New York November 2, 2007. Now Ban Ki Moon can count upon former Vice President, Al Gore, as United Nations' most invaluable asset in its war on global warming. Not because, Gore has been awarded this year's Nobel Prize, jointly with the UN's Science body, IPCC but because, he has made his views public on this global organization, of which Ban Ki Moon is the Secretary General.
It is now Al Gore's unflinching faith that the United Nations is the only appropriate forum to address the crisis that our planet is faced with and this assures the victory of the global war on global warming. In his speech in the 24th September Climate Summit held at the UN headquarters in New York, Al Gore told the gathering of 80 heads of state and government that it was now the time for action. "I would like to propose that the heads of the state around the world call an emergency session of this gathering in the beginning of next year to review the results of the Bali Summit," insisted Al Gore.
Al Gore deeply feels that mankind is faced with a planetary emergency, which requires very urgent attention. He, therefore, suggests that the discussions, deliberations and decisions shall be carried on at the Summit levels, rather than at the ministerial or bureaucratic level. He reiterated this stand in his Berlin Speech on October 23, 2007 when he unambiguously endorsed UN supremacy as the organizer of a concerted battle. "World leaders should meet in January under the auspicious of UN to act on the results of the Bali Talks," he said.
These are the indications that Al Gore has taken upon himself a new role of motivating and galvanizing the world leaders to combat global warming in a concerted manner and that, too, under the leadership of the United Nations. It is, therefore, imperative that the world body facilitates this move by Al Gore.
And this role much bigger than the role; he has already played as a motivator, which won him many accolades, par excellence, including the 2007 Nobel Prize. Whether in politics, in power or out of power, Al Gore has always been a climate activist. Media has rightly called him a climate warrior. Additionally, he is a great motivator. He is preparing humanity to fight the global warming. Al Gore was the first American Politician in Congress who organized the Congressional hearing in 1980 on the subject.
He gathered scientists and put them in touch with the politicians to let the scientific truth become a part of political decision-making. As the Vice President in the Clinton Administration, he worked on the implementation of the Carbon Tax. This tax was meant to give incentives to the industry to cut down the use of fossil fuels to lessen the emission of greenhouse gases. He also facilitated the funding of a satellite named Triana, launched to study the atmosphere. But his real opportunity came in 1997.
The second report by IPCC had been released in 1995. The urgency to deal with climate change crisis was being felt. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) had called its annual Conference of the Parties number three (CoP3) to be held at Kyoto, Japan in December 1997. It was here that Al Gore played the role of a broker, bringing the parties together and convincing them to agree on cuts in emissions. This international climate treaty, which bound 36 developed nations to cut the emission of greenhouse gases and bring it to the level of 5% below the 1990 level, came to be known as the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol enters into compliance stage in 2008, to be completed by 2012. The success and failure of this treaty will determine the fate of our planet.
And perhaps, this is Al Gore's destiny. He helped broker the Kyoto Protocol and, now, he needs to work for its success also. Al Gore has already given a call to reach the targets by 2010, instead of by 2012. Al Gore's obsession with climate change issue is that of a missionary. It is not motivated by a politician's unending desire for global visibility or to enhance the prospects of elect ability. It dates back to his student days, much before he chose his career. At Harvard University, his professor, Roger Reveille, sowed in him the seeds of an interest to learn the role of carbon dioxide in atmosphere. This interest has been growing since then. Al Gore went deep and deep into the topic, presented slide shows and delivered lectures on the topic.
Al Gore says that he presented about 1000 slide shows before he was given the offer to transform his collections into a documentary movie. Two producers, Laurie David and Lawrence Bender, saw one of his slide shows in 2004 in New York and were so impressed and inspired that they, with the help of Director Davis Guggenheim used the material to make the movie that was named, An Inconvenient Truth. The movie weaves very skillfully Al Gore's motivational skills and his insight into the causes and effects of global warming, along with the human costs, including 100 million people feared to be rendered homeless in lsland states and coastal areas because of rising sea levels.
Consequently, An Inconvenient Truth distributed by Paramount Classics, became a big box office hit, grossing over $ 49 billion worldwide. It, also, won inspirational comments by the film reviewers. Robert Elbert, a film critic wrote these lines. "In 39 years, I have never written these words in movie review, but here, they are. You owe it to yourself to see this film. If you do not and you have grandchildren, you should explain them why you decided not to." To further spread the knowledge, Al Gore founded an NGO, The Alliance for Climate Protection, a bipartisan initiative. His zeal and sincerity to the cause is evident from the fact that he and his wife, Tipper, gave away all the proceeds from the movie and its companion book to this organization.
"Tipper and I are donating 100% of the profits from the book and movie to a new bipartisan educational campaign to further spread the message about global warming." And he knows no stopping. On July 7, 2007, he joined Kevin wall of "Save Our Selves" and organized star-studded "Live Earth Concerts" to "promote environmentalism worldwide." His global mission is advancing and the world is recognizing his contributions that he has made through his speeches, slide shows, books, columns and movie,.
He has taken the issue out of political arena into the humanitarian field. During his brief speech during the Oscar Award given to the Director of An Inconvenient Truth, Davis Guggenheim, he told the celebrity-audience: "My fellow Americans and people all over the world, we need to solve the climate crisis. It is not a political issue; it is a moral issue. We have everything; we need to get started, with the possible exception of the will to act.
That is a renewable resource. Let us renew it." His fellow Americans and the people all over the world, not only feel pleasure in listening to his message, they, also, get elevated when the world rewards him with accolades in return for his services to mankind. His slide shows have got standing ovations; he is one of the most respected international speakers; he is the winner of Academy Award, and also of Emmy. And now, he is honored with the world's most prestigious award, the Nobel Peace Prize, 2007, which he shares with the UN's Science Panel, IPCC, headed by Rajendra K.Pachauri.
The Nobel Prize Committee acknowledges Al Gore's contributions in its citation. "Al Gore is probably the single individual who has done most to create worldwide understanding of the measures that need to be adopted." But Al Gore does not ignore the services that the IPCC is doing in strengthening the knowledge and ideological base of the climate warriors, including his. He praised the IPCC as "the world's pre-eminent body devoted to improving the understanding of the climate crisis.
" This year's Nobel Prize clearly shows Al Gore and UN marching in the same direction, trying to reach the same goal. The only requirement for victory is change in attitude, whereby Al Gore becomes the Climate Warrior of the United Nations and Ban Ki Moon's dream comes true. These are Ban's words on the Nobel Prize award to him, in partnership with IPCC.
"Largely thanks to the IPCC's lucid and well-documented findings, it is now established that climate change is happening and that much of it is caused by human activity. As a result, there is now unprecedented momentum for action on climate change around the world and recognition of the UN as the forum/" "Recognition of the UN as forum" is coming up as the main battle cry. Ban has been working on it since he took office and Al Gore has endorsed it. Oslo, the Headquarter of the Nobel Prize Committee, has become the WATERLOO of the skeptics of science of global warming. The only hurdle will be President Bush's approach towards the combat strategy and Al Gore is the only high profile, internationally recognized pro-earth politician who can rally the world politicians under the flag of UN.
Al Gore is a great motivator. One has to listen to the opening monologue in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth", where he shows the beauty of nature vanishing if no action were taken to prevent. "You look at the river gently flowing by. You notice the leaves rustling with the wind. You hear the birds; you hear the tree frogs in the distance. You hear the cow. The mud gives a little bit on the riverbank. It is quiet; it is peaceful. And all of a sudden, there is a gearshift inside you. And it is like taking a deep breath and going. "Oh yeah, I forgot about this.""
And once again, on October 23, in Berlin, he motivated the world for an action to save the planet and that too, urgently and immediately. He posed two questions. What is going to be one of the two probable questions that the next generations will ask when they look back at the year 2007.
"I believe our children and grand children will look towards the year 2007 and ask one of the two questions. They will ask about us-what were they doing? What were they thinking about and how could they let that catastrophe happen? Didn't they listen to the scientists? Didn't they see the glaciers and polar caps melting? Didn't they see that fire? Or, will they ask another question. I want them to ask this question. How did they find the moral courage to rise up and solve the problem everyone said was impossible to solve?"
By showing preference for the second question, he wants us to gird up the loins for an action, a real action. But to get that done, Al Gore will have to add a bigger role to his existing role of awareness creator, even at the cost of lessening his work as a motivator. I propose that Al Gore now begins motivating the world leaders to join the mainstream battle under the aegis of the United Nations.
He has the leverage for it. He can easily break the American resistance. He can demand the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol in exchange for his endorsement to any one of the Presidential candidates in race for 2008 elections.
Al Gore and Ban Ki Moon shall shake hands, in the interest of humanity, to form a global coalition of the politicians, activists, organizations and governments to combat global warming and save the "Planet in Peril." There are very many pro-earth leaders on this earth, who would be more than happy to join this coalition. I sincerely believe that one such leader of repute is German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. (Stay tuned to know about the German Chancellor's role in the battle on global warming) (NOTE: This is chapter 9 of 10 of the 1st episode of 5-episode documentary by the Better India: Global Warming and United Nations. For other chapters; write to Give reference: Global warming)
About the Author
Free lance journalist; takes up social justice issues

Sunday, November 4, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Global Warming - A Threat To Humanity And Environment
Some thirty years ago, scientists had already alerted the world regarding the possible repercussions of global warming. It is the biggest threat to our civilization after the cold war. Due to climate change that is brought about by global warming, glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, devastating storms prevailing, floods and landslides aggravating, droughts affecting crops and livestock production happening and etc.
They are some of the catastrophic effects brought forth in our midst where solutions and immediate resolve urgently needed to cope with the situation. Have we done something to address the problem? Are we allowing it to continue without the objective to combat it? Well, it is now considered a mega proportion predicament that we need to put up our collective effort and partnership that every country and government should promote environmental awareness to their citizens on how they can contribute in alleviating the situation. It should not only encourage and inspire action individuals, businesses, but also other countries and governments worlwide as well.
The partnership aims to conduct research and experiments on the long term effect of climate change. How will it affect our rainforests and the world's major bodies of water like the lakes, rivers, oceans and the livelihood of people who are depending on them. Addressing this particular environmental issue is profoundly vital in tackling the impact of global warming. We need to initiate to reduce carbon emission and other greenhouse gases, educate the people about climate change issues and what practical solutions can be done.
Each country have to map out of how much carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases it has produced and emitted into the atmosphere and the same way it has to come out of how much greening it has to the environment through reforestation in the rural and planting of plants/trees in urban areas, to neutralize these harmful gases emitted into the air. Once these gases are in the atmosphere, they stay there for a long time thus trapping the heat in the lower atmosphere and radiating some of it back to earth. With huge amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere it would increase the global surface temperature, thus causing drought, change in weather, higher sea levels, melting the north/south pole glaciers and disrupting not only the natural balance of world's climate but also the ecological balance of the environment as well.
Through environmental awareness, every individual can contribute in his own little way in combating climate change. Every little thing you can do at home, say the use of gas emitting equipments or vehicles, you need to minimize their use if you cannot totally avoid them. Any equipment or vehicle using oil and gas when burned produces carbon dioxide, nothwithstanding the greenhouse gas emitted by compressor run equipments like the airconditioning units, refrigeration and freezing units, etc. which need to be regulated because of the effect it can bring to our ozone layer.
These gases are the most devastating global warming gases remaining in the atmosphere. Energy efficient appliances and by saving energy help reduce gas emission of power plant generators generating electricity. So it is better to discard inefficient equipments and switch off the appliances, lights and compressor run equipment when not in use. If you are going somewhere not far from your home try walking, it is not only a good exercise but you also help save the environment from deteriorating.
About the Author
Arnold Cafe is an active online marketer and the author of Ideas Galore at website:
They are some of the catastrophic effects brought forth in our midst where solutions and immediate resolve urgently needed to cope with the situation. Have we done something to address the problem? Are we allowing it to continue without the objective to combat it? Well, it is now considered a mega proportion predicament that we need to put up our collective effort and partnership that every country and government should promote environmental awareness to their citizens on how they can contribute in alleviating the situation. It should not only encourage and inspire action individuals, businesses, but also other countries and governments worlwide as well.
The partnership aims to conduct research and experiments on the long term effect of climate change. How will it affect our rainforests and the world's major bodies of water like the lakes, rivers, oceans and the livelihood of people who are depending on them. Addressing this particular environmental issue is profoundly vital in tackling the impact of global warming. We need to initiate to reduce carbon emission and other greenhouse gases, educate the people about climate change issues and what practical solutions can be done.
Each country have to map out of how much carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases it has produced and emitted into the atmosphere and the same way it has to come out of how much greening it has to the environment through reforestation in the rural and planting of plants/trees in urban areas, to neutralize these harmful gases emitted into the air. Once these gases are in the atmosphere, they stay there for a long time thus trapping the heat in the lower atmosphere and radiating some of it back to earth. With huge amount of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere it would increase the global surface temperature, thus causing drought, change in weather, higher sea levels, melting the north/south pole glaciers and disrupting not only the natural balance of world's climate but also the ecological balance of the environment as well.
Through environmental awareness, every individual can contribute in his own little way in combating climate change. Every little thing you can do at home, say the use of gas emitting equipments or vehicles, you need to minimize their use if you cannot totally avoid them. Any equipment or vehicle using oil and gas when burned produces carbon dioxide, nothwithstanding the greenhouse gas emitted by compressor run equipments like the airconditioning units, refrigeration and freezing units, etc. which need to be regulated because of the effect it can bring to our ozone layer.
