
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rudy Giuliani to drill hole in sky to let out Greenhouse Gases

Most people cannot understand the concept of greenhouse gases because when a human being looks at the moon and the sun and the stars the earth’s sky has no ceiling. Sealing wax is a combination of resin and turpentine used for sealing letters and dry cells. It is hard at normal temperatures but softens when heated. Since the earth has no ceiling people reason that smokestack gases and car exhaust fumes just fly off into the infinite and vast expanse of outer space and so what’s the problem? Yesterday at a Town Hall meeting in Waterloo, Iowa, Republican Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani set the record straight on global warming and introduced a brilliant and revolutionary solution to save life on earth in his first term in office. Here is what Rudy Giuliani said to the people of Waterloo, Iowa, yesterday:

Rudy Giuliani: “9/11, 9/11. What a hit job. They tried to do to me what they did to Sonny Corleone. This has taken a huge toll on my new mistress, according to her security detail. The NYPD is spending so much money protecting people connected to me now that my campaign contributors are asking for protection. I told them, ‘There are no money back guarantees and I told you that going in. This whole security thing is much ado about nothing, just like global warming. In actuality the earth’s sky does have a ceiling but you cannot see it when standing on the earth’s surface. You can only see it when you look at the earth’s blue sky from the international space station and then you can see where the earth’s ceiling meets the black sky of cold space. That is the ceiling of the earth’s blue sky. In my first term in office I intend to send couple construction guys up to the international space station to drill a hole in the ceiling of the earth’s sky to let the greenhouse gases escape. Budda Bing Budda Bang forget about it.”

At that point Mrs. Mildred R. Crabsnapple of Spirit Lake, Iowa asked Rudy Giuliani, “Mayor Giuliani, According to Henry M. Paulson Jr., the Secretary of the U.S. Treaury Department, our $10 trillion debt is like a ticking time bomb about to blow our economy into the dirt permanently, and there will be no money for social security, health care or education. How do you plan to solve that problem?”

Rudy Giuliani replied, “Hi Mildred it’s great to see you. How’s your daughter Donna doing? Security O.K.? Social Security. I have a holistic plan. By conquering Iraq and Iran by whatever means it takes, I will add $60 trillion dollars to our coffers immediately, end Islamic Terrorism, bring peace and democracy to the Middle East, cover the cost of sky drilling equipment, and reimburse the NYPD and the Secret Service for my past and future indiscretions. You happy now Mildred?”

Mildred R. Crabsnapple: “Mayor Giuliani. Russia and China helped tiny North Vietnam defeat the United States. Russia and China have now formed a strategic military alliance together and with Iran. Russia and China just played war games together. Russia has built Iran a nuclear reactor in Bushehr, Iran and is now delivering the nuclear fuel to Iran. Vladimir Putin has warned the Russian people that the U.S. is coming to conquer Russia and steal their oil. Vladimir Putin also warned the United States that President Bush has created a new Cuban Missile Crisis by stationing American missiles in Poland, the Czech Republic and Taiwan. How do you plan on defeating the combined forces of Russia, China, Iraq and Iran in order to conquer the Middle East oil?”

Rudy Giuliani: “Mildred I’d love to tell you but it’s a matter of security.”

Mildred R. Crabsnapple: “Mayor Giuliani don’t give me that evasive politician security double speak. I asked you a serious question. How do you intend to defeat Russia, China, Iraq and Iran in order to conquer the Middle East oil?”

Rudy Giuliani: “Mildred, that question has been asked and answered. I would suggest that you sit down now. Do you understand the meaning of the word ‘taser’? Now don’t make me get rough with you Mildred. You won’t be the first grandmother I’ve tased. Any more questions?”

At this point Mildred R. Crabsnapple was gently escorted from the Hall by Mayor Giuiani’s security detail. Rudy Giuliani then gently escorted his wife Judy from the Hall, to the chants of “Rudy, Rudy, Rudy”.

About the Author

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love

The Al Gore Jamie Lynn Spears Pope Benedict Climate Change Connection

How could Al Gore, Jamie Lynn Spears and Pope Benedict XVI be connected to each other, world peace and climate change? If climate change leads to melting glaciers, dry rivers, desertification, nuclear world war III fighting over arable land and water, and then a new ice age of world wide nuclear winter, will that solve the global warming problem? Nuclear world war III will have no survivors. Will that solve the overpopulation problem?

