denied, instead the corporate idiots spent their money on useless upgrades. Undoubtedly, they must have made all their eighty schools "Y2K" compatible.
As 1999 drew to a close, rumors of impending doom became more prevalent. The media kept emphasizing the possibility of riots. People were buying bottled water, wood stoves, and other survival gear, expecting the worse.
Then the new century rolled in, and nothing happened. It is estimated that 300 billion dollars were spent trying to make everything "Y2K" compatible. I would guess that only a small fraction of the total expenditure was really necessary.
I also have a consulting business, and none of computers I own were made "Y2K" compatible nor did I recommend that my clients make any "Y2K" upgrades. I have never seen a "Y2K" problem, nor has any client reported one.
Now let's look at the present. In 2006 the former vice president and ex presidential candidate Al Gore released a documentary called "The Inconvenient Truth." This documentary discusses a phenomenon called global warming. According to the film scientists are saying that the earth's temperature is rising because of man's carbon dioxide emissions. This rise in temperature can have cataclysmic effects on our world.
The film received an Academy Award for best documentary. This revived Gore's career as a politician.
Experts are popping up throughout the world saying something must be done to avert disaster. The media has already assumed that most scientists agree that global warming is a reality and that we can expect dire consequences if we do not act.
Thus the new "Y2K" is born. This one can last more than ten years as long as the experts keep feeding the frenzy. Global Warming has now become a big business. As long as favorable data keeps being generated, the research keeps being funded and the media happily passes it on to the public.
The politicians are there to pass all the laws needed, no matter how ridiculous, to save the planet from impending doom. They can expect more votes from masses who have been thoroughly indoctrinated about the horrors of global warming from media propaganda.
Some scientists do not agree with the findings of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the United Nations group pushing global warming. They concur that currently the earth's surface temperature is warming. However, they contend that solar activity data correlates much closer to the increase of the earth's surface temperature than man's carbon dioxide emissions. They also say that the computer models used to predict future disasters are based on incomplete data and can't accurately foretell upcoming events.
I've seen the movie "The Inconvenient Truth." Gore tries to illustrate his point by using a standard IPCC hockey stick curve, that many critics dispute. The majority of the movie gives examples of the bad things that are happening supposedly because of global warming. But if the major premise is wrong, then his examples of extreme weather are just events based on the unpredictability of climate change. The film feels like it's more emotional than factual. It's seems entertaining enough as a documentary to deserve the academy award.
The opposition has several films out. The best one can be seen on Google video. It is called The Great Global Warming Swindle (1hr 14min). This film is much more informative than Gore's documentary, since it gives a thorough and very convincing explanation of why global warming opponent scientists believe that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels do not influence climate change.
Global warming is being marketed pretty much like "Y2K" was in the late nineties. Even Hollywood is capitalizing on it. The opening lines of the movie "AI: Artificial Intelligence (2001)" predict the melting of polar ice caps due to greenhouse gases and the flooding of cities like New York. More recently, "The Day After Tomorrow (2004)" predicted massive climate change because of unabated global warming.
I think that the scientists who oppose global warming present a much better case than the ones for it. But because global warming is "politically correct" these days, the opposition is largely ignored or accused of being paid by oil companies in order to sabotage the "inconvenient truth."
About the Author
George Lunt is someone who feels the world is getting too corporate. His writings relate the individual's struggle with big government and big corporations. His website is
This article is © George Lunt. All usage of this article must include a citation to the author and a link to
Global Warming: What's all the hype? by Lisa Barnard
Global Warming: What's all the hype? by Lisa Barnard
We're in a countdown to extinction, and melting icebergs, climbing temperatures, and escalating panic about vanishing animal populations have inspired a buzz-worthy global warming frenzy -- rife with warnings, stories and suggestions to help us save the world. Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," brought the climate crisis and its immediate impact into focus for many an unsuspecting moviegoer, and, as the telltale signs of global warming begin to appear before our eyes, news organizations and advocacy groups across the country are jumping aboard the conservation express.
Call the fight against global warming what you will - a political strategy, a fool's errand, a liberal agenda - but there's no denying that global warming is real and is happening now. It's our fault, and we're the ones who have to stop it if we want to survive.