These gases are the most devastating global warming gases remaining in the atmosphere. Energy efficient appliances and by saving energy help reduce gas emission of power plant generators generating electricity. So it is better to discard inefficient equipments and switch off the appliances, lights and compressor run equipment when not in use. If you are going somewhere not far from your home try walking, it is not only a good exercise but you also help save the environment from deteriorating.
About the Author
Arnold Cafe is an active online marketer and the author of Ideas Galore at website:
Go Green Earth!
Go green earth, Go Green earth, Go Green Earth, GO GREEN Earth. . . GO GREEN EARTH! GO GREEN EARTH! GO GREEN EARTH! We are grass root, energized, self-made environmentalists with a cause to save earth. . .save earth, save our incredibly, rich green-blue planet.
Go Green Earth! No one can discourage us because our motivation is super justified, yet we practice humility. We are inspired. . .inspired by earth itself! We are homemakers, movie stars, film producers, politicians, naturalist, authors, bank presidents, dentists, physical fitness instructors, nurses, artists, teachers, retail managers, air traffic controllers, pilots, husbands, priests, wives, students, scientists, ministers, photographers, forest rangers, native Americans. . . We are young, middle age and elderly.
We are in every walk of life, in every nationality, in every country, in our magnificent wildernesses, walking through our cornfields, swimming in our freshwater rivers, ponds, and lakes, sailing on our seas, and flying through our skies. We carry a sense of awe when seeing a bald eagle circling overhead staring down at us. We devote hours on end to bird watching and counts, defend the rights of nature against hazardous waste landfills, analyze effects of deforestation, and overdevelopment projects. We desperately care about our elements of life, and earth's continued existence. Yes. . .yes! We are environmentalists! Yes we are. Yes. . .We. . .Are! We feel great! Great! WE get so existed sometimes we can hardly sit down for fear of missing a nature event.
Because we are environmentalists we support preservation, restoration, and enhancement of nature. We pledge to protect our land from destruction and pollution. Go Green Earth! Go Green Earth! We research our air, water, food, land, and shelter. We present environmental education programs and wildlife lectures on our school systems, lead ecology tours in national parks of the world, guide canoe and backing expeditions through earths prairies, mountains, beaches, wetlands, and forests. We truly, deeply love our work, so much so at times tears come to our eyes in extraordianry sunrises or rainstorms.
We want every human being on earth to be environmentalists. We embrace earth, every tree, bush, flower, orchid, every species of wildlife-the entire food chain, each other. Quit simply, We Love Earth. It is our home. It is where we raise our children. Here we go! All the way! Can't stop! Won't stop! Always faithful! Save earth! Go Green Earth! As environmentalists we know about global warming and what to do about it, the real meaning of the tree of life and how to save energy, seek out the ultimate oasis for eco-victories, and constantly re-define our quest for survival to save humankind. We are as much a part of the ingredients of earth as earth is of us. Our quest is earth's quest in this seemingly endless, vast Universe. Go. . . Green. . . Earth. . . Go GREEN. . . GO GREEN EARTH. . . GO GREEN EARTH!
About the Author
James McMullen is an author/naturalist in the Florida Everglades. He wrote the New York Times best seller Cry of the Panther: Quest of a Species, and How To Awaken The Writer Within. If you would like to know more go to the link below.
Go Green Earth! No one can discourage us because our motivation is super justified, yet we practice humility. We are inspired. . .inspired by earth itself! We are homemakers, movie stars, film producers, politicians, naturalist, authors, bank presidents, dentists, physical fitness instructors, nurses, artists, teachers, retail managers, air traffic controllers, pilots, husbands, priests, wives, students, scientists, ministers, photographers, forest rangers, native Americans. . . We are young, middle age and elderly.
We are in every walk of life, in every nationality, in every country, in our magnificent wildernesses, walking through our cornfields, swimming in our freshwater rivers, ponds, and lakes, sailing on our seas, and flying through our skies. We carry a sense of awe when seeing a bald eagle circling overhead staring down at us. We devote hours on end to bird watching and counts, defend the rights of nature against hazardous waste landfills, analyze effects of deforestation, and overdevelopment projects. We desperately care about our elements of life, and earth's continued existence. Yes. . .yes! We are environmentalists! Yes we are. Yes. . .We. . .Are! We feel great! Great! WE get so existed sometimes we can hardly sit down for fear of missing a nature event.
Because we are environmentalists we support preservation, restoration, and enhancement of nature. We pledge to protect our land from destruction and pollution. Go Green Earth! Go Green Earth! We research our air, water, food, land, and shelter. We present environmental education programs and wildlife lectures on our school systems, lead ecology tours in national parks of the world, guide canoe and backing expeditions through earths prairies, mountains, beaches, wetlands, and forests. We truly, deeply love our work, so much so at times tears come to our eyes in extraordianry sunrises or rainstorms.
We want every human being on earth to be environmentalists. We embrace earth, every tree, bush, flower, orchid, every species of wildlife-the entire food chain, each other. Quit simply, We Love Earth. It is our home. It is where we raise our children. Here we go! All the way! Can't stop! Won't stop! Always faithful! Save earth! Go Green Earth! As environmentalists we know about global warming and what to do about it, the real meaning of the tree of life and how to save energy, seek out the ultimate oasis for eco-victories, and constantly re-define our quest for survival to save humankind. We are as much a part of the ingredients of earth as earth is of us. Our quest is earth's quest in this seemingly endless, vast Universe. Go. . . Green. . . Earth. . . Go GREEN. . . GO GREEN EARTH. . . GO GREEN EARTH!
About the Author
James McMullen is an author/naturalist in the Florida Everglades. He wrote the New York Times best seller Cry of the Panther: Quest of a Species, and How To Awaken The Writer Within. If you would like to know more go to the link below.
Monday, August 13, 2007
I Need To Wake Up and So Do You.
I Need To Wake Up and So Do You.
Melissa Etheridge's chilling video says it all in "I Need to Wake up" and so do all of us.
Global warming and it's life extinction threat is no longer a speculative or theoretical possibility.
We are already there! Everyday we are presented with a rude awakening in the newspaper headlines of yet another disaster directly attributable to unnatural and unprecedented climate changes.
Any one who has seen the Melissa Etheridge video depicting the graphic and horrific effects and consequences of global warming must have become just a little more awake.
How could we human beings, claiming to be intelligent life forms yet, think we could indefinitely get away with the obscene amount of insults and injuries that we subject our earth and communal life support system to and expect no adverse repercussions?
Have we been sleepwalking though this? No! There were always the voices of the aware ones crying out a warning. But avarice and greed drowned them out
Well mercifully the balance is shifting and we are waking up to the reality that our destruction is almost at our doors. What will we do about global warming and its devastating effects that are already being felt daily? Pull the covers up and go back to sleep? Wait for someone else to save us? There is no one else!
We need to wake up and stay awake! Clean up our mess with every action we take from now on. Some experts are saying it may already be too late. Well be that as it may, we must try. For, what is the alternative?
When a situation calls for action, we must act! What can we do? Let us add our voices to those who tell the inconvenient truth of global warming. Join:
Tell everyone you know about the things that you are doing to help stop this disaster AND ask them to join you. Spend your money wisely and stop supporting any action economic, political or social that continues to destroy our home the earth.
Wake up and stay alert! For this is literally and not virtually a fight for our collective lives.
About the Author
Yvonne Finn is and has always been passionately active in her efforts to clean up and protect the environment. She seeks out products and service that are earth-friendly and environmentally protective, yet cost effective and efficient. See one of her latest finds here:
Melissa Etheridge's chilling video says it all in "I Need to Wake up" and so do all of us.
Global warming and it's life extinction threat is no longer a speculative or theoretical possibility.
We are already there! Everyday we are presented with a rude awakening in the newspaper headlines of yet another disaster directly attributable to unnatural and unprecedented climate changes.
Any one who has seen the Melissa Etheridge video depicting the graphic and horrific effects and consequences of global warming must have become just a little more awake.
How could we human beings, claiming to be intelligent life forms yet, think we could indefinitely get away with the obscene amount of insults and injuries that we subject our earth and communal life support system to and expect no adverse repercussions?
Have we been sleepwalking though this? No! There were always the voices of the aware ones crying out a warning. But avarice and greed drowned them out
Well mercifully the balance is shifting and we are waking up to the reality that our destruction is almost at our doors. What will we do about global warming and its devastating effects that are already being felt daily? Pull the covers up and go back to sleep? Wait for someone else to save us? There is no one else!
We need to wake up and stay awake! Clean up our mess with every action we take from now on. Some experts are saying it may already be too late. Well be that as it may, we must try. For, what is the alternative?
When a situation calls for action, we must act! What can we do? Let us add our voices to those who tell the inconvenient truth of global warming. Join:
Tell everyone you know about the things that you are doing to help stop this disaster AND ask them to join you. Spend your money wisely and stop supporting any action economic, political or social that continues to destroy our home the earth.
Wake up and stay alert! For this is literally and not virtually a fight for our collective lives.
About the Author
Yvonne Finn is and has always been passionately active in her efforts to clean up and protect the environment. She seeks out products and service that are earth-friendly and environmentally protective, yet cost effective and efficient. See one of her latest finds here:
Yehovah Jesus Allah Call for an End to Judaism Christianity and Islam
Yehovah Jesus Allah Call for an End to Judaism Christianity and Islam
The world is in turmoil today. President Bush publicly declared a Christian Crusade. President Ahmadinejad publicly declared his intention for World Jihad, for the creation of a world Islamic state. Prime Minister Olmert is preparing plans to nuke Iran. The United Nations sees all of this. They see that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are engaged in a clash of civilizations leading us all into nuclear world war 3. The High Level Group of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations recently completed and issued their report. Their conclusion was that the clash between Islam, Christianity and Judaism which is about to lead us all into the radioactive fires of real live Hell on earth did not have a religious cause. Either the study group members were suffering from severe retardation or they did a cover up for Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
The Pope recently came out with three reasons that there is no peace on earth. Religion was not one of them.
Let us say that you have a weed, a dandelion in your backyard. Lets say that you take a scissors and cut off the top. Not only will the weed return but it will spread. The only way to solve the problem is to take your $2 weeder and dig the weed out by the roots. We need to root out the problem facing the world now. If we continue to bury our heads in the sand then soon our God will lead us all into extinction in nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter and then ultraviolet summer. Every scientist knows that nuclear world war 3 will have zero survivors.
The Jewish people follow the Old Testament. The Christian people follow the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Muslim people follow the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. All of them follow God of Mount Sinai who handed the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Let us assume as Judaism, Christianity and Islam do that these Holy Bibles are the absolute word of God. In the Gospel of John it opens up by saying "The Word was God." This means that "God is the Word of God". God has three groups of followers, three children, the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Let us see what their God says.
The Old Testament is followed by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Old Testament contains The Psalms. In Psalm 2 God of Mount Sinai says that he will send his Messiah. The Messiah will take a rod of iron and smash all non group members into a million pieces like a potter's vessel and conquer the world for each group. This means that the Jewish Messiah will massacre every non Jewish man, woman and child on earth and conquer the world for Judaism. This means that the very same God of Mount Sinai will massacre every non Christian man, woman and child on earth and conquer the world for Christianity. This means that the very same God of Mount Sinai will slaughter every non Muslim man, woman and child and conquer the world for Islam. This means that God of Mount Sinai has promised the whole world to each of his three children if they go out and kill God's other 2 children. This means that God of Mount Sinai is a vile, vicious, sadistic warmonger leading us all into nuclear world war 3, our present course.
Unfortunately this is just the beginning of what your sadistic murderous God commands each of his children. The Old Testament is packed with passages where your God of Mount Sinai commands each group to go out and slaughter mercilessly every single other group, every man, woman and child and burn their villages to the ground. In the New Testament your God of Mount Sinai commands every Christian to go out and throw every single non Christian man, woman and child into the fire because they are Devils. (Matthew 13:36-43). In the Koran God of Mount Sinai says to the Muslim people, "Make war on the Christians, Jews and Infidels and I will give you eternal paradise with me in Heaven with crystal clear streams, 72 virgins and endless wine with no side effects." (Koran Sura 9:5, 29-30, Sura 56.)
It should be clear by now that as long as Judaism, Christianity and Islam exist there can never be peace on earth. This is why your God says through every single Biblical prophet including and especially Jesus Christ that the Holy Bibles are not his word. Your God says through every single Biblical prophet including and especially Jesus Christ that the Holy Bibles except for the 10 commandments carved in stone by God himself are forgeries written by human beings and signed "God." (Ezekiel 13:6). God called your Holy Bibles a pack of lies written by a bunch of ignorant drunks which would lead us all into the fire. (Isaiah 28:9-15). Jesus Christ the Jewish born Messiah of Christianity and Islam said that when he returned he would command all of his angels to take the poisonous weeds, the Tares, the 3 Holy Bibles and toss them into the fire to save you all from them, except for the 10 commandments. (Matt. 13:24-30). The 10 page Temple of Love website sets out exactly what your God said through every Biblical prophet, the parts your religion does not teach you because if they did you would run out the door, and your God's simple map for how you all save life on earth yourselves. In The Temple of Love you will finally be joining together with your God and following the map of your God which leads to the survival of life one earth.
The sixth commandment of God of Mount Sinai is "Don't Murder." We are all composed of air, water and earth. If we stop murdering tomorrow then it means that we stop poisoning to death our components air, water and earth. An end to murder would mean an end to pollution, global warming, murder and war. Your God is not a sadistic warmonger. Your human savage Bible writers were sadistic warmongers. The Jewish, Christian and Muslim people today are following these Bible writers right into the agonizing extinction of all life on earth forever in nuclear world war 3, Armageddon, and rejecting the word of their God, the 10 commandments.
