Some thirty years ago, scientists had already alerted the world regarding the possible repercussions of global warming. It is the biggest threat to our civilization after the cold war. Due to climate change that is brought about by global warming, glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, devastating storms prevailing, floods and landslides aggravating, droughts affecting crops and livestock production happening and etc.
They are some of the catastrophic effects brought forth in our midst where solutions and immediate resolve urgently needed to cope with the situation. Have we done something to address the problem? Are we allowing it to continue without the objective to combat it? Well, it is now considered a mega proportion predicament that we need to put up our collective effort and partnership that every country and government should promote environmental awareness to their citizens on how they can contribute in alleviating the situation. It should not only encourage and inspire action individuals, businesses, but also other countries and governments worlwide as well.
The partnership aims to conduct research and experiments on the long term effect of climate change. How will it affect our rainforests and the world's major bodies of water like the lakes, rivers, oceans and the livelihood of people who are depending on them. Addressing this particular environmental issue is profoundly vital in tackling the impact of global warming. We need to initiate to reduce carbon emission and other greenhouse gases, educate the people about climate change issues and what practical solutions can be done.
Each country have to map out of how much carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases it has produced and emitted into the atmosphere and the same way it has to come out of how much greening it has to the environment through reforestation in the rural and planting of plants/trees in urban areas, to neutralize these harmful gases emitted into the air. Once these gases are in the atmosphere, they stay there for a long time thus trapping the heat in the lower atmosphere and radiating some of it back to earth. With huge amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere it would increase the global surface temperature, thus causing drought, change in weather, higher sea levels, melting the north/south pole glaciers and disrupting not only the natural balance of world's climate but also the ecological balance of the environment as well.
Through environmental awareness, every individual can contribute in his own little way in combating climate change. Every little thing you can do at home, say the use of gas emitting equipments or vehicles, you need to minimize their use if you cannot totally avoid them. Any equipment or vehicle using oil and gas when burned produces carbon dioxide, nothwithstanding the greenhouse gas emitted by compressor run equipments like the airconditioning units, refrigeration and freezing units, etc. which need to be regulated because of the effect it can bring to our ozone layer.
These gases are the most devastating global warming gases remaining in the atmosphere. Energy efficient appliances and by saving energy help reduce gas emission of power plant generators generating electricity. So it is better to discard inefficient equipments and switch off the appliances, lights and compressor run equipment when not in use. If you are going somewhere not far from your home try walking, it is not only a good exercise but you also help save the environment from deteriorating.
About the Author
Arnold Cafe is an active online marketer and the author of Ideas Galore at website:

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Go Green Earth!
Go green earth, Go Green earth, Go Green Earth, GO GREEN Earth. . . GO GREEN EARTH! GO GREEN EARTH! GO GREEN EARTH! We are grass root, energized, self-made environmentalists with a cause to save earth. . .save earth, save our incredibly, rich green-blue planet.
Go Green Earth! No one can discourage us because our motivation is super justified, yet we practice humility. We are inspired. . .inspired by earth itself! We are homemakers, movie stars, film producers, politicians, naturalist, authors, bank presidents, dentists, physical fitness instructors, nurses, artists, teachers, retail managers, air traffic controllers, pilots, husbands, priests, wives, students, scientists, ministers, photographers, forest rangers, native Americans. . . We are young, middle age and elderly.
We are in every walk of life, in every nationality, in every country, in our magnificent wildernesses, walking through our cornfields, swimming in our freshwater rivers, ponds, and lakes, sailing on our seas, and flying through our skies. We carry a sense of awe when seeing a bald eagle circling overhead staring down at us. We devote hours on end to bird watching and counts, defend the rights of nature against hazardous waste landfills, analyze effects of deforestation, and overdevelopment projects. We desperately care about our elements of life, and earth's continued existence. Yes. . .yes! We are environmentalists! Yes we are. Yes. . .We. . .Are! We feel great! Great! WE get so existed sometimes we can hardly sit down for fear of missing a nature event.