You've heard the same speeches from the same advocates over and over again, and you've got the buzzwords entrenched in your brain - emission reduction, greenhouse gases, fossil fuels. The climate crisis saturates the news, as we learn that the polar bears are dying off, Greenland's melting away, and hotter temperatures are causing natural disasters that are destroying our land and our loved ones. But buzz is one thing, and action's something else. What can we do, both on a national and individual level, to help stop global warming?
This week, California took a first step in reducing carbon dioxide emissions by passing a bill requiring all gasoline sold in California to contain 10 percent ethanol, a gas made from corn that requires less petroleum than fossil fuels.
Why not make the switch nationally, and require all refineries to meet new, cleaner, earth-friendly standards? Some Senate lawmakers propose that we need a shift in our national goals. Instead of focusing on increased oil production, we need to try to stop global warming on a national level. Let's pass bills that channel oil subsidy money into renewable energy instead.
But it's not just lawmakers who can take steps to reduce global warming. You have the power to help save the world too. Lead by example, and encourage your friends and family to go green and stop global warming. Here are a few things you can do:
1. Use power strips at home, and switch off the power to your appliances when you're not using them. Anything that's plugged in uses energy even if it's turned off. Flip the switch. 2. Put a water bottle full of pennies in the tank of your toilet to save gallons of water per flush. 3. If you have to drive instead of taking public transportation, check the air in your tires. When your car's tuned up, it gets better gas mileage. 4. Recycle, recycle, recycle. How many times do you have to hear it? Recycling isn't that difficult to do, and recycling a single soda can saves enough energy to watch six hours of TV.
There are countless other things you can do to help save the environment. Don't leave it all up to the lawmakers and politicians, since they need public support if they want to get anything done. Global warming is real, and it's happening now. So be a superhero. Save the world. Someone's got to.
To read more about global warming and how to go green, visit GreenerFAQs, or
About the Author
Lisa Barnard is a technophile, blogger and web surfer who cares about the environment and wants to stop global warming. Find more information at
We're in a countdown to extinction, and melting icebergs, climbing temperatures, and escalating panic about vanishing animal populations have inspired a buzz-worthy global warming frenzy -- rife with warnings, stories and suggestions to help us save the world. Al Gore's Oscar-winning documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth," brought the climate crisis and its immediate impact into focus for many an unsuspecting moviegoer, and, as the telltale signs of global warming begin to appear before our eyes, news organizations and advocacy groups across the country are jumping aboard the conservation express.
Call the fight against global warming what you will - a political strategy, a fool's errand, a liberal agenda - but there's no denying that global warming is real and is happening now. It's our fault, and we're the ones who have to stop it if we want to survive.
You've heard the same speeches from the same advocates over and over again, and you've got the buzzwords entrenched in your brain - emission reduction, greenhouse gases, fossil fuels. The climate crisis saturates the news, as we learn that the polar bears are dying off, Greenland's melting away, and hotter temperatures are causing natural disasters that are destroying our land and our loved ones. But buzz is one thing, and action's something else. What can we do, both on a national and individual level, to help stop global warming?
This week, California took a first step in reducing carbon dioxide emissions by passing a bill requiring all gasoline sold in California to contain 10 percent ethanol, a gas made from corn that requires less petroleum than fossil fuels.
Why not make the switch nationally, and require all refineries to meet new, cleaner, earth-friendly standards? Some Senate lawmakers propose that we need a shift in our national goals. Instead of focusing on increased oil production, we need to try to stop global warming on a national level. Let's pass bills that channel oil subsidy money into renewable energy instead.
But it's not just lawmakers who can take steps to reduce global warming. You have the power to help save the world too. Lead by example, and encourage your friends and family to go green and stop global warming. Here are a few things you can do:
1. Use power strips at home, and switch off the power to your appliances when you're not using them. Anything that's plugged in uses energy even if it's turned off. Flip the switch. 2. Put a water bottle full of pennies in the tank of your toilet to save gallons of water per flush. 3. If you have to drive instead of taking public transportation, check the air in your tires. When your car's tuned up, it gets better gas mileage. 4. Recycle, recycle, recycle. How many times do you have to hear it? Recycling isn't that difficult to do, and recycling a single soda can saves enough energy to watch six hours of TV.