We may already have passed the point of no return on this planet but the worse thing that we can do is to give up hope. Jesus called the Rabbis, Priests and Ayatollahs following the Old Testament today "corrupt, hypocritical, venomous poisonous murderous snakes and blind guides leading you all into the fire." (Matthew 23). These people will never tell you to set aside your Bibles because they would lose their money and power over you. Your mainstream media will never print this article because they are owned by the Jews, Christians and Muslims. This means that the people of earth will never know that The Temple of Love aka The Temple of 10ve aka The World Peace Religion aka The Third Temple has been rebuilt, with your God of Mount Sinai's (aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim, the God of your ancestors who led you out of slavery in Egypt, I Am Who I Am, and all of those in every language) blueprint for you all to save life on earth yourselves.
Yehovah, Jesus and Allah call for an end to the Old Testament, the cornerstone of Judaism, Christianity and Islam repeatedly right in your Holy Bibles, except for the 10 commandments. God carved in stone "Don't Murder" and the 3 Bibles call out "Murder!" endlessly. How simple it would be if tomorrow every Synagogue, Church and Mosque on earth changed their name to The Temple of Love and turned from haters into lovers. Otherwise just walk out the door and don't look back. You must break the bonds which your religious leaders have you tied up in now in order to achieve peace on earth. Then we would have a chance, according to your God who loves you all and your own common sense. Your political leaders are using these religions to set you all against yourselves. In a nuclear age where nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath, Armageddon, will have no survivors we cannot afford to be divided. It seems like we need to have a love party.
About the Author
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love
The world is in turmoil today. President Bush publicly declared a Christian Crusade. President Ahmadinejad publicly declared his intention for World Jihad, for the creation of a world Islamic state. Prime Minister Olmert is preparing plans to nuke Iran. The United Nations sees all of this. They see that Judaism, Christianity and Islam are engaged in a clash of civilizations leading us all into nuclear world war 3. The High Level Group of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations recently completed and issued their report. Their conclusion was that the clash between Islam, Christianity and Judaism which is about to lead us all into the radioactive fires of real live Hell on earth did not have a religious cause. Either the study group members were suffering from severe retardation or they did a cover up for Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
The Pope recently came out with three reasons that there is no peace on earth. Religion was not one of them.
Let us say that you have a weed, a dandelion in your backyard. Lets say that you take a scissors and cut off the top. Not only will the weed return but it will spread. The only way to solve the problem is to take your $2 weeder and dig the weed out by the roots. We need to root out the problem facing the world now. If we continue to bury our heads in the sand then soon our God will lead us all into extinction in nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter and then ultraviolet summer. Every scientist knows that nuclear world war 3 will have zero survivors.
The Jewish people follow the Old Testament. The Christian people follow the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Muslim people follow the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. All of them follow God of Mount Sinai who handed the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. Let us assume as Judaism, Christianity and Islam do that these Holy Bibles are the absolute word of God. In the Gospel of John it opens up by saying "The Word was God." This means that "God is the Word of God". God has three groups of followers, three children, the Jews, Christians and Muslims. Let us see what their God says.
The Old Testament is followed by Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Old Testament contains The Psalms. In Psalm 2 God of Mount Sinai says that he will send his Messiah. The Messiah will take a rod of iron and smash all non group members into a million pieces like a potter's vessel and conquer the world for each group. This means that the Jewish Messiah will massacre every non Jewish man, woman and child on earth and conquer the world for Judaism. This means that the very same God of Mount Sinai will massacre every non Christian man, woman and child on earth and conquer the world for Christianity. This means that the very same God of Mount Sinai will slaughter every non Muslim man, woman and child and conquer the world for Islam. This means that God of Mount Sinai has promised the whole world to each of his three children if they go out and kill God's other 2 children. This means that God of Mount Sinai is a vile, vicious, sadistic warmonger leading us all into nuclear world war 3, our present course.
Unfortunately this is just the beginning of what your sadistic murderous God commands each of his children. The Old Testament is packed with passages where your God of Mount Sinai commands each group to go out and slaughter mercilessly every single other group, every man, woman and child and burn their villages to the ground. In the New Testament your God of Mount Sinai commands every Christian to go out and throw every single non Christian man, woman and child into the fire because they are Devils. (Matthew 13:36-43). In the Koran God of Mount Sinai says to the Muslim people, "Make war on the Christians, Jews and Infidels and I will give you eternal paradise with me in Heaven with crystal clear streams, 72 virgins and endless wine with no side effects." (Koran Sura 9:5, 29-30, Sura 56.)
It should be clear by now that as long as Judaism, Christianity and Islam exist there can never be peace on earth. This is why your God says through every single Biblical prophet including and especially Jesus Christ that the Holy Bibles are not his word. Your God says through every single Biblical prophet including and especially Jesus Christ that the Holy Bibles except for the 10 commandments carved in stone by God himself are forgeries written by human beings and signed "God." (Ezekiel 13:6). God called your Holy Bibles a pack of lies written by a bunch of ignorant drunks which would lead us all into the fire. (Isaiah 28:9-15). Jesus Christ the Jewish born Messiah of Christianity and Islam said that when he returned he would command all of his angels to take the poisonous weeds, the Tares, the 3 Holy Bibles and toss them into the fire to save you all from them, except for the 10 commandments. (Matt. 13:24-30). The 10 page Temple of Love website sets out exactly what your God said through every Biblical prophet, the parts your religion does not teach you because if they did you would run out the door, and your God's simple map for how you all save life on earth yourselves. In The Temple of Love you will finally be joining together with your God and following the map of your God which leads to the survival of life one earth.
The sixth commandment of God of Mount Sinai is "Don't Murder." We are all composed of air, water and earth. If we stop murdering tomorrow then it means that we stop poisoning to death our components air, water and earth. An end to murder would mean an end to pollution, global warming, murder and war. Your God is not a sadistic warmonger. Your human savage Bible writers were sadistic warmongers. The Jewish, Christian and Muslim people today are following these Bible writers right into the agonizing extinction of all life on earth forever in nuclear world war 3, Armageddon, and rejecting the word of their God, the 10 commandments.
We may already have passed the point of no return on this planet but the worse thing that we can do is to give up hope. Jesus called the Rabbis, Priests and Ayatollahs following the Old Testament today "corrupt, hypocritical, venomous poisonous murderous snakes and blind guides leading you all into the fire." (Matthew 23). These people will never tell you to set aside your Bibles because they would lose their money and power over you. Your mainstream media will never print this article because they are owned by the Jews, Christians and Muslims. This means that the people of earth will never know that The Temple of Love aka The Temple of 10ve aka The World Peace Religion aka The Third Temple has been rebuilt, with your God of Mount Sinai's (aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim, the God of your ancestors who led you out of slavery in Egypt, I Am Who I Am, and all of those in every language) blueprint for you all to save life on earth yourselves.
Yehovah, Jesus and Allah call for an end to the Old Testament, the cornerstone of Judaism, Christianity and Islam repeatedly right in your Holy Bibles, except for the 10 commandments. God carved in stone "Don't Murder" and the 3 Bibles call out "Murder!" endlessly. How simple it would be if tomorrow every Synagogue, Church and Mosque on earth changed their name to The Temple of Love and turned from haters into lovers. Otherwise just walk out the door and don't look back. You must break the bonds which your religious leaders have you tied up in now in order to achieve peace on earth. Then we would have a chance, according to your God who loves you all and your own common sense. Your political leaders are using these religions to set you all against yourselves. In a nuclear age where nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath, Armageddon, will have no survivors we cannot afford to be divided. It seems like we need to have a love party.
About the Author
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love
The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution
The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution
The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution and the solution for everlasting peace on Earth.
What is needed more than anything else today is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities.
The Muslim, Christian and Jewish people today are like scientists looking at a speck of dust under a high powered microscope. Instead of seeing the speck of dust in its true perspective as a harmless speck of dust they see it as a gigantic monster about to consume them and their grandchildren.
People today think that the situation in the world is hopeless. President Bush is expanding his Christian Crusade into Syria and Iran. Iran is preparing its Muslim Jihad to take over the world and create an Islamic state. The World is hurtling into nuclear world war 3 the Apocalypse. Christians and Muslims are thrilled to see the coming Armageddon because they believe that this will hasten the arrival of the Messiahs Jesus Christ and the Mahdi to conquer the world for them and bring everlasting peace because they read this in their Holy Scriptures.
Ask any nuclear scientist and they will tell you that nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will have zero survivors. Insanity is defined as being a danger to yourself or to others and not understanding the nature and consequences of your actions. The belief that nuclear world war three will bring your group the world and everlasting peace on earth is the delusion and insanity which endangers life on Earth today.
The time has come to use your own mind and your own common sense to save yourselves. At The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion on a ten page website we take the Holy Bible verses of Judaism, Christianity and Islam like pieces of a puzzle all mixed up in a box. Then we throw the pieces up into the air and scramble them. Then we rearrange them as God of Mount Sinai said to do through every single Biblical prophet including the Jewish born Messiah of Christianity and Islam Jesus Christ and we add in the light of modern discoveries. What we come up with is the world map of God of Mount Sinai to the survival of life on earth and a far different story than the one being taught by your Christian, Muslim and Jewish teachers. God of Mount Sinai's map to survival is simple and it works. The road you are all on today leads to disaster. Will it take watching your children being vaporized instantly into black ashes until you understand this?
Are you hypnotized so badly that you do not understand that the earth moves even though your Holy Bible says three times that the earth does not move and it never will? Are you hypnotized so badly that you believe that nuclear world war 3 is the road to everlasting peace on earth?
What is needed more than anything else is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities. The Jewish, Muslim and Christian people all share the same planet earth. They all have the same human DNA. Humans have been on earth for 5 million years and Judaism is only 4 thousand years old, Christianity 2 thousand years old and Islam 1400 years old. Therefore prior to 4,000 years ago Christians, Muslims and Jews all share the same Pagan ancestors and the same Pagan bloodlines. The Christian, Muslim and Jewish people all believe that there is only one God. The Muslim, Christian and Jewish people all believe that this God is the God who handed the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago today. The Jewish, Christian and Muslim people all believe that the 10 commandments of their God of Mount Sinai are the Divine Constitution of the Universe. If you stop right there then every Christian, Muslim and Jew belongs to the same group, The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion.
The 10 commandments of our God of Mount Sinai are extremely powerful almost to the point of being miraculous, supernatural. Take the sixth commandment "Don't Murder". Human beings are composed of earth, water and air. Now let us unite as 10vers in The Temple of Love aka The Temple of 10ve. If we stop murdering then we must stop poisoning to death the pieces we are made of air, water and earth. This will bring an immediate end to pollution, global warming, crime and war.
What about our different beliefs which divide us all and are leading us all against each other into nuclear world war three? God of Mount Sinai showed us all exactly how to set these differences aside through every single Biblical Prophet of Islam, Judaism and Christianity in your Holy Bibles. Go now to The Temple of Love website and see for yourselves and teach the answer in your schools. Put the link for The Temple of Love on every website today. Change the name of your Church, Mosque and Synagogue to The Temple of Love today. All you need to do is to follow one single word of your God of Mount Sinai 10ve to survive. If you do then we will survive and if you do not then we will all soon perish in the coming fires of nuclear world war three and global warming.
What is needed more than anything else is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities. Every Christian, Muslim and Jew believes in God of Mount Sinai. This is one of your countless similarities. You all believe in the same God. Instead of uniting with this common belief, you divide because you all give your God a different name. This is like dividing because you all give gravity a different name in your different languages. Gravity and God exist and pull you in the right direction no matter what you call it, God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Yehovah, Adonai, Hashem, I Am that I Am, the God of your forefathers who led you out of slavery in Egypt and all of these names in every language.
In a nuclear age we cannot afford to be divided. The Muslims have divided into Shiite and Sunni. They all believe what 10vers believe. They are divided because the Shiites follow as their religious leader the descendants of the son in law of the Prophet Muhammad and the Sunnis follow the descendants of the General of the Prophet Muhammad. It is now time to cast this difference aside and follow the word of your God 10ve.
I hereby command in the name of God of Mount Sinai every website and newspaper on earth to publish this article in its entirety. God said to the Prophet Zachariah, "Get out my message. If you do and the people do not listen then I will hold you blameless. If you do not and harm comes to the people then the blood of the innocent men, women and children will be upon your head." The people of earth want their Messiah to come and change things for the better and yet they refuse to change a thing. Stay the course and perish. Follow the one word of your God 10ve and survive. Is this to plain? You are all 99 per cent the same and just one inch from everlasting world peace today. Walk that final inch now. 10ve
About the Author
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love
The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion is the Middle East Solution and the solution for everlasting peace on Earth.
What is needed more than anything else today is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities.
The Muslim, Christian and Jewish people today are like scientists looking at a speck of dust under a high powered microscope. Instead of seeing the speck of dust in its true perspective as a harmless speck of dust they see it as a gigantic monster about to consume them and their grandchildren.
People today think that the situation in the world is hopeless. President Bush is expanding his Christian Crusade into Syria and Iran. Iran is preparing its Muslim Jihad to take over the world and create an Islamic state. The World is hurtling into nuclear world war 3 the Apocalypse. Christians and Muslims are thrilled to see the coming Armageddon because they believe that this will hasten the arrival of the Messiahs Jesus Christ and the Mahdi to conquer the world for them and bring everlasting peace because they read this in their Holy Scriptures.