Al Gore is fighting to save the world from the disaster of climate change but he has decided not to do it by running for the Presidency of the United States even though he would be a shoo in. Pope Benedict XVI just invited Prince Ghazi of Jordan to bring some of the 138 Muslim scholars, clerics and political leaders to meet with him at the Vatican.

In his invitation, Pope Benedict XVI said, "We must not yield to the negative pressures in our midst, but must affirm the values of mutual respect, solidarity and peace. The life of every human being is sacred, both for Christians and Muslims. Our common ground of, 'Love God and one's neighbor' allows us to base dialogue on effective respect for the dignity of every human person and a common commitment to promoting mutual respect and acceptance among the younger generation. Once this is achieved, it will be possible to cooperate in a productive way in the areas of culture and society, and for the promotion of justice and peace in society and throughout the world."

Jamie Lynn Spears, 16, just announced that she is pregnant with the child of her boyfriend. The self righteous United States Republican majority is now hurling every slur in the book at Jamie Lynn Spears. This shows how far human beings have come from their roots, not to mention their lack of respect for the dignity of every human person and the call to love thy neighbor. Not too long ago the average life expectancy was 25 years old. If the Lord created humanity, then the Lord determined that women should begin to have children at the age of 13, at which point women become of child bearing age. To hurl insults at Jamie Lynn Spears is to criticize God for producing women who become of child bearing age at 13.

Al Gore has decided not to run for the Presidency of the United States of America. He explained that in 1997, when he begged the 100 Senators to ratify the Kyoto Treaty to combat climate change and global warming only 1, ONE, senator agreed, and 99 senators said, "NO". In the old days for 5 million years our ancestors knew that poison from snakes was deadly. Today our elders have become so detached from reality that 99% of them are saying "Yes" to poisoning the air, water and earth. To love a person, to respect a person is to not poison their air, water and earth.

The self righteous pro life Republican moral majority are acting as though they would bee happier if Jamie Lynn Spears did not have a child growing inside of her, that it would be better if Jamie Lynn Spears had gotten rid of the child. Pope Benedict XVI forbids Jamie Lynn Spears from aborting her child. Al Gore refuses to run for President now because he says that the average person could care less about climate change and global warming.

In his recent interview with Time Magazine, Nobel Laureate Al Gore said, "Everything I do is within the context of priority number one: how can I help contribute to a solution to the climate crisis? When I was in the snow and ice data center, receiving a full briefing on the polar ice caps, afterwards I would turn on my TV and there were two networks with bulletins: 'Britney Spears loses custody of her children'. We're living in a madhouse if our priorities focus on the embalming of Anna Nicole Smith, or the trial of O.J. Simpson, while we ignore the greatest crisis this nation has ever faced, climate change."

Pope Benedict XVI and Prince Ghazi are calling for common respect among the younger generation of Christians and Muslims. Al Gore says that what is needed is a grassroots movement for climate change and global warming to protect against climate change and resulting world wars fighting over water and soil after desertification. Grassroots means the common people, people best representing the basic interests of the people. Basic means essential. What could be more essential than clean, pure, unpoisoned air, water and earth? Love and Respect means not hurting yourself or anyone else, as "The Queen of Soul", Aretha Franklin sings here Instead of the younger Christian and Muslim worlds arguing over religious differences, we all need to follow the advice of Pope Benedict XVI, Prince Ghazi and Al Gore, and unite against our real enemies, lack of love and respect for one another leading us all into nuclear world war III, and the poisoning to death of our common home, Planet Earth.

About the Author

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love

Monday, January 7, 2008

Peace, The Balm To Soothe Troubled Lives And Times

In his masterpiece, "Man's Search for Meaning," Viktor Frankl writes, "Every age has its own collective neurosis and every age needs its own psychotherapy to cope with it." There is a collective neurosis in our world today, it is the cry for peace emanating from individuals, groups, communities and nations, impacting the mass consciousness.