There are countless other things you can do to help save the environment. Don't leave it all up to the lawmakers and politicians, since they need public support if they want to get anything done. Global warming is real, and it's happening now. So be a superhero. Save the world. Someone's got to.
To read more about global warming and how to go green, visit GreenerFAQs, or
About the Author
Lisa Barnard is a technophile, blogger and web surfer who cares about the environment and wants to stop global warming. Find more information at
Meatism: Earth Enemy Number One by Jeff Popick
Meatism: Earth Enemy Number One by Jeff Popick
We all know that our planet is in serious trouble. The fact that you really care is great, so take this one-question test to find out if you are a true environmentalist: So what did you have for dinner last night? Not to worry, I'm not trying to get chummy, it's just that one simple question is actually the whole test. Yep, that's right. What you had for dinner last night is the determining factor on whether or not you are a true environmentalist.
By far, the number one cause of our environmental problems is meat (and dairy). Meat is the cause of the destruction of the rain forests. Some people think that rain forests are being cut down so that we can reap the lumber, and also to make paper products such as toilet paper from the trees. While lumber and paper can be byproducts from the trees, you must remember that they are just that - byproducts. The main product, and the real reason for cutting down the forests, is to create more land that we can use to raise animals headed for human consumption and to grow more feed for those animals.
Without these trees to filter carbon from the air, global warming becomes a grave issue. Further, the methane gases released from the animal agriculture makes matters far worse. But it doesn't stop there. Without trees, topsoil has nothing stabilizing it and so it erodes into our water supplies. To add insult to injury, animal agriculture actually depletes the viability of the soil that's left and, therefore, meat production requires an ever-widening swath of land.
Topsoil erosion is poisoning our oceans and killing off vast amounts of marine life, such as coral reefs and fish. We now have vast areas in our oceans that are termed "dead spots." These are huge areas in our oceans, miles and miles wide, where literally nothing lives or grows. You should remember that water is truly the elixir of life and what we do to the oceans we do to ourselves - eventually.
Until we each learn the truth, we may find ourselves sitting down in a McDonalds with some friends to discuss how to save the planet over a meal of hamburgers or chicken nuggets. Sorry to say, but that's like trying to save a suffocating man by sitting on his chest while reading a book on how to best get oxygen into his lungs.
Most of us can get caught up in technologies like recycling, which are great, but let's put things in their proper perspective. Recycling cans, bottles, aluminum foil and plastic wraps does nothing to save a planet that is being destroyed from the inside out by meat production and consumption. Recycling while eating meat won't amount to a pile of beans. Whereas give up meat and dairy, and recycling becomes a useful tool in maintaining a healthy planet.
And this is where you probably know the rest of the story, such as polar ice caps melting, heating of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere, animals dying off, world hunger (ironically also caused by meat), etc. And by the way, another sad fact is the trees of the rain forests are rarely used for lumber or paper. They are usually just burned, which dispenses even more carbon into the atmosphere. Now that you know the real truth behind the demise of our planet, and if you care to become a true environmentalist, you must stop eating meat and dairy. You will find that you don't have to "save the planet" per se, you'll simply not be killing it. The fact is the Earth will be here for millions of years, but we might not be unless we immediately change our ways.
While you probably already knew that a vegan diet is the healthiest for the human body, you should now also know that it is the only healthy and sustainable diet for the planet.
About the Author
Jeff Popick, also known as "The Vegan Sage," is a keen visionary and one of the leading experts on the diverse effects our diet has on our health, environment, society and even our spirituality. Jeff is also a millionaire businessman and passionate author & speaker. For more info you can go to or
We all know that our planet is in serious trouble. The fact that you really care is great, so take this one-question test to find out if you are a true environmentalist: So what did you have for dinner last night? Not to worry, I'm not trying to get chummy, it's just that one simple question is actually the whole test. Yep, that's right. What you had for dinner last night is the determining factor on whether or not you are a true environmentalist.