Ask any nuclear scientist and they will tell you that nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will have zero survivors. Insanity is defined as being a danger to yourself or to others and not understanding the nature and consequences of your actions. The belief that nuclear world war three will bring your group the world and everlasting peace on earth is the delusion and insanity which endangers life on Earth today.
The time has come to use your own mind and your own common sense to save yourselves. At The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion on a ten page website we take the Holy Bible verses of Judaism, Christianity and Islam like pieces of a puzzle all mixed up in a box. Then we throw the pieces up into the air and scramble them. Then we rearrange them as God of Mount Sinai said to do through every single Biblical prophet including the Jewish born Messiah of Christianity and Islam Jesus Christ and we add in the light of modern discoveries. What we come up with is the world map of God of Mount Sinai to the survival of life on earth and a far different story than the one being taught by your Christian, Muslim and Jewish teachers. God of Mount Sinai's map to survival is simple and it works. The road you are all on today leads to disaster. Will it take watching your children being vaporized instantly into black ashes until you understand this?
Are you hypnotized so badly that you do not understand that the earth moves even though your Holy Bible says three times that the earth does not move and it never will? Are you hypnotized so badly that you believe that nuclear world war 3 is the road to everlasting peace on earth?
What is needed more than anything else is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities. The Jewish, Muslim and Christian people all share the same planet earth. They all have the same human DNA. Humans have been on earth for 5 million years and Judaism is only 4 thousand years old, Christianity 2 thousand years old and Islam 1400 years old. Therefore prior to 4,000 years ago Christians, Muslims and Jews all share the same Pagan ancestors and the same Pagan bloodlines. The Christian, Muslim and Jewish people all believe that there is only one God. The Muslim, Christian and Jewish people all believe that this God is the God who handed the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago today. The Jewish, Christian and Muslim people all believe that the 10 commandments of their God of Mount Sinai are the Divine Constitution of the Universe. If you stop right there then every Christian, Muslim and Jew belongs to the same group, The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion.
The 10 commandments of our God of Mount Sinai are extremely powerful almost to the point of being miraculous, supernatural. Take the sixth commandment "Don't Murder". Human beings are composed of earth, water and air. Now let us unite as 10vers in The Temple of Love aka The Temple of 10ve. If we stop murdering then we must stop poisoning to death the pieces we are made of air, water and earth. This will bring an immediate end to pollution, global warming, crime and war.
What about our different beliefs which divide us all and are leading us all against each other into nuclear world war three? God of Mount Sinai showed us all exactly how to set these differences aside through every single Biblical Prophet of Islam, Judaism and Christianity in your Holy Bibles. Go now to The Temple of Love website and see for yourselves and teach the answer in your schools. Put the link for The Temple of Love on every website today. Change the name of your Church, Mosque and Synagogue to The Temple of Love today. All you need to do is to follow one single word of your God of Mount Sinai 10ve to survive. If you do then we will survive and if you do not then we will all soon perish in the coming fires of nuclear world war three and global warming.
What is needed more than anything else is a simple change in attitude by the Christian, Muslim and Jewish people. Instead of focusing on your differences focus on your similarities. Every Christian, Muslim and Jew believes in God of Mount Sinai. This is one of your countless similarities. You all believe in the same God. Instead of uniting with this common belief, you divide because you all give your God a different name. This is like dividing because you all give gravity a different name in your different languages. Gravity and God exist and pull you in the right direction no matter what you call it, God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Elohim, Yehovah, Adonai, Hashem, I Am that I Am, the God of your forefathers who led you out of slavery in Egypt and all of these names in every language.
In a nuclear age we cannot afford to be divided. The Muslims have divided into Shiite and Sunni. They all believe what 10vers believe. They are divided because the Shiites follow as their religious leader the descendants of the son in law of the Prophet Muhammad and the Sunnis follow the descendants of the General of the Prophet Muhammad. It is now time to cast this difference aside and follow the word of your God 10ve.
I hereby command in the name of God of Mount Sinai every website and newspaper on earth to publish this article in its entirety. God said to the Prophet Zachariah, "Get out my message. If you do and the people do not listen then I will hold you blameless. If you do not and harm comes to the people then the blood of the innocent men, women and children will be upon your head." The people of earth want their Messiah to come and change things for the better and yet they refuse to change a thing. Stay the course and perish. Follow the one word of your God 10ve and survive. Is this to plain? You are all 99 per cent the same and just one inch from everlasting world peace today. Walk that final inch now. 10ve
About the Author
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love
How to find your calling after forty - Step Up for a great New Year!
How to find your calling after forty - Step Up for a great New Year!
How to find your calling after forty - Step Up for a great New Year!
December,2006 By Craig Nathanson - The Vocational Coach™ What is my calling?
That's the first question I usually get. The second question is "how do I find it"?
I say, "Well, first you have to go looking for it!"
Most of us are afraid to take that little peak inside to see what we really want. After forty, it's time to listen to one's heart, not one's mom or boss or spouse or what we think the rest of the world wants.
Evaluate and envision your journey
Evaluate where you have been in your life and ask yourself, "Is this enough?" Do you get out of bed in the morning and decide you would rather pull the covers back over your head? Do you still yearn to write that first novel, open up your first deli, or simply stop working for other people? Can you envision what it would be like if you could only do what you love--now?
Fire your boss and your job
No one over forty deserves to be working in JUST a job or for JUST a boss. This is our time to work for ourselves, crafting and selling the natural gifts we have to offer the world...if we could just figure out what they are!
What aisle do you drift to?
Walk into your favorite bookstore; which aisle do you gravitate towards? If you had a day to yourself, what would you do and why? Who inspires you? What movies inspire you?
Start with some research
Google search is probably the greatest single technology ever invented. Take your passion and start with a simple search. Find someone else who is doing what you want to do. Insect collecting, wine tasting, making films--it doesn't matter what it is.
Don't judge the book by its cover
At this stage of your search, don't share what you are doing with anyone just yet--not even with those who love you. They will confuse your passion with their view around the practical aspects of making money. Money comes in just a moment.
Make a list of all the possibilities for your passions. Let's pretend your passion is making films. What might be possible? What films might be possible? What films do you want to make and why? What would be the best features of your films? Who would benefit from your films? Who would be the ideal niche audience for your films?
Find a filmmaker who makes the kind of films you would like to make. Interview him or her and find out what small steps you might take to get started.
Time over money
If you quit your unfulfilling job today, how long could you go without making an income? Would your answer be one month, six months, one year? How could you expand your time? The more time the better. Different answers will drive different strategies. If you can go a year without making an income, then you can afford to take a few more risks then the person who must make an income within three months.
Could you lengthen your time? Could you cash in your retirement fund? Scary, but why not? You won't need it if you are doing what you love! Once you start making an income, how much, exactly, do you need to make? Expect to make around 50% less money in the first four years than you made in your traditional job if you go into business for yourself.
Expect to make about 25% less if you follow your passion and work for someone else.
In my research, I have noticed that after about four years, people who have pursued their passion start to make to close to what they made in their old unfulfilling jobs--sometimes even more.
Nothing is off limits
When it comes to following your passion, you'll need a lighter backpack for this part of the journey. Sounds difficult, but if this part was easy, everybody would be answering their calling!
Create multiple streams of income
Starting out, you might find yourself working Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for someone else, and Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays for yourself. The current model of work for those over forty is outdated and well past its prime. The corporate world, as an entity, can be helpful to those just starting out as they seek to build ego and self in the world. This stage is critical to one's development. After forty, however, the corporate world can ruin one's soul and sense of self.
Be a rebel with a cause
Twenty thousand people die each day from starvation. We waste billions of dollars on needless wars and even more justifying them. Follow the global warming trends, and earth itself might not be here in one hundred years. This won't affect you but it will affect your grandchildren.
So while large corporations compete for the most dollars without regard for our future, you can be different. You must be different. There are too many people working in faceless jobs for faceless bosses for faceless firms. Can't help cure starvation? Can't help reduce wars or save the planet? Start with your own happiness. It will spread like wildfire to all those you encounter.
Make an impact in your second half
This is one set of New Year's resolutions that won't go unnoticed by your soul. Stand up!
Shout it out loud! You are through with an empty life devoid of energy, passion and meaning!
Stand up for what you believe in. Be the change now that you want to see in the world. It all starts with your calling--what calls you now? Take your first steps; in some small ways this earth we all share will be just a little better because of you.
I'll be cheering you on each small step of the way.
About the Author
Craig Nathanson is the author of P Is For Perfect: Your Perfect Vocational Day and a coaching expert who works with people over forty. Craig's new E-book, Discover and live your passion 365 days a year is a workshop in a box designed to help busy adults go insane with their work. Craig's systematic approach, the trademark "Ten P" process,'' helps people break free and move toward the work they love. Visit Craig's online community at w
How to find your calling after forty - Step Up for a great New Year!
December,2006 By Craig Nathanson - The Vocational Coach™ What is my calling?
That's the first question I usually get. The second question is "how do I find it"?
I say, "Well, first you have to go looking for it!"
Most of us are afraid to take that little peak inside to see what we really want. After forty, it's time to listen to one's heart, not one's mom or boss or spouse or what we think the rest of the world wants.
Evaluate and envision your journey
Evaluate where you have been in your life and ask yourself, "Is this enough?" Do you get out of bed in the morning and decide you would rather pull the covers back over your head? Do you still yearn to write that first novel, open up your first deli, or simply stop working for other people? Can you envision what it would be like if you could only do what you love--now?
Fire your boss and your job
No one over forty deserves to be working in JUST a job or for JUST a boss. This is our time to work for ourselves, crafting and selling the natural gifts we have to offer the world...if we could just figure out what they are!
What aisle do you drift to?
Walk into your favorite bookstore; which aisle do you gravitate towards? If you had a day to yourself, what would you do and why? Who inspires you? What movies inspire you?
Start with some research
Google search is probably the greatest single technology ever invented. Take your passion and start with a simple search. Find someone else who is doing what you want to do. Insect collecting, wine tasting, making films--it doesn't matter what it is.
Don't judge the book by its cover
At this stage of your search, don't share what you are doing with anyone just yet--not even with those who love you. They will confuse your passion with their view around the practical aspects of making money. Money comes in just a moment.
Make a list of all the possibilities for your passions. Let's pretend your passion is making films. What might be possible? What films might be possible? What films do you want to make and why? What would be the best features of your films? Who would benefit from your films? Who would be the ideal niche audience for your films?
Find a filmmaker who makes the kind of films you would like to make. Interview him or her and find out what small steps you might take to get started.
Time over money
If you quit your unfulfilling job today, how long could you go without making an income? Would your answer be one month, six months, one year? How could you expand your time? The more time the better. Different answers will drive different strategies. If you can go a year without making an income, then you can afford to take a few more risks then the person who must make an income within three months.
Could you lengthen your time? Could you cash in your retirement fund? Scary, but why not? You won't need it if you are doing what you love! Once you start making an income, how much, exactly, do you need to make? Expect to make around 50% less money in the first four years than you made in your traditional job if you go into business for yourself.
Expect to make about 25% less if you follow your passion and work for someone else.
In my research, I have noticed that after about four years, people who have pursued their passion start to make to close to what they made in their old unfulfilling jobs--sometimes even more.
Nothing is off limits
When it comes to following your passion, you'll need a lighter backpack for this part of the journey. Sounds difficult, but if this part was easy, everybody would be answering their calling!
Create multiple streams of income
Starting out, you might find yourself working Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for someone else, and Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays for yourself. The current model of work for those over forty is outdated and well past its prime. The corporate world, as an entity, can be helpful to those just starting out as they seek to build ego and self in the world. This stage is critical to one's development. After forty, however, the corporate world can ruin one's soul and sense of self.
Be a rebel with a cause
Twenty thousand people die each day from starvation. We waste billions of dollars on needless wars and even more justifying them. Follow the global warming trends, and earth itself might not be here in one hundred years. This won't affect you but it will affect your grandchildren.
So while large corporations compete for the most dollars without regard for our future, you can be different. You must be different. There are too many people working in faceless jobs for faceless bosses for faceless firms. Can't help cure starvation? Can't help reduce wars or save the planet? Start with your own happiness. It will spread like wildfire to all those you encounter.
Make an impact in your second half
This is one set of New Year's resolutions that won't go unnoticed by your soul. Stand up!
Shout it out loud! You are through with an empty life devoid of energy, passion and meaning!
Stand up for what you believe in. Be the change now that you want to see in the world. It all starts with your calling--what calls you now? Take your first steps; in some small ways this earth we all share will be just a little better because of you.
I'll be cheering you on each small step of the way.
About the Author
Craig Nathanson is the author of P Is For Perfect: Your Perfect Vocational Day and a coaching expert who works with people over forty. Craig's new E-book, Discover and live your passion 365 days a year is a workshop in a box designed to help busy adults go insane with their work. Craig's systematic approach, the trademark "Ten P" process,'' helps people break free and move toward the work they love. Visit Craig's online community at w
What If Your Car Could RUN ON WATER? You Can Fight Global Warming
What If Your Car Could RUN ON WATER? You Can Fight Global Warming
What if your car could RUN ON WATER ?! You Can Fight Global Warming
I am writing in response to the Oregonian's report on global warming, I am concerned, as many are, at the prospect of closing Hwy 35, or any highway, because of global warming. Fellow Americans, I urge you to take action wherever you can to at least slow this down. In this article I would like to go over the causes of global warming, and how you may help fight this very real threat to humanity.