The cries and marches for peace, power and freedom that marked recent decades, present a backdrop for today's human conditions of stress, anxiety, insecurity and turmoil. There are as many civil wars and wars between nations. From the individual perspective, the cry for peace is heralded as respite from the turbulence of today's hectic lifestyle. In the past four to five decades we have lived in such a way as to create challenging situations in our lives and create even more havoc as we try to solve the resulting problems.

There is a popular bumper sticker that states, "Peace begins within," and a hymn that is sung in thousands of churches world-wide on Sundays, "Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me." Yes, peace begins within the heart and mind of every person. Until we reignite the flame of peace, love and unity there can be no lasting peace in individuals, among people and nations of the world.

Frankl, who lived a life shaped by war, states that, "Man is questioned by life and he can only answer to life by answering to his own life, to life he can only respond by being responsible." The question of whether or not we have lived responsibly in recent decades, has spawned national and international debates. With the widely reported impending consequences of global warming, catastrophes of war and economic collapses, the outlook is bleak. These impact the human condition as they are fed in large daily doses at breakfast, dinner and all throughout the day. Conditions of fear, stress, anger, frustration, rage, insecurity and strife are the results.

For individuals to have lasting peace they must live their lives from the inside out. This idea might send off alarm bells with shouts of hogwash. Well, let us see how real this is and how easily it can be accomplished. "Be in the world but not of the world," was prescribed by one of the great enlightened spiritual minds, eons ago. Is this possible you may ask, I dare to say it is.

To the degree that we become caught up in the dictates and excesses of the outside world, is the extent to which we will experience chaos and turbulence and lack inner peace.

I had first hand experience of this two decades ago. For a while I worked as a journalist and it is a well known fact that the profession is demanding and can be stressful. My publisher and editor was an excess living, driven workaholic, who was always in conflicts, off deadlines and antagonistic to life and everyone in it. He would often ask me how I remained so calm and in control, "Nothing seems to bother you," he would state. My response was always the same, "Be in the world but not of the world." He was fascinated by the idea and wanted to know how I accomplish that. He had no knowledge of spiritual matters and showed no interest in learning. He later became an appendage who watched, studied and leaned on me for answers and solutions. Years later he became feeble, sick and broken.

Stress is a natural response to the excesses that overwhelm our physical and emotional capabilities and life. The real or reality of us lies within us. Strength, courage, peace and power all emanate from within. Our minds that create the thoughts that become things are within us. The learned and great apostle Paul admonishes us not to conform to the world but to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, that we may prove what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. He knew over zealousness, rejection, defeat and triumph, but through renewal of his mind, he left us a legacy in spiritual transformation.

When we conform to the world we allow the dictates of the world and its appearances to control our lives. The real of man is spiritual and divine, not the ego driven personality that responds to the whims and fancies of every Tom, Dick and Harry. Stress and conflict occur when the inner spiritual self and its outer personality self are in opposing viewpoints.

Frankl theorizes that mans search for meaning is a primary force in his life which is unique and specific in that it must and can be fulfilled by him alone. Our greatness as human beings lies in our ability to change our minds and the conditions of our lives. What is so great about living in a free, democratic country is that it affords us the privilege of freedom to be all we want to be. Individually we must desire freedom and make the choice for freedom as we live our life. The great author and self help guru, Stuart Wilde, teaches that we should "Concentrate on ourselves and leave the world alone. As we strengthen ourselves we save all of humanity, because we are all linked to one another."

We must desire a change from the stress and turbulent lifestyle we live today. We must dare to rise up, declare, pursue and claim peace for ourselves. This will impact the lives of family and friends and spread out to our communities and our world. The pursuit of peace is perhaps the most followed path to spiritual enlightenment. A peaceful disposition calms the rough and tossed seas of turbulence, strife, fear and discontent.

The book, "Anchor in the spirit as God Beings - More than Mere Human," is presented as an easy to follow guidebook for spiritual transformation. It clearly sets out the conditions that support transformation and offers major tools that will help achieve it. The aim is a changed consciousness by acknowledging the need for change and practicing and living a lifestyle that foster peace, confidence, love and compassion within ourselves. This we then radiate out to touch the lives of others and transform our world. Individually transformed lives will create a mass consciousness of peace and there will be peace on earth, beginning with every one of us.