By far, the number one cause of our environmental problems is meat (and dairy). Meat is the cause of the destruction of the rain forests. Some people think that rain forests are being cut down so that we can reap the lumber, and also to make paper products such as toilet paper from the trees. While lumber and paper can be byproducts from the trees, you must remember that they are just that - byproducts. The main product, and the real reason for cutting down the forests, is to create more land that we can use to raise animals headed for human consumption and to grow more feed for those animals.
Without these trees to filter carbon from the air, global warming becomes a grave issue. Further, the methane gases released from the animal agriculture makes matters far worse. But it doesn't stop there. Without trees, topsoil has nothing stabilizing it and so it erodes into our water supplies. To add insult to injury, animal agriculture actually depletes the viability of the soil that's left and, therefore, meat production requires an ever-widening swath of land.
Topsoil erosion is poisoning our oceans and killing off vast amounts of marine life, such as coral reefs and fish. We now have vast areas in our oceans that are termed "dead spots." These are huge areas in our oceans, miles and miles wide, where literally nothing lives or grows. You should remember that water is truly the elixir of life and what we do to the oceans we do to ourselves - eventually.
Until we each learn the truth, we may find ourselves sitting down in a McDonalds with some friends to discuss how to save the planet over a meal of hamburgers or chicken nuggets. Sorry to say, but that's like trying to save a suffocating man by sitting on his chest while reading a book on how to best get oxygen into his lungs.
Most of us can get caught up in technologies like recycling, which are great, but let's put things in their proper perspective. Recycling cans, bottles, aluminum foil and plastic wraps does nothing to save a planet that is being destroyed from the inside out by meat production and consumption. Recycling while eating meat won't amount to a pile of beans. Whereas give up meat and dairy, and recycling becomes a useful tool in maintaining a healthy planet.
And this is where you probably know the rest of the story, such as polar ice caps melting, heating of the Earth's oceans and atmosphere, animals dying off, world hunger (ironically also caused by meat), etc. And by the way, another sad fact is the trees of the rain forests are rarely used for lumber or paper. They are usually just burned, which dispenses even more carbon into the atmosphere. Now that you know the real truth behind the demise of our planet, and if you care to become a true environmentalist, you must stop eating meat and dairy. You will find that you don't have to "save the planet" per se, you'll simply not be killing it. The fact is the Earth will be here for millions of years, but we might not be unless we immediately change our ways.
While you probably already knew that a vegan diet is the healthiest for the human body, you should now also know that it is the only healthy and sustainable diet for the planet.
About the Author
Jeff Popick, also known as "The Vegan Sage," is a keen visionary and one of the leading experts on the diverse effects our diet has on our health, environment, society and even our spirituality. Jeff is also a millionaire businessman and passionate author & speaker. For more info you can go to or
The Simple Solution to Global Warming, Gas Prices and Health Care Costs in 900 Words or Less by Patrick Rafferty
The Simple Solution to Global Warming, Gas Prices and Health Care Costs in 900 Words or
Less by Patrick Rafferty
Why are gas prices so high?
Because the supply is low and the demand is high
So what are we going to do about it?
Really, if you want to do anything about the high gas prices, what we have to do is help to cut the demand. It's as simple as that. And how do we do this? Well for one, we could stop using so much gas! People have become wasteful and lazy. And you can only blame yourself for doing your part to use so much gas.
You could walk or ride a bicycle every now and then but it's too hard, or your too old, it takes too much time. You can make up whatever excuse you want, but people are wasteful and lazy simply because we love our cars so much. Many of us could even buy one of those economical scooters that get high gas mileage but those are un-cool. We could start taking the bus every now and then but it's too incontinent or your too proud or good for that sort of thing. We could carpool more or we could even walk to the store instead of driving once in a while. Whatever way you choose to help to help out, if everybody all got together and took an alternative method of transportation from point A to point B once a week, whatever way it is, we would cut gas consumption just enough to bring gas prices down just a little bit.
The more we did this the lower the price would be. If everybody all got together and at least put a little bit of responsibility upon themselves to use just a little less gas, watch and see what would happen.