According to the Oregonian newspaper, the root cause of global warming, whether you live in Oregon or the Orient, is excessive carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is literally emitted by us daily as we breathe, as you may well know. It is also emitted from daily activities such as when we cook, do our laundry, and take our showers. But most of all, global warming gases are emitted when we drive our vehicles.
In the Oregonian's global warming report, the average Portland area family of 3 with 2 automobiles (05 Subaru Outback at 12,500 miles per year, and a '98 Ford Taurus at 6,000 miles per year) emitted 42,949 lbs of carbon dioxide annually. 24,884 of those pounds were from the automobiles! These figures are startling, since I have to admit, we drive more than the 18,500 miles represented above, and I thought the newer vehicles would emit less global warming carbon dioxide, but these facts don't encourage me.
Another major contributor to global warming are airplanes and jets. For a family of three to fly round trip from Portland to Disney World in Orlando, FL, 5 tons of carbon dioxide (10,000 pounds!) are created and released, according to the US. Department of Energy. The carbon dioxide that we create ( I hate to use the word 'create' for something so destructive!) in 11 hours, takes five residents of India, or nearly 3 Brazilians an entire year to generate!
I was harshly reminded of the seriousness of global warming when I read a few days ago that they might close Hwy 35, due to a glacier on Mt. Hood melting. Exposed sand and rocks that were under the ice came crashing onto the highway and spilled into White River causing the river to change course and about 10 miles of road to become buried under millions of cubic yards of rock! If global warming continues, with glaciers and polar ice caps melting, coastal cities will be gone, including New York. I am quickly abandoning my apathy about global warming! Britain has recently released a 700 page report to world superpowers saying there is no future without quick action! I am amazed but understand our addiction to modern conveniences, since, lets face it, nobody here wants to live like those in third world countries. But we have to realize that global warming is to the point of destroying our earth, so we must find alternatives. We DO have an alternative, one that those that have made money selling gasoline and petroleum products, have managed to stifle. This alternative will not only help prevent global warming, but I believe it will help to reverse it, because it actually cleans the air!
I am fortunate enough to have been exposed to this technology earlier than most, because I have a friend who was married to someone who invented a way to bypass the gasoline tank, and run his car on water. At that time, he was shot at, and his car was destroyed. This incident happened about 20 years ago. Intimidation from big oil is why there is no patent on such a system. Here is where we have come to gain hope concerning global warming. We have come to know of a scientist who has written a manual on how to build a fuel system that will run a vehicle using water. He is almost giving this technology away, knowing that the more people that start using it, the less anyone will be able to do to stop this wonderful invention from being used. This one powerful idea would slow and possibly reverse our current descent into global warming. I nominate him for the Nobel Prize!
What I propose to slow global warming will cost you the price of the manual and a trip to the mechanic. But it will save you whatever you spend on gas, (isn't that huge?!) and more than cut in half the amount of carbon dioxide a family of 3 puts into our atmosphere. I say more than cut in half, because this system releases the oxygen out of the water (the hydrogen is burned), back into the atmosphere! Fresh air in the cities? Can you imagine? Save money and slow global warming?
I urge everyone to look into this invention. I have written this article earlier than I intended, stirred by Hwy 35 being destroyed due to global warming. I have not installed the fuel conversion system yet, however, I have the manual, and my husband, who knows a thing or two about mechanics, thinks its ingenious, and this is definitely his winter project to reduce global warming. Wouldn't it speak volumes to our world community if the country who bears the greatest responsibility for global warming, has now taken such a drastic step toward the cure?
To our children's future.
About the Author
Roxanne Vick lives with her family in the beautiful PNW, but is thinking of moving to Alaska, if the global warming continues. But yikes! It might be under water too!....Maybe the Midwest? Please order the manual and help save our planet so I don't have to move again!
What if your car could RUN ON WATER ?! You Can Fight Global Warming
I am writing in response to the Oregonian's report on global warming, I am concerned, as many are, at the prospect of closing Hwy 35, or any highway, because of global warming. Fellow Americans, I urge you to take action wherever you can to at least slow this down. In this article I would like to go over the causes of global warming, and how you may help fight this very real threat to humanity.
According to the Oregonian newspaper, the root cause of global warming, whether you live in Oregon or the Orient, is excessive carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is literally emitted by us daily as we breathe, as you may well know. It is also emitted from daily activities such as when we cook, do our laundry, and take our showers. But most of all, global warming gases are emitted when we drive our vehicles.
In the Oregonian's global warming report, the average Portland area family of 3 with 2 automobiles (05 Subaru Outback at 12,500 miles per year, and a '98 Ford Taurus at 6,000 miles per year) emitted 42,949 lbs of carbon dioxide annually. 24,884 of those pounds were from the automobiles! These figures are startling, since I have to admit, we drive more than the 18,500 miles represented above, and I thought the newer vehicles would emit less global warming carbon dioxide, but these facts don't encourage me.
Another major contributor to global warming are airplanes and jets. For a family of three to fly round trip from Portland to Disney World in Orlando, FL, 5 tons of carbon dioxide (10,000 pounds!) are created and released, according to the US. Department of Energy. The carbon dioxide that we create ( I hate to use the word 'create' for something so destructive!) in 11 hours, takes five residents of India, or nearly 3 Brazilians an entire year to generate!
I was harshly reminded of the seriousness of global warming when I read a few days ago that they might close Hwy 35, due to a glacier on Mt. Hood melting. Exposed sand and rocks that were under the ice came crashing onto the highway and spilled into White River causing the river to change course and about 10 miles of road to become buried under millions of cubic yards of rock! If global warming continues, with glaciers and polar ice caps melting, coastal cities will be gone, including New York. I am quickly abandoning my apathy about global warming! Britain has recently released a 700 page report to world superpowers saying there is no future without quick action! I am amazed but understand our addiction to modern conveniences, since, lets face it, nobody here wants to live like those in third world countries. But we have to realize that global warming is to the point of destroying our earth, so we must find alternatives. We DO have an alternative, one that those that have made money selling gasoline and petroleum products, have managed to stifle. This alternative will not only help prevent global warming, but I believe it will help to reverse it, because it actually cleans the air!
I am fortunate enough to have been exposed to this technology earlier than most, because I have a friend who was married to someone who invented a way to bypass the gasoline tank, and run his car on water. At that time, he was shot at, and his car was destroyed. This incident happened about 20 years ago. Intimidation from big oil is why there is no patent on such a system. Here is where we have come to gain hope concerning global warming. We have come to know of a scientist who has written a manual on how to build a fuel system that will run a vehicle using water. He is almost giving this technology away, knowing that the more people that start using it, the less anyone will be able to do to stop this wonderful invention from being used. This one powerful idea would slow and possibly reverse our current descent into global warming. I nominate him for the Nobel Prize!
What I propose to slow global warming will cost you the price of the manual and a trip to the mechanic. But it will save you whatever you spend on gas, (isn't that huge?!) and more than cut in half the amount of carbon dioxide a family of 3 puts into our atmosphere. I say more than cut in half, because this system releases the oxygen out of the water (the hydrogen is burned), back into the atmosphere! Fresh air in the cities? Can you imagine? Save money and slow global warming?
I urge everyone to look into this invention. I have written this article earlier than I intended, stirred by Hwy 35 being destroyed due to global warming. I have not installed the fuel conversion system yet, however, I have the manual, and my husband, who knows a thing or two about mechanics, thinks its ingenious, and this is definitely his winter project to reduce global warming. Wouldn't it speak volumes to our world community if the country who bears the greatest responsibility for global warming, has now taken such a drastic step toward the cure?
To our children's future.
About the Author
Roxanne Vick lives with her family in the beautiful PNW, but is thinking of moving to Alaska, if the global warming continues. But yikes! It might be under water too!....Maybe the Midwest? Please order the manual and help save our planet so I don't have to move again!
The Impact of Global Warming
The Impact of Global Warming
The Earth's temperature has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. According to the National Academy of Sciences, this is attributed to the rise of greenhouse gases - primarily carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
Energy from the sun drives the earth's climate and weather. It heats the earth's surface, the earth radiates energy, bouncing it back into space. Greenhouse gases trap some of the outgoing energy which retains heat. Hence, giving us the name of, "The Greenhouse Effect."
Since the birth of the industrial revolution, concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30%., methane concentrations have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide has risen about 15%. All of these increases has increased the heat-trapping capability of the earth's atmosphere. Trees and plants breathe in carbon dioxide, and have been what's kept our carbon dioxide emissions in balance. But the destruction of our rain forests and woodland areas, have dramatically decreased this intake. Also, increasing agriculture, landfills, industrial production and mining contribute significantly.
Globally, sea level has risen four-eight inches, over the past century. Worldwide participation over land has increased by about one percent. The frequency of extreme rainfalls has increased throughout much of the U.S. Scientists expect that the average global surface temperature could rise one - four-point-five degrees, Fahrenheit, in the next fifty years. And two-point-two - ten degrees, Fahrenheit, in the next century. Which could cause fifty percent of our animal life to be extinct in our children's/grand children's lifetime.
Evaporation will increase as the climate warms, which will increase average global participation. Sea levels are likely to rise two feet along most of the U.S coast.
Carbon Dioxide is released to the atmosphere when solid waste, fossil fuels, (oil, natural gas, and coal), and wood and wood products are burned.
Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also results from the decomposition of organic wastes in municipal solid landfills, and the raising of livestock.
Nitrous Oxide is emitted during the agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during combustion of solid waste and fossil fuels. (EPA global warming).
Some global warming signs are: heat waves, and periods of unusually warm weather, ocean warming, sea-level rise, coastal flooding, glaciers melting, Arctic warming, Antarctic warming, insect diseases spreading, earlier spring arrival, plant and animal range shifts, and population changes, coral reef bleaching, downpours, heavy snowfalls, flooding, droughts and fires. How many do you recognize happening right now?
People can make a difference. Here's some steps you can take:
Drive a fuel-efficient car. Look for the model with the best fuel economy in its class. Each gallon of gas you use releases 25 pounds of heat-trapping carbon dioxide, (CO2), into the atmosphere. Another great reason to car pool! Choose clean power- more than ½ the electricity in the U.S comes from polluting coal-fired power plants. Power plants are the largest source of heat-trapping emissions. Try to switch to electricity suppliers that provide 50-100% renewable energy. Look for the energy star- when it comes to replacing appliances, look for the energy star label. (Refrigerators, freezers, furnaces, air conditioners, and water heaters, use the most energy). If each U.S household replaced its existing appliances with the most efficient models available, we would save fifteen billion in energy costs and eliminate 175 million tons of heat-trapping emissions. Unplug a freezer- if you own an extra refrigerator or freezer you rarely use, one of the quickest ways to reduce your global warming impact would be to unplug it. (Only plug it in when needed). This can reduce the family's carbon dioxide by nearly ten percent.
If we all work together, we can make a huge impact on global warming. You could literally have your child or grandchild's lives in your hands.
Tracey Criswell Wilson is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers. Most of Tracey's writings can be found at
About the Author
Tracey Criswell Wilson is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers. Most of Tracey's writings can be found at
The Earth's temperature has risen by about one degree Fahrenheit in the past century, with accelerated warming during the past two decades. According to the National Academy of Sciences, this is attributed to the rise of greenhouse gases - primarily carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide.
Energy from the sun drives the earth's climate and weather. It heats the earth's surface, the earth radiates energy, bouncing it back into space. Greenhouse gases trap some of the outgoing energy which retains heat. Hence, giving us the name of, "The Greenhouse Effect."
Since the birth of the industrial revolution, concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30%., methane concentrations have more than doubled, and nitrous oxide has risen about 15%. All of these increases has increased the heat-trapping capability of the earth's atmosphere. Trees and plants breathe in carbon dioxide, and have been what's kept our carbon dioxide emissions in balance. But the destruction of our rain forests and woodland areas, have dramatically decreased this intake. Also, increasing agriculture, landfills, industrial production and mining contribute significantly.
Globally, sea level has risen four-eight inches, over the past century. Worldwide participation over land has increased by about one percent. The frequency of extreme rainfalls has increased throughout much of the U.S. Scientists expect that the average global surface temperature could rise one - four-point-five degrees, Fahrenheit, in the next fifty years. And two-point-two - ten degrees, Fahrenheit, in the next century. Which could cause fifty percent of our animal life to be extinct in our children's/grand children's lifetime.
Evaporation will increase as the climate warms, which will increase average global participation. Sea levels are likely to rise two feet along most of the U.S coast.
Carbon Dioxide is released to the atmosphere when solid waste, fossil fuels, (oil, natural gas, and coal), and wood and wood products are burned.
Methane is emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil. Methane emissions also results from the decomposition of organic wastes in municipal solid landfills, and the raising of livestock.
Nitrous Oxide is emitted during the agricultural and industrial activities, as well as during combustion of solid waste and fossil fuels. (EPA global warming).
Some global warming signs are: heat waves, and periods of unusually warm weather, ocean warming, sea-level rise, coastal flooding, glaciers melting, Arctic warming, Antarctic warming, insect diseases spreading, earlier spring arrival, plant and animal range shifts, and population changes, coral reef bleaching, downpours, heavy snowfalls, flooding, droughts and fires. How many do you recognize happening right now?