What better time than the upcoming holy season and the new year, to reignite the flame of peace, love and unity within the hearts and minds of persons and radiate it person to person to blanket our world. It begins with one person, one step at a time, let your new year commitment be to take that first step.

About the Author

Phyllis Reid is a Clinical Social Worker who works as a Psychotherapist with inner city children and their families. She is the author of the book, Anchor in the Spirit as God Beings, More than Mere Human and can be contacted at Philmar2000

nostradamus third anti christ MABUS george BUSh AND MESBAH yazdi

Behold and ye shall see Satan’s Master Plan to destroy life on earth forever as decoded from the already astonishingly accurate prophecies of Dr. Michel de Nostradame aka Nostradamus. You are about to discover the identity of Dr. Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ, the Third and final Anti Christ who is now poised to destroy every man, woman and child on earth right now unless we stop the Devil in his tracks immediately.

The Devil today has control of the minds of the people of earth and that is why we are like Santa’s elves merrily going about the business of creating our own real live global warming and nuclear inferno real live Hell on Earth. The Devil is very cunning. All Adam and Eve had to do to retain paradise on earth forever was to follow one simple command of God of Mount Sinai (aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim), not to eat the fruit of the knowledge tree, but the snake, Satan, got Eve to convince Adam that it would be O.K. to eat this fruit. Cunning means skillful in lying, deceiving, slyness and craftiness. Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ’s plan for our imminent destruction is extremely cunning. Satan did not gain control of our planet by being an idiot. If we are to survive we all must take back control of earth from Satan now.

Nostradamus lived in the 1500’s. He lived during the Inquisition and was forced to write his prophecies in code. Prophecy often comes in code and is open to different interpretations. The codes for Nostradamus’ three Anti Christs did not need Jack Bauer to decode them. How do we recognize Satan? George Bush has said on numerous occasions, “You are either with me or against me.” God of Mount Sinai carved the same thing in stone on two stone tablets Himself on Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago.

God said, “Obey my 10 commandments and I will bless you for thousands of generations. Break my 10 commandments and I will punish you, your children, your grandchildren and your great grandchildren. For I Am a jealous God.” That is the deal, the Covenant, the Contract, entered into by Moses, Jesus Christ, and the Prophet Muhammad on behalf of 15 million Jews on earth today, 2 billion Christians and 1.3 billion Muslims.

You can tell the Devil because his rulebook is to break every one of these commandments in order to destroy us all, to create His burning, famine stricken Hell of people screaming in real live Hell right on earth, and we are a hair trigger away right now from finishing building it for Him. The Devil today is laughing his head off at us all and he can already taste his ultimate victory. Fortunately we now know the identity of Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ and we can choose not to follow him to our destruction. The great deception is that the Anti Christ Himself believes that he is a man of God, and his people believe that too.

Nostradamus’ first Anti Christ was code named Napaulon Roy, aka Napoleon, the French Emperor who lost his army in Russia. Nostradamus’ second Anti Christ was code named Hister, aka Hitler, the German Emperor who lost his army in Russia. The code name of Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ is MABUS.

Here is the ingenious master plan of the Devil to destroy all life on earth forever using us to do it for him. Satan Himself has possessed two mighty leaders on earth today and set them against each other in order to bring about nuclear world war III, the aftermath of which nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will have no survivors. This is the ultimate reality T.V. show, “No Survivors Hell”.

Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ, the prince of lies is code named “MABUS”. Here is Mabus number 1: “maBUS”. Turn the m upside down. W BUS. This is American President george W BUSh. Here is Mabus number 2: The fanatically hardline puppet master and daily advisor of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, whose goal is to conquer the world for Islam, Ayatollah “MESBAH” (pronounced Maybuh) Yazdi. Today, Sunday Dec. 2, 2007, the United States and Iran, with its allies Russia and China who helped tiny North Vietnam defeat the United States are about to go to nuclear world war fighting over two thirds of the world’s oil, black gold. Gold is the Devil’s Cow. This conflict is certain to escalate into Nuclear World War III, the Apocalypse, Armageddon. The question is how do we pull back from the brink of extinction? In 1964, Barry McGuire recorded the song, “Eve of Destruction”. The updated music video which applies to our present situation is here:

WE/COME Back. Here is Nostradamus’ Third Anti Christ prophecy: “MABUS will soon die, then will come, A horrible undoing of people and animals, At once one will see vengeance, One hundred powers, thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.” (Century 2, Quatrain 62). “The Anti-Christ very soon annihilates the three, twenty-seven years his war will last. The unbelievers are dead, captive, exiled; with blood, human bodies, water and red hail covering the earth.” (Century 8, Quatrain 77).