If everybody all got together and simply cut a little bit of driving time out of their lives the supply would increase, demand would drop and prices would go down. Not to mention the health benefits from this, as America has an obesity problem to consider. Why? Because people, in their arrogance, have grown lazy over the years. They drive to McDonalds for that cheeseburger and I'll be damned if they even have to get out of their car to do it meanwhile their car is idling in a line with ten others just for the convince, while the counter inside is pretty much empty. Hmm, imagine that.
Think about it, do you think that Jared from the Subway commercials would have lost all that weight if he had driven to Subway every day? No! He got up off his ass and walked. And by doing this, he saved money that wasn't put in the gas tank of his car which helped him to support his Subway diet, I would imagine. And today he is a much healthier person because of it.
So if we all pitched in and did this! Do you know what else would be cut? Health care costs. Why? Because statistically speaking and as plain old common sense should tell you, people who walk from point A to point B are healthier because they get the exercise from doing it, and healthier people have less of a need for health care. Walk around the block instead of driving and you might just shed a few of those unwanted pounds and then you're less likely to have a heart attack too. So perhaps your insurance premiums might just go down a little bit as well because you took a little bit of the responsibility for your own health upon yourself by helping to cut gas prices. Either way, they're all making a profit but since the demand for health care and gas would go down, so would the price. So you can blame President Bush or Iraq or the CEO's or whoever you want but at least part of it is your own damn fault. So there!
Then there are the environmental benefits to consider. Less driving would mean less of those greenhouse gasses responsible for global warming. So if you do your part to help to bring gas prices and health care costs down, you will also help to save the world for the future of your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren etc. Think of what a hero you would be to them. The earth might just be able to sustain life just a little bit longer, simply because you helped to cut health care costs and gas prices.
Now they've hurt us, so let's get those profiteers back by not only using less gas, lowering health care costs, and saving the world, but you would save money too! Imagine that.
We are in this together people. So please help to do your part. And Share this simple solution to all of these problems with everybody you know.
About the Author
Patrick Rafferty is otherwise known as the Blogmaster of and Also webmaster for When he's not doing all that, he's a computer tech and sales person at a regular job. For more information on gas prices visit
Less by Patrick Rafferty
Why are gas prices so high?
Because the supply is low and the demand is high
So what are we going to do about it?
Really, if you want to do anything about the high gas prices, what we have to do is help to cut the demand. It's as simple as that. And how do we do this? Well for one, we could stop using so much gas! People have become wasteful and lazy. And you can only blame yourself for doing your part to use so much gas.
You could walk or ride a bicycle every now and then but it's too hard, or your too old, it takes too much time. You can make up whatever excuse you want, but people are wasteful and lazy simply because we love our cars so much. Many of us could even buy one of those economical scooters that get high gas mileage but those are un-cool. We could start taking the bus every now and then but it's too incontinent or your too proud or good for that sort of thing. We could carpool more or we could even walk to the store instead of driving once in a while. Whatever way you choose to help to help out, if everybody all got together and took an alternative method of transportation from point A to point B once a week, whatever way it is, we would cut gas consumption just enough to bring gas prices down just a little bit.
The more we did this the lower the price would be. If everybody all got together and at least put a little bit of responsibility upon themselves to use just a little less gas, watch and see what would happen.
If everybody all got together and simply cut a little bit of driving time out of their lives the supply would increase, demand would drop and prices would go down. Not to mention the health benefits from this, as America has an obesity problem to consider. Why? Because people, in their arrogance, have grown lazy over the years. They drive to McDonalds for that cheeseburger and I'll be damned if they even have to get out of their car to do it meanwhile their car is idling in a line with ten others just for the convince, while the counter inside is pretty much empty. Hmm, imagine that.
Think about it, do you think that Jared from the Subway commercials would have lost all that weight if he had driven to Subway every day? No! He got up off his ass and walked. And by doing this, he saved money that wasn't put in the gas tank of his car which helped him to support his Subway diet, I would imagine. And today he is a much healthier person because of it.