People can make a difference. Here's some steps you can take:
Drive a fuel-efficient car. Look for the model with the best fuel economy in its class. Each gallon of gas you use releases 25 pounds of heat-trapping carbon dioxide, (CO2), into the atmosphere. Another great reason to car pool! Choose clean power- more than ½ the electricity in the U.S comes from polluting coal-fired power plants. Power plants are the largest source of heat-trapping emissions. Try to switch to electricity suppliers that provide 50-100% renewable energy. Look for the energy star- when it comes to replacing appliances, look for the energy star label. (Refrigerators, freezers, furnaces, air conditioners, and water heaters, use the most energy). If each U.S household replaced its existing appliances with the most efficient models available, we would save fifteen billion in energy costs and eliminate 175 million tons of heat-trapping emissions. Unplug a freezer- if you own an extra refrigerator or freezer you rarely use, one of the quickest ways to reduce your global warming impact would be to unplug it. (Only plug it in when needed). This can reduce the family's carbon dioxide by nearly ten percent.
If we all work together, we can make a huge impact on global warming. You could literally have your child or grandchild's lives in your hands.
Tracey Criswell Wilson is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers. Most of Tracey's writings can be found at
About the Author
Tracey Criswell Wilson is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Writers. Most of Tracey's writings can be found at
Solar Power
Solar Power
These days we are experiencing a growing awareness to the fact that our energy resources, as they have been used in the last few years, are probably not going to last for long and that the energy markets are exposed to more and more rapid changes, some due to political reasons and others because of the changing climate of the planet. The main conclusion that we all need to get to is that all sources of energy should be explored and that we should harness the forces of nature to assist us in this quest.
Solar power is not a new concept, it has been properly introduced to the global public many years ago and successfully implemented in different parts of the world in different ways, so it is fairly safe to say that solar power is known to most people, but it is still not as popular as it should be, as a cheap replacement for other sources of energy. The energy of the sun, from its direct sun rays that are projected directly at the earth or by giant wind turbines is free fro us to use, to manipulate for our needs, and this can be done by almost anyone in any place, it just needs to technology and the know-how.
The most successful way that solar energy has been used up till today is in water heating and heating in general, the way to use the solar power to heat water is by holding water in a tank that is located in a place that is exposed to the sun, during the day the sun warms the tank and increases the temperature of the water, the tank than preserves the heat and the hot water can be used late at night, hours after the sun had heated the water, this is due to a simple concept of heat preservation. The heat warming technique has been changing peoples lives, especially in communities that live in deserts, where the day temperature is extremely hot and that night temperature tends to be significantly lower than the day the use of solar power to heat water is very effective indeed.
The main issue with the solar power products is the cost, sometimes the cost is too high for some, making it difficult on the potential clients to realize that the use of the solar power product will ultimately save them money, since these solar power application can be usually used for many dozens of years they will be doing their work many years after the initial investment will be long forgotten. If you are in the market for a solar power product you should try and make the calculation of running the same application on other sources of energy like running a generator on gas for some minutes every day for years and years. Even without the changes in costs and the growing problem of the availability of those energy sources, it will be clear that the one time investment in solar power will pay itself off in a matter of few years and will not keep costing you like the other traditional energy sources.
About the Author
David Evermon has been involved in many environment related projects, writing on many subjects related to the environment and project management his hobbies and knowledge of construction, David writes articles about Solar Power.
These days we are experiencing a growing awareness to the fact that our energy resources, as they have been used in the last few years, are probably not going to last for long and that the energy markets are exposed to more and more rapid changes, some due to political reasons and others because of the changing climate of the planet. The main conclusion that we all need to get to is that all sources of energy should be explored and that we should harness the forces of nature to assist us in this quest.
Solar power is not a new concept, it has been properly introduced to the global public many years ago and successfully implemented in different parts of the world in different ways, so it is fairly safe to say that solar power is known to most people, but it is still not as popular as it should be, as a cheap replacement for other sources of energy. The energy of the sun, from its direct sun rays that are projected directly at the earth or by giant wind turbines is free fro us to use, to manipulate for our needs, and this can be done by almost anyone in any place, it just needs to technology and the know-how.
The most successful way that solar energy has been used up till today is in water heating and heating in general, the way to use the solar power to heat water is by holding water in a tank that is located in a place that is exposed to the sun, during the day the sun warms the tank and increases the temperature of the water, the tank than preserves the heat and the hot water can be used late at night, hours after the sun had heated the water, this is due to a simple concept of heat preservation. The heat warming technique has been changing peoples lives, especially in communities that live in deserts, where the day temperature is extremely hot and that night temperature tends to be significantly lower than the day the use of solar power to heat water is very effective indeed.
The main issue with the solar power products is the cost, sometimes the cost is too high for some, making it difficult on the potential clients to realize that the use of the solar power product will ultimately save them money, since these solar power application can be usually used for many dozens of years they will be doing their work many years after the initial investment will be long forgotten. If you are in the market for a solar power product you should try and make the calculation of running the same application on other sources of energy like running a generator on gas for some minutes every day for years and years. Even without the changes in costs and the growing problem of the availability of those energy sources, it will be clear that the one time investment in solar power will pay itself off in a matter of few years and will not keep costing you like the other traditional energy sources.
About the Author
David Evermon has been involved in many environment related projects, writing on many subjects related to the environment and project management his hobbies and knowledge of construction, David writes articles about Solar Power.
Reclaim the stolen harvest - re-localising agriculture, economies and community
Reclaim the stolen harvest - re-localising agriculture, economies and community
Those of you in Australia who visit a health food store on a regular basis may have come across a free magazine called "Living Now". In this month's edition (August 2006) I just read a fabulous article about the increasing importance of reviving urban agriculture in these days of rising fuel prices and subsequent food costs. The author, Amadis Lacheta, speaks with a passion about the things in life that are so valuable and which we as a society have taken for granted but which are now becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. Things like clean water, nature places in our cities, fresh organic food, biological diversity, cultural diversity and harmony.
Lacheta highlights the need to increase our awareness of food production and to get back in touch with our food and where it comes from. To recognize the 'true cost' of our food, both economic and social and to work towards reclaiming the growing of food as a community activity.
Lacheta quotes Indian Activist Vandan Shiva who wrote,
"The time has come to reclaim the stolen harvest and celebrate the growing and giving of good food as the highest gift and most revolutionary act." From this quote, Lacheta is reminded of the ancient link between people and food, our ancestors who understood the importance of the 'sacred connection between the land and those who live from it' and the importance of people as caretakers of the earth protecting and saving biological diversity for generations to follow. As he says, "This ongoing, patient and crucial endeavour now provides us with the wealth of food varieties that we have the pleasure of eating." He warns that over the years, increasingly since the mass production of food started with the Industrial Revolution, we have significantly eroded away biodiversity of fruits and vegetables so that we're now eating only one or two varieties of these foods which are often genetically modified and grown simply for disease-resistance and appearance, NOT taste. On this subject, Lacheta quotes Sandor Katz who says,
"Cultural practices such as languages, beliefs and food (including fermentation) are incredibly diverse. But that rich diversity is threatened by the expansion of trade into a unified global market. Local identity, culture and taste are subsumed by the ever-diminishing lowest common denominator." Lacheta goes on to paraphrase Katz who laments "our urbanised society, cut off from the process of growing food and accustomed to buying food that has already been processed in a factory." Think about the proliferation of 'pre-packaged' and 'pre-chopped vegetables' at the major supermarkets! Many of these preparations are aimed at time-poor, working consumers but they really only help to proliferate the general apathy and laziness of our society when we must buy our vegetables pre-chopped rather than do it ourselves!
Lacheta quotes poet and philosopher Wendell Berry who said,
"Both eater and eaten are thus in exile from biological reality and the result is a kind of solitude, unprecedented in human experience in which the eater may think of eating as first a purely commercial transaction between him and a supplier, and then as a purely appetitive transaction between him and his food."
I'm reminded of multi-national corporations such as Monsanto who are trying against mass opposition to create a seed bank whereby the wolrd's major crop growers must buy their seed from Monsanto which is genetically modified to be sterile. This thus forces the growers to buy more seed from Monsanto as seed will not be available anywhere else in such large quantities. What this means is the effective end of crop diversity on this planet. If you want to grow a different variety of corn in a mass planting for example, you can't. That is why seed-saving groups around the world are so important because they protect our crop and plant diversity. It is thanks to groups like the Digger's Club in Australia who save and nourish heirloom seeds and crops so that we can all enjoy diverse and tasty fruit and vegetables, some varieties of which have been in Australia since first settlement.
Food for the inhabitants of the Western World mean a visit to the local multi-national supermarket for fruit and vegetables that have been pre-packaged and sprayed, genetically modified and artificially stored for up to a year. "Fresh" is a misnomer. Some of the apples we eat have been in cold storage since last season!
I was made aware of this issue first-hand recently when I grew my own mushrooms. I went to Bunnings and got a mushroom grwoing kit which produced a bumper crop. Having bought mushrooms from the supermarket in the past, I noticed how long they kept in a brown paper bag in the fridge. Up to two weeks in some cases.
So, I harvested my own mushrooms and literally within an hour of picking, if I didn't put them in a paper bag in the fridge, they dried up and went brown on top. They only last a few days in the fridge in this way before they dry out. Can you imagine what they must spray on the supermarket mushies to keep them that long???
Back to Lacheta's article. He says,
"As important as preserving genetic diversity and organic farming practices are, even more important is the cultivation of local food and its complement, local economies. Many sources now argue that agriculture in its industrial form is the single most destructive human activity to the environment."
Lacheta highlights the 'true' cost of our food and reminds us that the days of cheap food may soon be over as the increasing costs of rising fuel, lack of water, long-distance transportation and storage, genetically modified crops and global warming all take their toll on the world's and particularly Australia's agricultural industries.
Discussion of 'peak oil' theory escalates as many theorists around the world begin to speculate that the total amount of oil that can be exracted and utilised will have reached its maximum from this time forward. "This descent in cheap energy availability will most likely be haphazard - it could be gradual or abrupt."
So what does this mean for our future? Lacheta proposes that we will probably see a return to a way of life before the Industrial Revolution where food production was on a small, localised scale and communities grew enough for their own needs in a sustainable fashion, without mass use of pesticides and using time-onoured organic farming methods. 'Permaculture - permanent agriculture' will become the farming norm whereby growers recognize the importance of "our dependance on the earth for all of our needs" where we work "in symbiotic relationship (with the earth) rather than dominance and exploitation."
To achieve this goal will require progressive forward planning - the return to market gardens and community plots, fuit and vegetable gardens in schools, the return to urban agricultural enterprises. Like the small-scale urban farms that our parents grew up with in the outer suburbs of Brisbane and that have been lost to developers over the last 20-30 years.
The most inmportant message, aside from the doom and gloom regarding the rising cost of fuel and food is this -
You can do your bit to feed yourself and your family by growing food in your backyard or apartment simply and sustainably . A raised garden bed of 4 x 2 metres will be enough to feed a family of four all-year-round. Fruit trees can be planted in pots, as can herbs. A pumpkin or melon vine can be planted along a fence or garden wall. Potatoes can be planted in old tyres, a bathtub (with a plughole) or in a straw-bale plot as I have done (see next blog post). It's not difficult to feed yourself, just a little time and effort but the rewards are outstanding! Your family will thank you for it and you will have taught your children valuable life lessons about the value of food, and good gardening skills.
Certain extracts and quotes in this article have been reproduced from the original - PP 12-14, "Living Now" Magazine, August 2006, Victoria, Australia.
About the Author
Gabrielle Edwards is an organic skincare expert who writes articles for various health and beauty e-zines and environmental websites. She is an avid environmentalist with a passion about organics and sustainable living. She is keen to raise awareness of the plight of our earth and how we can live more sustainably upon it. You can visit her website at -
Those of you in Australia who visit a health food store on a regular basis may have come across a free magazine called "Living Now". In this month's edition (August 2006) I just read a fabulous article about the increasing importance of reviving urban agriculture in these days of rising fuel prices and subsequent food costs. The author, Amadis Lacheta, speaks with a passion about the things in life that are so valuable and which we as a society have taken for granted but which are now becoming increasingly difficult to obtain. Things like clean water, nature places in our cities, fresh organic food, biological diversity, cultural diversity and harmony.
Lacheta highlights the need to increase our awareness of food production and to get back in touch with our food and where it comes from. To recognize the 'true cost' of our food, both economic and social and to work towards reclaiming the growing of food as a community activity.
Lacheta quotes Indian Activist Vandan Shiva who wrote,
"The time has come to reclaim the stolen harvest and celebrate the growing and giving of good food as the highest gift and most revolutionary act." From this quote, Lacheta is reminded of the ancient link between people and food, our ancestors who understood the importance of the 'sacred connection between the land and those who live from it' and the importance of people as caretakers of the earth protecting and saving biological diversity for generations to follow. As he says, "This ongoing, patient and crucial endeavour now provides us with the wealth of food varieties that we have the pleasure of eating." He warns that over the years, increasingly since the mass production of food started with the Industrial Revolution, we have significantly eroded away biodiversity of fruits and vegetables so that we're now eating only one or two varieties of these foods which are often genetically modified and grown simply for disease-resistance and appearance, NOT taste. On this subject, Lacheta quotes Sandor Katz who says,
"Cultural practices such as languages, beliefs and food (including fermentation) are incredibly diverse. But that rich diversity is threatened by the expansion of trade into a unified global market. Local identity, culture and taste are subsumed by the ever-diminishing lowest common denominator." Lacheta goes on to paraphrase Katz who laments "our urbanised society, cut off from the process of growing food and accustomed to buying food that has already been processed in a factory." Think about the proliferation of 'pre-packaged' and 'pre-chopped vegetables' at the major supermarkets! Many of these preparations are aimed at time-poor, working consumers but they really only help to proliferate the general apathy and laziness of our society when we must buy our vegetables pre-chopped rather than do it ourselves!