The horrible undoing of people and animals refers to the extinction of life on earth forever. The vengeance is the American over reaction to 9/11. One hundred powers refers to close to the number of countries on earth today. World wide thirst and famine, death by starvation will result from nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer. The comet just hit Peru, leaving a small sulfurous pond boiling with noxious chemicals and making the villagers sick. Nuclear World War 3’s ultraviolet summer will cause the melting of Antarctica, the Arctic and Greenland which will cause the earth’s one ocean to rise permanently 100 feet and the survivors of nuclear world war 3 will drown in a radioactive soup. The Anti Christ Satan annihilates the three children of God of Mount Sinai who cannot settle their differences, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Within 27 years all life on earth will be gone forever. The unbelievers are the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people and everyone else because how can a Christian believe in Islam or Judaism, how can a Muslim believe in Christianity or Judaism, and how can a Jew believe in Christianity or Islam? According to each religion, all people outside of their religion are unbelievers. All of us, “the unbelievers” are dead, with blood, human bodies, water and blood red hail covering the earth.

The Devil is very cunning. He has George Bush in the West with an enormous arsenal believing that the Apocalypse will be a wondrous occasion in which Jesus Christ the Messiah will come to save and conquer the world for Christianity. Satan has Iran’s Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi in the East believing that the Apocalypse will be a wondrous occasion in which the Muslim Messiahs Jesus Christ and the Mahdi will come to save and conquer the world for Islam. Satan has the Jews believing that the Messiah will come and save and conquer the world for Israel and the Jewish people. The Christian, Muslim and Jewish people are now about to begin the Apocalypse gleefully, anticipating that the result will be paradise on earth and in heaven for them. They all believe that a permanently uninhabitable radioactive earth will be a paradise on earth for them. Insanity is when you cannot appreciate the nature and consequences of your actions. How did Satan drive the people of earth totally insane?

Your God of Mount Sinai’s answer and our way out of Satan’s web can be found on the 10 page website of The Temple of Love ��" The World Peace Religion. The Temple makes peace among and unites Christianity, Islam, Judaism and everyone else and the countries they all live in by tying them together with their common threads and resolving all their differences once and for all.

Since its founding 2 ½ years ago The Temple has already spawned the official website of moderate Islam, “A Common Word between you and us, Love” By tying us together with our common threads the Muslim Scholars led by Jordan’s King Abdullah II have gone a long way to uniting the leaders of Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Read the letter and the Christian, Jewish and media responses to see how they brought Pope Benedict XVI, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the head of the world wide Anglican Church, the chief Rabbi of Israel Yonah Metzger and a top Iranian Ayatollah together for lunch in Naples recently, embracing each other in peace and love. King Abdullah II was also responsible for bringing together Israel, the moderate Sunni Arab countries, and the Christian United States at the Middle East peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland, recently.

The problem now is that even though “A Common Word, Love”, tied the leaders of moderate Islam, Christianity and Judaism together with their common threads with spectacular and miraculous results in the two months since the release of their letter, they did not go far enough, they did not resolve the differences between and unite the religions as one as The Temple has done, for fear of offending the religions. The question is, how can people be offended by the word and the plan of their own God of Mount Sinai, as revealed in the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran to every Biblical Prophet of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the plan to save the world now, and wrest control of earth from Satan and give it to your God of Mount Sinai, now?