Because we are environmentalists we support preservation, restoration, and enhancement of nature. We pledge to protect our land from destruction and pollution. Go Green Earth! Go Green Earth! We research our air, water, food, land, and shelter. We present environmental education programs and wildlife lectures on our school systems, lead ecology tours in national parks of the world, guide canoe and backing expeditions through earths prairies, mountains, beaches, wetlands, and forests. We truly, deeply love our work, so much so at times tears come to our eyes in extraordianry sunrises or rainstorms.
We want every human being on earth to be environmentalists. We embrace earth, every tree, bush, flower, orchid, every species of wildlife-the entire food chain, each other. Quit simply, We Love Earth. It is our home. It is where we raise our children. Here we go! All the way! Can't stop! Won't stop! Always faithful! Save earth! Go Green Earth! As environmentalists we know about global warming and what to do about it, the real meaning of the tree of life and how to save energy, seek out the ultimate oasis for eco-victories, and constantly re-define our quest for survival to save humankind. We are as much a part of the ingredients of earth as earth is of us. Our quest is earth's quest in this seemingly endless, vast Universe. Go. . . Green. . . Earth. . . Go GREEN. . . GO GREEN EARTH. . . GO GREEN EARTH!
About the Author
James McMullen is an author/naturalist in the Florida Everglades. He wrote the New York Times best seller Cry of the Panther: Quest of a Species, and How To Awaken The Writer Within. If you would like to know more go to the link below.
Go Green Earth! No one can discourage us because our motivation is super justified, yet we practice humility. We are inspired. . .inspired by earth itself! We are homemakers, movie stars, film producers, politicians, naturalist, authors, bank presidents, dentists, physical fitness instructors, nurses, artists, teachers, retail managers, air traffic controllers, pilots, husbands, priests, wives, students, scientists, ministers, photographers, forest rangers, native Americans. . . We are young, middle age and elderly.
We are in every walk of life, in every nationality, in every country, in our magnificent wildernesses, walking through our cornfields, swimming in our freshwater rivers, ponds, and lakes, sailing on our seas, and flying through our skies. We carry a sense of awe when seeing a bald eagle circling overhead staring down at us. We devote hours on end to bird watching and counts, defend the rights of nature against hazardous waste landfills, analyze effects of deforestation, and overdevelopment projects. We desperately care about our elements of life, and earth's continued existence. Yes. . .yes! We are environmentalists! Yes we are. Yes. . .We. . .Are! We feel great! Great! WE get so existed sometimes we can hardly sit down for fear of missing a nature event.
Because we are environmentalists we support preservation, restoration, and enhancement of nature. We pledge to protect our land from destruction and pollution. Go Green Earth! Go Green Earth! We research our air, water, food, land, and shelter. We present environmental education programs and wildlife lectures on our school systems, lead ecology tours in national parks of the world, guide canoe and backing expeditions through earths prairies, mountains, beaches, wetlands, and forests. We truly, deeply love our work, so much so at times tears come to our eyes in extraordianry sunrises or rainstorms.
We want every human being on earth to be environmentalists. We embrace earth, every tree, bush, flower, orchid, every species of wildlife-the entire food chain, each other. Quit simply, We Love Earth. It is our home. It is where we raise our children. Here we go! All the way! Can't stop! Won't stop! Always faithful! Save earth! Go Green Earth! As environmentalists we know about global warming and what to do about it, the real meaning of the tree of life and how to save energy, seek out the ultimate oasis for eco-victories, and constantly re-define our quest for survival to save humankind. We are as much a part of the ingredients of earth as earth is of us. Our quest is earth's quest in this seemingly endless, vast Universe. Go. . . Green. . . Earth. . . Go GREEN. . . GO GREEN EARTH. . . GO GREEN EARTH!
About the Author
James McMullen is an author/naturalist in the Florida Everglades. He wrote the New York Times best seller Cry of the Panther: Quest of a Species, and How To Awaken The Writer Within. If you would like to know more go to the link below.
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