So if we all pitched in and did this! Do you know what else would be cut? Health care costs. Why? Because statistically speaking and as plain old common sense should tell you, people who walk from point A to point B are healthier because they get the exercise from doing it, and healthier people have less of a need for health care. Walk around the block instead of driving and you might just shed a few of those unwanted pounds and then you're less likely to have a heart attack too. So perhaps your insurance premiums might just go down a little bit as well because you took a little bit of the responsibility for your own health upon yourself by helping to cut gas prices. Either way, they're all making a profit but since the demand for health care and gas would go down, so would the price. So you can blame President Bush or Iraq or the CEO's or whoever you want but at least part of it is your own damn fault. So there!
Then there are the environmental benefits to consider. Less driving would mean less of those greenhouse gasses responsible for global warming. So if you do your part to help to bring gas prices and health care costs down, you will also help to save the world for the future of your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren etc. Think of what a hero you would be to them. The earth might just be able to sustain life just a little bit longer, simply because you helped to cut health care costs and gas prices.
Now they've hurt us, so let's get those profiteers back by not only using less gas, lowering health care costs, and saving the world, but you would save money too! Imagine that.
We are in this together people. So please help to do your part. And Share this simple solution to all of these problems with everybody you know.
About the Author
Patrick Rafferty is otherwise known as the Blogmaster of and Also webmaster for When he's not doing all that, he's a computer tech and sales person at a regular job. For more information on gas prices visit
How To Really Save Planet Earth: A Test About Al Gore by Jeff Popick
How To Really Save Planet Earth: A Test About Al Gore by Jeff Popick
If you really want to bring the Earth back from the brink of disaster, who should you be listening to?
A. Al Gore of "Live Earth" and "An Inconvenient Truth" B. Diane Sawyer of ABC's "Seven Ways to Help Save the World" C. Michael Brune of "Rain Forest Action Network" D. Conservative commentator Glenn Beck of "CNN Headline News"
"An Inconvenient Truth" left out the most inconvenient truth of all, and the Live Earth concerts were an environmental joke (and the music was really bad, too). Ms. Sawyer's suggestion to cut back on toilet paper is a bit of poo itself. Then, with a golden opportunity to enlighten and empower Americans, Michael Brune of the Rain Forest Action Network only highlighted the problem with even our "environmental" groups. Therefore, and by way of deductive reasoning, the answer must be ... and is ... (drum roll, please) ... Glenn Beck. Yep, that's right. Glenn Beck, the ultra-conservative, speaks out on CNN Headline News while interviewing Michael Brune and tells people how to really save the environment.
In speaking about the Live Earth concerts, Glenn said, "There's nowhere in here about vegetarianism or anything like that, that would make a real impact on the environment ... It is animal gases that produce more CO2 than any of the cars we're driving."
To which Michael Brune disagreed. Michael? HUH? Earth to Michael ... Come in, Michael.
The fact is, a HUGE portion of our environmental problems come from eating meat and dairy (and from producing meat and dairy), and Glenn Beck, of all people, hit the nail square on the head. Global warming, rain forest destruction, coral reefs dying off, topsoil erosion, poisoned water and polluted air are all a result of animal agriculture, and everybody - including our "environmental" groups - refuses to connect these dots. Thanks, Glenn, for doing what Al Gore, Diane Sawyer and even Michael Brune have refused to do.
"A report released by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization last November charged that raising livestock produced more "greenhouse gases" globally than the international transportation system."
The U.N. report tells of a tragedy in the making on everyone's dinner plates, and it doesn't stop there; global warming concerns are now keeping kids up at night.
Kids, and all Americans, need to know that they are the empowered ones. This is not a political or governmental issue. WE, each of us, has a hand in global warming, and, therefore, its cure. If we stop eating animals and their secretions, we will stop killing the planet. It is as simple as that. Concerts galore, one million TV shows on the "Top Seven Ways ..." and pseudo-environmentalists be damned. Without veganism for all people, nothing else can possibly save our doomed planet. The great news is, if we each switch to eating a vegan diet, we will no longer have to "save the planet." Veganism allows the planet to save itself. Major kudos to Glenn Beck.
About the Author
Jeff Popick, known as "The Vegan Sage," is a keen visionary & a leading expert on the diverse effects our diet has on our health & environment. Jeff is putting together a contest for students with a grand prize of one million dollars called "The Great Earth Contest," aimed at enlightening kids on the cause of our planet's problems - and the real solution. For more info go to or http://www.The
If you really want to bring the Earth back from the brink of disaster, who should you be listening to?