Satan hates your guts and wants you all to die an agonizing death and God of Mount Sinai loves you all and wants to bless you all. Once you see the simple and wondrous plan of your own God of Mount Sinai to bring everlasting peace to earth forever, begin to take down the signs on every Church, Mosque, and Synagogue, and replace them with the sign, “The Temple of Love ��" The World Peace Religion”. The job of the Messiah is to purify Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Be Messiahs, not slaves of Satan. Purified Judaism is purified Christianity is purified Islam is The Temple of Love. In 1943, who would have believed that today Germany, the United States, Israel and Japan would be sitting united in Annapolis, Maryland? We can do this. Now, go to your God of Mount Sinai’s Temple of Love, and read your God’s plan for you all to save the world yourselves, and follow it to paradise on earth forever.

About the Author

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love

Rudy Giuliani to drill hole in sky to let out Greenhouse Gases

Most people cannot understand the concept of greenhouse gases because when a human being looks at the moon and the sun and the stars the earth’s sky has no ceiling. Sealing wax is a combination of resin and turpentine used for sealing letters and dry cells. It is hard at normal temperatures but softens when heated. Since the earth has no ceiling people reason that smokestack gases and car exhaust fumes just fly off into the infinite and vast expanse of outer space and so what’s the problem? Yesterday at a Town Hall meeting in Waterloo, Iowa, Republican Presidential Candidate Rudy Giuliani set the record straight on global warming and introduced a brilliant and revolutionary solution to save life on earth in his first term in office. Here is what Rudy Giuliani said to the people of Waterloo, Iowa, yesterday:

Rudy Giuliani: “9/11, 9/11. What a hit job. They tried to do to me what they did to Sonny Corleone. This has taken a huge toll on my new mistress, according to her security detail. The NYPD is spending so much money protecting people connected to me now that my campaign contributors are asking for protection. I told them, ‘There are no money back guarantees and I told you that going in. This whole security thing is much ado about nothing, just like global warming. In actuality the earth’s sky does have a ceiling but you cannot see it when standing on the earth’s surface. You can only see it when you look at the earth’s blue sky from the international space station and then you can see where the earth’s ceiling meets the black sky of cold space. That is the ceiling of the earth’s blue sky. In my first term in office I intend to send couple construction guys up to the international space station to drill a hole in the ceiling of the earth’s sky to let the greenhouse gases escape. Budda Bing Budda Bang forget about it.”

At that point Mrs. Mildred R. Crabsnapple of Spirit Lake, Iowa asked Rudy Giuliani, “Mayor Giuliani, According to Henry M. Paulson Jr., the Secretary of the U.S. Treaury Department, our $10 trillion debt is like a ticking time bomb about to blow our economy into the dirt permanently, and there will be no money for social security, health care or education. How do you plan to solve that problem?”

Rudy Giuliani replied, “Hi Mildred it’s great to see you. How’s your daughter Donna doing? Security O.K.? Social Security. I have a holistic plan. By conquering Iraq and Iran by whatever means it takes, I will add $60 trillion dollars to our coffers immediately, end Islamic Terrorism, bring peace and democracy to the Middle East, cover the cost of sky drilling equipment, and reimburse the NYPD and the Secret Service for my past and future indiscretions. You happy now Mildred?”

Mildred R. Crabsnapple: “Mayor Giuliani. Russia and China helped tiny North Vietnam defeat the United States. Russia and China have now formed a strategic military alliance together and with Iran. Russia and China just played war games together. Russia has built Iran a nuclear reactor in Bushehr, Iran and is now delivering the nuclear fuel to Iran. Vladimir Putin has warned the Russian people that the U.S. is coming to conquer Russia and steal their oil. Vladimir Putin also warned the United States that President Bush has created a new Cuban Missile Crisis by stationing American missiles in Poland, the Czech Republic and Taiwan. How do you plan on defeating the combined forces of Russia, China, Iraq and Iran in order to conquer the Middle East oil?”

Rudy Giuliani: “Mildred I’d love to tell you but it’s a matter of security.”

Mildred R. Crabsnapple: “Mayor Giuliani don’t give me that evasive politician security double speak. I asked you a serious question. How do you intend to defeat Russia, China, Iraq and Iran in order to conquer the Middle East oil?”

Rudy Giuliani: “Mildred, that question has been asked and answered. I would suggest that you sit down now. Do you understand the meaning of the word ‘taser’? Now don’t make me get rough with you Mildred. You won’t be the first grandmother I’ve tased. Any more questions?”