Lacheta quotes poet and philosopher Wendell Berry who said,
"Both eater and eaten are thus in exile from biological reality and the result is a kind of solitude, unprecedented in human experience in which the eater may think of eating as first a purely commercial transaction between him and a supplier, and then as a purely appetitive transaction between him and his food."
I'm reminded of multi-national corporations such as Monsanto who are trying against mass opposition to create a seed bank whereby the wolrd's major crop growers must buy their seed from Monsanto which is genetically modified to be sterile. This thus forces the growers to buy more seed from Monsanto as seed will not be available anywhere else in such large quantities. What this means is the effective end of crop diversity on this planet. If you want to grow a different variety of corn in a mass planting for example, you can't. That is why seed-saving groups around the world are so important because they protect our crop and plant diversity. It is thanks to groups like the Digger's Club in Australia who save and nourish heirloom seeds and crops so that we can all enjoy diverse and tasty fruit and vegetables, some varieties of which have been in Australia since first settlement.
Food for the inhabitants of the Western World mean a visit to the local multi-national supermarket for fruit and vegetables that have been pre-packaged and sprayed, genetically modified and artificially stored for up to a year. "Fresh" is a misnomer. Some of the apples we eat have been in cold storage since last season!
I was made aware of this issue first-hand recently when I grew my own mushrooms. I went to Bunnings and got a mushroom grwoing kit which produced a bumper crop. Having bought mushrooms from the supermarket in the past, I noticed how long they kept in a brown paper bag in the fridge. Up to two weeks in some cases.
So, I harvested my own mushrooms and literally within an hour of picking, if I didn't put them in a paper bag in the fridge, they dried up and went brown on top. They only last a few days in the fridge in this way before they dry out. Can you imagine what they must spray on the supermarket mushies to keep them that long???
Back to Lacheta's article. He says,
"As important as preserving genetic diversity and organic farming practices are, even more important is the cultivation of local food and its complement, local economies. Many sources now argue that agriculture in its industrial form is the single most destructive human activity to the environment."
Lacheta highlights the 'true' cost of our food and reminds us that the days of cheap food may soon be over as the increasing costs of rising fuel, lack of water, long-distance transportation and storage, genetically modified crops and global warming all take their toll on the world's and particularly Australia's agricultural industries.
Discussion of 'peak oil' theory escalates as many theorists around the world begin to speculate that the total amount of oil that can be exracted and utilised will have reached its maximum from this time forward. "This descent in cheap energy availability will most likely be haphazard - it could be gradual or abrupt."
So what does this mean for our future? Lacheta proposes that we will probably see a return to a way of life before the Industrial Revolution where food production was on a small, localised scale and communities grew enough for their own needs in a sustainable fashion, without mass use of pesticides and using time-onoured organic farming methods. 'Permaculture - permanent agriculture' will become the farming norm whereby growers recognize the importance of "our dependance on the earth for all of our needs" where we work "in symbiotic relationship (with the earth) rather than dominance and exploitation."
To achieve this goal will require progressive forward planning - the return to market gardens and community plots, fuit and vegetable gardens in schools, the return to urban agricultural enterprises. Like the small-scale urban farms that our parents grew up with in the outer suburbs of Brisbane and that have been lost to developers over the last 20-30 years.
The most inmportant message, aside from the doom and gloom regarding the rising cost of fuel and food is this -
You can do your bit to feed yourself and your family by growing food in your backyard or apartment simply and sustainably . A raised garden bed of 4 x 2 metres will be enough to feed a family of four all-year-round. Fruit trees can be planted in pots, as can herbs. A pumpkin or melon vine can be planted along a fence or garden wall. Potatoes can be planted in old tyres, a bathtub (with a plughole) or in a straw-bale plot as I have done (see next blog post). It's not difficult to feed yourself, just a little time and effort but the rewards are outstanding! Your family will thank you for it and you will have taught your children valuable life lessons about the value of food, and good gardening skills.
Certain extracts and quotes in this article have been reproduced from the original - PP 12-14, "Living Now" Magazine, August 2006, Victoria, Australia.
About the Author
Gabrielle Edwards is an organic skincare expert who writes articles for various health and beauty e-zines and environmental websites. She is an avid environmentalist with a passion about organics and sustainable living. She is keen to raise awareness of the plight of our earth and how we can live more sustainably upon it. You can visit her website at -
Evidence That We Landed on Mars in 1962
by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney)
"Alternative 3" was the final documentary done by the well respected "Science Report" of Anglia Television in England on April 1st 1977. Within an hour of broadcasting the television station issued a hurried statement stating that the show was a hoax.
We believe that the film is 95% fake but that 5% of it is the most important footage of the 20th Century and totally accurate. That is the NASA footage of people on Mars. We believe that much of the story is also the truth.
Besides filming the show on April 1st, the producers later said that the show was fake. It was quite evident at the end of the movie that something was fake because almost every single person filmed on the show was an actor, not genuine footage. It's a huge let-down when the list of credits role at the end, and a source of major confusion if you are expecting that this whole thing is real. We believe that there is no way that a respected documentary would be explicit that it was produced on April 1st unless it was decided beforehand that that was what they wanted to do.
The people who created this show risked a HUGE amount. They risked that people would never again trust that anything on TV or portrayed by science is the truth. However, we believe that somebody felt that this risk was worth taking because they needed to DISCREDIT THE NASA TAPE OF MARS and the story that went with it, before somebody got it out to the public.
Remember, in the times we are in, "DISCERNMENT " is a KEY ABILITY. Learn to trust your intuition, your gut feelings, your "knowingness" while at the same time being as rational as Sherlock Holmes.
The TV Show "Alternative 3" starts off as an investigation of the "Brain Drain" of England where hundreds of top scientists were leaving the country. Then it turns out that 24 of these scientists just vanished, never to be heard from again.
The name "Alternative 3" comes from the third of three different propositions to save the human species from extinction in the event that humans are wiped off from planet earth by global warming, catastrophes etc.
One man mailed a reel of video tape to an editor at a newspaper whom he was friends with. He then drives to meet with this editor but is killed in a car crash before he gets there. The Science Report TV Show gets hold of the tape but there is only static on the tape.
Later another man who has connections with NASA gives to the Science Report a decoder circuit board from NASA which makes the tape viewable.
What you will see on this tape may do for you what it did for me - my hair stood on end (I believe this is an indication of the truth). It shows the view through a window of some kind of flying vehicle that is flying over the surface of Mars. You see a blue sky and you can hear American and Russians in the background cheer that they have found life on Mars, when they see a small burrowing animal on the ground.
The 'bad guys' have a spiritual law that they have to tell you what is going on, it's just that they don't have to portray the truth in any particular way. Hence there is much truth in many movies. We believe that the movie "Total Recall" has elements of truth in it also. Al Bielek, survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment, said that he remembers being taken to Mars and seeing ancient machines like those on Total Recall, and that these machines were used to recreate an atmosphere there, which had been locked up in the soil.
Interestingly, they mentioned this same theory in Alternative 3 - that the atmosphere had been locked up in the soil.
After the show, a book came out called "Alternative 3" by Leslie Watkins. Here is what Leslie Watkins had to say:
Placed in the public domain from the VANGARD SCIENCES archives on October 28 1989. PO BOX 1031, Mesquite, TX 75150. Voice phone (Jerry 214-324-8741...Ron 214-484-3189 KeelyNet (214) 324-3501
The Truth about Alternative 3 from its author, Leslie Watkins
(This article is taken from the Windwords newsletter) address not available
In our June issue, we told you about the controversial book Alternative 3, by British author Leslie Watkins. In out attempt to find out if the shocking theories in the book were true, we called Avon Books, the American publisher; they said the book was out of print in the states.
We called Penguin Books in London and found that it was listed on their NON-FICTION list.
A senior editor there told us that it was officially classified as FICTION BASED ON FACT.
The author's agent told us it was most definitely fiction.
We wrote to the author himself to try to get the real story, and here is the letter he sent us.
Dear Ms. Dittrich: Thank you for your letter, which reached me today. Naturally, I am delighted by your interest in Alternative 3 and by the fact that you plan to sell it in the Windwords bookstore. I will certainly cooperate in any way I can.
The correct description of Alternative 3 was given to you by the representative from Penguin Books. The book is based on fact, but uses that fact as a launchpad for a HIGH DIVE INTO FICTION. In answer to your specific questions:
1) There is no astronaut named Grodin. 2) There is no Sceptre Television and the reported Benson is also fictional. 3) There is no Dr. Gerstein. 4) Yes, a "documentary" was televised in June 1977 on Anglia Television, which went out to the entire national network in Britain. It was called Alternative 3 and was written by David Ambrose and produced by Christopher Miles (whose names were on the book for contractual reasons).
This original TV version, which I EXPANDED IMMENSELY for the book, was ACTUALLY A HOAX which had been scheduled for transmission on April Fools' Day. Because of certain problems in finding the right network slot, the transmission was delayed. The TV program did cause a tremendous uproar because viewers refused to believe it was fiction.
I initially took the view that the basic premise was so way-out, particularly the way I aimed to present it in the book, that no one would regard it as non-fiction. Immediately after publication, I realized I was totally wrong.
In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all parts of the world- including vast numbers from highly intelligent people in positions of responsibility-convinced me that I had ACCIDENTALLY trespassed into a range of top-secret truths.
Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel.
Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand.
For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much.
So, summing up, the book is FICTION BASED ON FACT. But I now feel that I inadvertently got VERY CLOSE TO A SECRET TRUTH. I hope this is of some help to you and I look forward to hearing from you again.
With best wishes, Leslie Watkins
Captain Bill Robertson in a Lecture he gave in 1990 made these comments on the NASA footage which comes at the end of the Alternative 3 show. It would appear that Captain Bill believes the whole video to be true, but his comments are of interest never-the-less. (Source:
And you are going to see it and are going to see and analyze what it really means.
This is the supposed landing on Mars 1962 by the Americans. That's the tape.
Now the thing he said at the last, he says - Boy, when they take the wraps off this, it'll be the biggest day in history. 22nd May 1962, we're on Mars and we have life.
Now, we're gonna watch this - I'll show you something interesting. OK let's pause. All right, here you go. Look; let's first of all examine the possibility that this was made in Hollywood. If they did make it in Hollywood what would be the point of making it so secret that they had to kill people to keep it from being known? Would they just be doing it to...Why would they keep it a secret, if they made it in Hollywood? They would want everyone to know about it and say - Look we landed on Mars! and they never said that. So what would they want it for as a fake, and how could this professor have recorded it coming from outer space, this tape, if they made it in Hollywood, you see. So let's take their word for it is true. They did kill enough people, they threatened the radio station with closing the license - I mean the television with closing the license of the program, they did fire the people who worked on it. And when the book came out they banned it in America. So knowing all those indicators of a secret conspiracy going on, let's take it as a true tape, but let's analyze it as to what is the real truth.
Look at that porthole they are taking the pictures out of. That is not from an earth type spacecraft. That has a square, curved outer hull surface, and it's very thin as you can see. There's no bolts, you understand, and all that stuff they have on American and Russian spacecrafts. Right, it's very big. You remember the first spaceships that went up. They had little tiny holes in them like that with bolts, like on a ship. That's the first point I want you to see. Now I want you to see something else here. There, you see the curves? Aha, you see this - stand by to scan, that's what he said. Now watch this, watch what happens to the picture. See how slowly it's moving? America and Russia never had any spaceships that are landing on the Moon, landing on any other planet that could slow down and do this. Watch this: the ship is rotating, slowly. Then it stops - Stand by to move on. Watch... see there, now they're back on the landing pattern.
If you analyze this from an aeronautical point of view, you have the ship coming in. All of a sudden it stops, rotates around like this stand by to go-ahead, resume landing. Does that remind you of anything? It reminds you of the stories of "flying saucers". They go, they stop, they move around a little bit, they go. All right. What's that? (I never saw that one before.) OK, we go on with the analysis.
That, see this? Every time they change mode there's interference on the transmission, or they've stopped the transmission and started it again. This interference with any radio transmission frequency is caused by a high intensity electromagnetic field. Also this is in the stories of UFO reports where people's car radios stop and the pilots, their compass goes around like this. There are also stories written how, obviously, UFO's are controlled by high intensity electromagnetic fields. And if you were broadcasting from there back to Earth you would expect the broadcast to be interfered with every time they had to change the controls, altitude or path of the flying saucer, and it does!
And now... watch again. Now look how slowly it's going. Temperature 4 degrees Celsius, 21 km/h wind. 707,7 Mb air pressure. 760 (is normal), no 1013 Mb. This is only 7/10 as much as Earth. OK, next. I want you to observe this place they're coming toward. You didn't notice that, did you? There's a tower, like a control tower. And there are 1, 2, 3 pads to land on, but they are only round ones, and they look like they are a hundred or so feet in diameter, 30-40 meter or more. 1, 2, 3 and they're round. Now what could you land there if you have never been there before? Could they have built a landing base, if they had never been there before? Now watch this when they land: They get to static again, because they have to put in the electromagnetic field. So you don't see them actually landing there, but you can believe they are going to land on this one or one of these. Right. Watch that closely. You see that? There it is, there it comes. Stand by for landing. Let's do it again, so you can see it. There are: 1, 2, and 3. There's the building. Now they are obviously sitting on one of the pads looking out away from the building. And now they see the brown very closely. Americans... some kind of mole, a mole. OK, now.
What the cover-up was, what the secret of Alternative 3 was, which is still a secret, is that the Americans did get to Mars in 1962 with a radio and television camera, but they didn't make the ship. That was an alien flying saucer. You wanna see it again? This is the big secret. That's what they didn't want anyone to know. They were just passengers. Imagine it.... on a flying saucer, you see it? The base, the little pads. OK.