A. Al Gore of "Live Earth" and "An Inconvenient Truth" B. Diane Sawyer of ABC's "Seven Ways to Help Save the World" C. Michael Brune of "Rain Forest Action Network" D. Conservative commentator Glenn Beck of "CNN Headline News"
"An Inconvenient Truth" left out the most inconvenient truth of all, and the Live Earth concerts were an environmental joke (and the music was really bad, too). Ms. Sawyer's suggestion to cut back on toilet paper is a bit of poo itself. Then, with a golden opportunity to enlighten and empower Americans, Michael Brune of the Rain Forest Action Network only highlighted the problem with even our "environmental" groups. Therefore, and by way of deductive reasoning, the answer must be ... and is ... (drum roll, please) ... Glenn Beck. Yep, that's right. Glenn Beck, the ultra-conservative, speaks out on CNN Headline News while interviewing Michael Brune and tells people how to really save the environment.
In speaking about the Live Earth concerts, Glenn said, "There's nowhere in here about vegetarianism or anything like that, that would make a real impact on the environment ... It is animal gases that produce more CO2 than any of the cars we're driving."
To which Michael Brune disagreed. Michael? HUH? Earth to Michael ... Come in, Michael.
The fact is, a HUGE portion of our environmental problems come from eating meat and dairy (and from producing meat and dairy), and Glenn Beck, of all people, hit the nail square on the head. Global warming, rain forest destruction, coral reefs dying off, topsoil erosion, poisoned water and polluted air are all a result of animal agriculture, and everybody - including our "environmental" groups - refuses to connect these dots. Thanks, Glenn, for doing what Al Gore, Diane Sawyer and even Michael Brune have refused to do.
"A report released by the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization last November charged that raising livestock produced more "greenhouse gases" globally than the international transportation system."
The U.N. report tells of a tragedy in the making on everyone's dinner plates, and it doesn't stop there; global warming concerns are now keeping kids up at night.
Kids, and all Americans, need to know that they are the empowered ones. This is not a political or governmental issue. WE, each of us, has a hand in global warming, and, therefore, its cure. If we stop eating animals and their secretions, we will stop killing the planet. It is as simple as that. Concerts galore, one million TV shows on the "Top Seven Ways ..." and pseudo-environmentalists be damned. Without veganism for all people, nothing else can possibly save our doomed planet. The great news is, if we each switch to eating a vegan diet, we will no longer have to "save the planet." Veganism allows the planet to save itself. Major kudos to Glenn Beck.
About the Author
Jeff Popick, known as "The Vegan Sage," is a keen visionary & a leading expert on the diverse effects our diet has on our health & environment. Jeff is putting together a contest for students with a grand prize of one million dollars called "The Great Earth Contest," aimed at enlightening kids on the cause of our planet's problems - and the real solution. For more info go to or http://www.The
How electric scooters contribute to the greener tomorrow. by Dennis
How electric scooters contribute to the greener tomorrow. by Dennis
Smoke is a by-product of incomplete combustion which oozes from the tail pipe of the vehicle. This incomplete combustion increases the quantity of certain toxic chemicals discharged through smoke by vehicles into the air. These chemicals can be harmful to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. This has resulted in to the increase in the number of hospital admissions for respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Smog is also a kind of air pollution which is caused by automobile exhaust emissions.
The solution to reduce the air pollution has now been found in the form of electric scoters. The electric scooter is the fun way to save the environment. It's clean, green and economical vehicle. Unlike fuel run scooters, the electric scooters have no emissions so no fumes and smoke and you stay clean and so does the air around. In a way you would be contributing to reduce smog and global warming. They do not require gas, as they run on battery which makes them cheaper to operate and environmentally friendly. And the batteries that make the scooter run are 100% recyclable. They often last several years. The only cost you need to incur is on charging the battery. We all would like to breath clean and fresh air and also we would love to give our next generation a clean and green environment, so why not opt for such a vehicle? In fact electric scooters are fast becoming the transportation of choice by many people, especially those wanting to reduce pollution. And it is likely to become more accessible and affordable in the years to come.