At this point Mildred R. Crabsnapple was gently escorted from the Hall by Mayor Giuiani’s security detail. Rudy Giuliani then gently escorted his wife Judy from the Hall, to the chants of “Rudy, Rudy, Rudy”.

About the Author

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love

The Al Gore Jamie Lynn Spears Pope Benedict Climate Change Connection

ow could Al Gore, Jamie Lynn Spears and Pope Benedict XVI be connected to each other, world peace and climate change? If climate change leads to melting glaciers, dry rivers, desertification, nuclear world war III fighting over arable land and water, and then a new ice age of world wide nuclear winter, will that solve the global warming problem? Nuclear world war III will have no survivors. Will that solve the overpopulation problem?

Al Gore is fighting to save the world from the disaster of climate change but he has decided not to do it by running for the Presidency of the United States even though he would be a shoo in. Pope Benedict XVI just invited Prince Ghazi of Jordan to bring some of the 138 Muslim scholars, clerics and political leaders to meet with him at the Vatican.

In his invitation, Pope Benedict XVI said, "We must not yield to the negative pressures in our midst, but must affirm the values of mutual respect, solidarity and peace. The life of every human being is sacred, both for Christians and Muslims. Our common ground of, 'Love God and one's neighbor' allows us to base dialogue on effective respect for the dignity of every human person and a common commitment to promoting mutual respect and acceptance among the younger generation. Once this is achieved, it will be possible to cooperate in a productive way in the areas of culture and society, and for the promotion of justice and peace in society and throughout the world."

Jamie Lynn Spears, 16, just announced that she is pregnant with the child of her boyfriend. The self righteous United States Republican majority is now hurling every slur in the book at Jamie Lynn Spears. This shows how far human beings have come from their roots, not to mention their lack of respect for the dignity of every human person and the call to love thy neighbor. Not too long ago the average life expectancy was 25 years old. If the Lord created humanity, then the Lord determined that women should begin to have children at the age of 13, at which point women become of child bearing age. To hurl insults at Jamie Lynn Spears is to criticize God for producing women who become of child bearing age at 13.

Al Gore has decided not to run for the Presidency of the United States of America. He explained that in 1997, when he begged the 100 Senators to ratify the Kyoto Treaty to combat climate change and global warming only 1, ONE, senator agreed, and 99 senators said, "NO". In the old days for 5 million years our ancestors knew that poison from snakes was deadly. Today our elders have become so detached from reality that 99% of them are saying "Yes" to poisoning the air, water and earth. To love a person, to respect a person is to not poison their air, water and earth.

The self righteous pro life Republican moral majority are acting as though they would bee happier if Jamie Lynn Spears did not have a child growing inside of her, that it would be better if Jamie Lynn Spears had gotten rid of the child. Pope Benedict XVI forbids Jamie Lynn Spears from aborting her child. Al Gore refuses to run for President now because he says that the average person could care less about climate change and global warming.

In his recent interview with Time Magazine, Nobel Laureate Al Gore said, "Everything I do is within the context of priority number one: how can I help contribute to a solution to the climate crisis? When I was in the snow and ice data center, receiving a full briefing on the polar ice caps, afterwards I would turn on my TV and there were two networks with bulletins: 'Britney Spears loses custody of her children'. We're living in a madhouse if our priorities focus on the embalming of Anna Nicole Smith, or the trial of O.J. Simpson, while we ignore the greatest crisis this nation has ever faced, climate change."

Pope Benedict XVI and Prince Ghazi are calling for common respect among the younger generation of Christians and Muslims. Al Gore says that what is needed is a grassroots movement for climate change and global warming to protect against climate change and resulting world wars fighting over water and soil after desertification. Grassroots means the common people, people best representing the basic interests of the people. Basic means essential. What could be more essential than clean, pure, unpoisoned air, water and earth? Love and Respect means not hurting yourself or anyone else, as "The Queen of Soul", Aretha Franklin sings here Instead of the younger Christian and Muslim worlds arguing over religious differences, we all need to follow the advice of Pope Benedict XVI, Prince Ghazi and Al Gore, and unite against our real enemies, lack of love and respect for one another leading us all into nuclear world war III, and the poisoning to death of our common home, Planet Earth.

About the Author

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love