You can find gas powered scooters, but electric motor scooters have outnumbered the gas and petrol scooters as they are more convenient and economical compared to other scooters. This is because these scooters neither require gas nor petrol. All you need to do is plug the electric motor scooter into an electrical outlet and wait a couple of hours for it recharge fully. After which, you can start enjoying quick errands and short trips to the grocery store. Unlike gas/petrol operated scooters, electric scooters are so compact that you can access with them on public transports like planes, buses and trains. There are lots of electric scooter models in the market today. The electric scooters are designed for the convenience of handicapped or aged people who have difficulty in moving around. Also the others including young girls and boys under 15 can ride the electric scooters as these scooters do not require a licence or registration. If you want something that requires a little less effort to get around on and also help you save planet earth, then look no further than this little beauty.
There may be a scooter store close to you. Bernsonev E.V. is a renowned dealer of all popular brands of electric scooters which sells electric vehicles including electric scooters online through internet. You can visit their website:, and check out what's available in this most comprehensive online electric scooter store to get yours. Any query related to the electric scooters would be gladly honoured by the expert sales staff of Bernsonev. Once you visit their online store, you would definitely not stop yourself buying one electric scooter remaining at your home. You can even pay online and get the delivery at your doorstep.
About the Author
Economical, Quiet, Clean, Green and No Gasoline. Electric Bikes And Scooters at Bernson EV
Bernson EV (Electric Vehicles) has been in the business of selling and repairing Electric Bikes and Electric Scooters since 2001.
Smoke is a by-product of incomplete combustion which oozes from the tail pipe of the vehicle. This incomplete combustion increases the quantity of certain toxic chemicals discharged through smoke by vehicles into the air. These chemicals can be harmful to the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. This has resulted in to the increase in the number of hospital admissions for respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Smog is also a kind of air pollution which is caused by automobile exhaust emissions.
The solution to reduce the air pollution has now been found in the form of electric scoters. The electric scooter is the fun way to save the environment. It's clean, green and economical vehicle. Unlike fuel run scooters, the electric scooters have no emissions so no fumes and smoke and you stay clean and so does the air around. In a way you would be contributing to reduce smog and global warming. They do not require gas, as they run on battery which makes them cheaper to operate and environmentally friendly. And the batteries that make the scooter run are 100% recyclable. They often last several years. The only cost you need to incur is on charging the battery. We all would like to breath clean and fresh air and also we would love to give our next generation a clean and green environment, so why not opt for such a vehicle? In fact electric scooters are fast becoming the transportation of choice by many people, especially those wanting to reduce pollution. And it is likely to become more accessible and affordable in the years to come.
You can find gas powered scooters, but electric motor scooters have outnumbered the gas and petrol scooters as they are more convenient and economical compared to other scooters. This is because these scooters neither require gas nor petrol. All you need to do is plug the electric motor scooter into an electrical outlet and wait a couple of hours for it recharge fully. After which, you can start enjoying quick errands and short trips to the grocery store. Unlike gas/petrol operated scooters, electric scooters are so compact that you can access with them on public transports like planes, buses and trains. There are lots of electric scooter models in the market today. The electric scooters are designed for the convenience of handicapped or aged people who have difficulty in moving around. Also the others including young girls and boys under 15 can ride the electric scooters as these scooters do not require a licence or registration. If you want something that requires a little less effort to get around on and also help you save planet earth, then look no further than this little beauty.
There may be a scooter store close to you. Bernsonev E.V. is a renowned dealer of all popular brands of electric scooters which sells electric vehicles including electric scooters online through internet. You can visit their website:, and check out what's available in this most comprehensive online electric scooter store to get yours. Any query related to the electric scooters would be gladly honoured by the expert sales staff of Bernsonev. Once you visit their online store, you would definitely not stop yourself buying one electric scooter remaining at your home. You can even pay online and get the delivery at your doorstep.
About the Author
Economical, Quiet, Clean, Green and No Gasoline. Electric Bikes And Scooters at Bernson EV
Bernson EV (Electric Vehicles) has been in the business of selling and repairing Electric Bikes and Electric Scooters since 2001.
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