So I told you it would be amazing. I took you on a videotrip on a flying saucer as the first thing. That's how they work, just like that, you see it from the inside. How did you like that trip? That was the big secret of Alternative 3. The Americans did not land on Mars. They took as passengers on a flying saucer. All this Alternative 3 stuff was cover.
A DVD of alternative 3 is available from
Copyright ©: Stephanie Relfe - 2006 Permission is granted to copy and distribute this article or parts of this article, so long as you link to
About the Author
Stephanie Relfe was born in Sydney Australia. She now lives in the USA with her husband and son. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Sydney University. She is a professional kinesiologist and the webmaster of "Health, Wealth & Happiness" at, plus
Evidence That We Landed on Mars in 1962
by Stephanie Relfe B.Sc. (Sydney)
"Alternative 3" was the final documentary done by the well respected "Science Report" of Anglia Television in England on April 1st 1977. Within an hour of broadcasting the television station issued a hurried statement stating that the show was a hoax.
We believe that the film is 95% fake but that 5% of it is the most important footage of the 20th Century and totally accurate. That is the NASA footage of people on Mars. We believe that much of the story is also the truth.
Besides filming the show on April 1st, the producers later said that the show was fake. It was quite evident at the end of the movie that something was fake because almost every single person filmed on the show was an actor, not genuine footage. It's a huge let-down when the list of credits role at the end, and a source of major confusion if you are expecting that this whole thing is real. We believe that there is no way that a respected documentary would be explicit that it was produced on April 1st unless it was decided beforehand that that was what they wanted to do.
The people who created this show risked a HUGE amount. They risked that people would never again trust that anything on TV or portrayed by science is the truth. However, we believe that somebody felt that this risk was worth taking because they needed to DISCREDIT THE NASA TAPE OF MARS and the story that went with it, before somebody got it out to the public.
Remember, in the times we are in, "DISCERNMENT " is a KEY ABILITY. Learn to trust your intuition, your gut feelings, your "knowingness" while at the same time being as rational as Sherlock Holmes.
The TV Show "Alternative 3" starts off as an investigation of the "Brain Drain" of England where hundreds of top scientists were leaving the country. Then it turns out that 24 of these scientists just vanished, never to be heard from again.
The name "Alternative 3" comes from the third of three different propositions to save the human species from extinction in the event that humans are wiped off from planet earth by global warming, catastrophes etc.
One man mailed a reel of video tape to an editor at a newspaper whom he was friends with. He then drives to meet with this editor but is killed in a car crash before he gets there. The Science Report TV Show gets hold of the tape but there is only static on the tape.
Later another man who has connections with NASA gives to the Science Report a decoder circuit board from NASA which makes the tape viewable.
What you will see on this tape may do for you what it did for me - my hair stood on end (I believe this is an indication of the truth). It shows the view through a window of some kind of flying vehicle that is flying over the surface of Mars. You see a blue sky and you can hear American and Russians in the background cheer that they have found life on Mars, when they see a small burrowing animal on the ground.
The 'bad guys' have a spiritual law that they have to tell you what is going on, it's just that they don't have to portray the truth in any particular way. Hence there is much truth in many movies. We believe that the movie "Total Recall" has elements of truth in it also. Al Bielek, survivor of the Philadelphia Experiment, said that he remembers being taken to Mars and seeing ancient machines like those on Total Recall, and that these machines were used to recreate an atmosphere there, which had been locked up in the soil.
Interestingly, they mentioned this same theory in Alternative 3 - that the atmosphere had been locked up in the soil.
After the show, a book came out called "Alternative 3" by Leslie Watkins. Here is what Leslie Watkins had to say:
Placed in the public domain from the VANGARD SCIENCES archives on October 28 1989. PO BOX 1031, Mesquite, TX 75150. Voice phone (Jerry 214-324-8741...Ron 214-484-3189 KeelyNet (214) 324-3501
The Truth about Alternative 3 from its author, Leslie Watkins
(This article is taken from the Windwords newsletter) address not available
In our June issue, we told you about the controversial book Alternative 3, by British author Leslie Watkins. In out attempt to find out if the shocking theories in the book were true, we called Avon Books, the American publisher; they said the book was out of print in the states.
We called Penguin Books in London and found that it was listed on their NON-FICTION list.
A senior editor there told us that it was officially classified as FICTION BASED ON FACT.
The author's agent told us it was most definitely fiction.
We wrote to the author himself to try to get the real story, and here is the letter he sent us.
Dear Ms. Dittrich: Thank you for your letter, which reached me today. Naturally, I am delighted by your interest in Alternative 3 and by the fact that you plan to sell it in the Windwords bookstore. I will certainly cooperate in any way I can.
The correct description of Alternative 3 was given to you by the representative from Penguin Books. The book is based on fact, but uses that fact as a launchpad for a HIGH DIVE INTO FICTION. In answer to your specific questions:
1) There is no astronaut named Grodin. 2) There is no Sceptre Television and the reported Benson is also fictional. 3) There is no Dr. Gerstein. 4) Yes, a "documentary" was televised in June 1977 on Anglia Television, which went out to the entire national network in Britain. It was called Alternative 3 and was written by David Ambrose and produced by Christopher Miles (whose names were on the book for contractual reasons).
This original TV version, which I EXPANDED IMMENSELY for the book, was ACTUALLY A HOAX which had been scheduled for transmission on April Fools' Day. Because of certain problems in finding the right network slot, the transmission was delayed. The TV program did cause a tremendous uproar because viewers refused to believe it was fiction.
I initially took the view that the basic premise was so way-out, particularly the way I aimed to present it in the book, that no one would regard it as non-fiction. Immediately after publication, I realized I was totally wrong.
In fact, the amazing mountains of letters from virtually all parts of the world- including vast numbers from highly intelligent people in positions of responsibility-convinced me that I had ACCIDENTALLY trespassed into a range of top-secret truths.
Documentary evidence provided by many of these correspondents decided me to write a serious and COMPLETELY NON-FICTION sequel.
Unfortunately, a chest containing the bulk of the letters was among the items which were mysteriously LOST IN TRANSIT some four years when I moved from London, England, to Sydney, Australia, before I moved on to settle in New Zealand.
For some time after Alternative 3 was originally published, I have reason to suppose that my home telephone was being tapped and my contacts who were experienced in such matters were convinced that certain intelligence agencies considered that I probably knew too much.
So, summing up, the book is FICTION BASED ON FACT. But I now feel that I inadvertently got VERY CLOSE TO A SECRET TRUTH. I hope this is of some help to you and I look forward to hearing from you again.
With best wishes, Leslie Watkins
Captain Bill Robertson in a Lecture he gave in 1990 made these comments on the NASA footage which comes at the end of the Alternative 3 show. It would appear that Captain Bill believes the whole video to be true, but his comments are of interest never-the-less. (Source:
And you are going to see it and are going to see and analyze what it really means.
This is the supposed landing on Mars 1962 by the Americans. That's the tape.
Now the thing he said at the last, he says - Boy, when they take the wraps off this, it'll be the biggest day in history. 22nd May 1962, we're on Mars and we have life.
Now, we're gonna watch this - I'll show you something interesting. OK let's pause. All right, here you go. Look; let's first of all examine the possibility that this was made in Hollywood. If they did make it in Hollywood what would be the point of making it so secret that they had to kill people to keep it from being known? Would they just be doing it to...Why would they keep it a secret, if they made it in Hollywood? They would want everyone to know about it and say - Look we landed on Mars! and they never said that. So what would they want it for as a fake, and how could this professor have recorded it coming from outer space, this tape, if they made it in Hollywood, you see. So let's take their word for it is true. They did kill enough people, they threatened the radio station with closing the license - I mean the television with closing the license of the program, they did fire the people who worked on it. And when the book came out they banned it in America. So knowing all those indicators of a secret conspiracy going on, let's take it as a true tape, but let's analyze it as to what is the real truth.
Look at that porthole they are taking the pictures out of. That is not from an earth type spacecraft. That has a square, curved outer hull surface, and it's very thin as you can see. There's no bolts, you understand, and all that stuff they have on American and Russian spacecrafts. Right, it's very big. You remember the first spaceships that went up. They had little tiny holes in them like that with bolts, like on a ship. That's the first point I want you to see. Now I want you to see something else here. There, you see the curves? Aha, you see this - stand by to scan, that's what he said. Now watch this, watch what happens to the picture. See how slowly it's moving? America and Russia never had any spaceships that are landing on the Moon, landing on any other planet that could slow down and do this. Watch this: the ship is rotating, slowly. Then it stops - Stand by to move on. Watch... see there, now they're back on the landing pattern.
If you analyze this from an aeronautical point of view, you have the ship coming in. All of a sudden it stops, rotates around like this stand by to go-ahead, resume landing. Does that remind you of anything? It reminds you of the stories of "flying saucers". They go, they stop, they move around a little bit, they go. All right. What's that? (I never saw that one before.) OK, we go on with the analysis.
That, see this? Every time they change mode there's interference on the transmission, or they've stopped the transmission and started it again. This interference with any radio transmission frequency is caused by a high intensity electromagnetic field. Also this is in the stories of UFO reports where people's car radios stop and the pilots, their compass goes around like this. There are also stories written how, obviously, UFO's are controlled by high intensity electromagnetic fields. And if you were broadcasting from there back to Earth you would expect the broadcast to be interfered with every time they had to change the controls, altitude or path of the flying saucer, and it does!
And now... watch again. Now look how slowly it's going. Temperature 4 degrees Celsius, 21 km/h wind. 707,7 Mb air pressure. 760 (is normal), no 1013 Mb. This is only 7/10 as much as Earth. OK, next. I want you to observe this place they're coming toward. You didn't notice that, did you? There's a tower, like a control tower. And there are 1, 2, 3 pads to land on, but they are only round ones, and they look like they are a hundred or so feet in diameter, 30-40 meter or more. 1, 2, 3 and they're round. Now what could you land there if you have never been there before? Could they have built a landing base, if they had never been there before? Now watch this when they land: They get to static again, because they have to put in the electromagnetic field. So you don't see them actually landing there, but you can believe they are going to land on this one or one of these. Right. Watch that closely. You see that? There it is, there it comes. Stand by for landing. Let's do it again, so you can see it. There are: 1, 2, and 3. There's the building. Now they are obviously sitting on one of the pads looking out away from the building. And now they see the brown very closely. Americans... some kind of mole, a mole. OK, now.
What the cover-up was, what the secret of Alternative 3 was, which is still a secret, is that the Americans did get to Mars in 1962 with a radio and television camera, but they didn't make the ship. That was an alien flying saucer. You wanna see it again? This is the big secret. That's what they didn't want anyone to know. They were just passengers. Imagine it.... on a flying saucer, you see it? The base, the little pads. OK.
So I told you it would be amazing. I took you on a videotrip on a flying saucer as the first thing. That's how they work, just like that, you see it from the inside. How did you like that trip? That was the big secret of Alternative 3. The Americans did not land on Mars. They took as passengers on a flying saucer. All this Alternative 3 stuff was cover.
A DVD of alternative 3 is available from
Copyright ©: Stephanie Relfe - 2006 Permission is granted to copy and distribute this article or parts of this article, so long as you link to
About the Author
Stephanie Relfe was born in Sydney Australia. She now lives in the USA with her husband and son. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from Sydney University. She is a professional kinesiologist and the webmaster of "Health, Wealth & Happiness" at, plus
Al Gore's Inconvenient Infomercial: A Movie Review
Al Gore's Inconvenient Infomercial: A Movie Review
Who is the chubby, aging baby boomer waddling through airport after empty airport, wearily tugging along his 2-piece luggage roller? Hey, it's not Michael Moore (again). Why, for heaven's sake, it's none other than a bored, disgruntled Al Gore, Jr. - the Man Who Personally Believes He Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda Been King! Well, at least Saturday Night Live believed him. Instead of ruling the Western World with a Green Fist, he's starred in a new movie persuading us to stop using up so much energy. Meanwhile, Al Gore Jr. cruises about foreign capitals in one gas-guzzling, chauffeured Mercedes after another, pondering one very deep thought after another while solemnly tapping away on his Mac Powerbook. Earth to Al Gore: Actor Steven Seagal already nailed down the slick but glazed 'poseur look' about nine movies ago.
Is "An Inconvenient Truth" a documentary about Global Warming, or Al Gore's microphone-grabbing, spotlight-snatching platform to whine about, and revisit, his presidential election loss, six years ago? Is former Veep Gore really hoping to educate film audiences about the very serious dangers of carbon dioxide emissions, greenhouse gases and abrupt climate change, or conniving to create a multi-media white paper for the Democratic Party's energy agenda? We're not sure, actually. Perhaps, it is because Al Gore, and the film's executive producer Davis Guggenheim, were themselves confused as to the direction in which they were heading with this narcissistic political propaganda.
C'mon, a former high-profile Vice President of the United States shuffling through airport security like the rest of us hoi polloi? If so, then why didn't the alarm bells go off? For those who missed it, in one scene Gore wore a belt buckle the size of a small dish, when passing through the airport's metal detector. And it didn't screech? Right! Or how about the scene where a pompous Al Gore (sans bodyguards) was hailing a cab in Manhattan, but no one recognized him? Well, perhaps that part was realistic. Who really cares about Al? Was the former #2 man doing a for-the-people inspirational routine, along the lines of "He Walks Among Us," so that we'd buy his punch line about self-sacrifice at the end of the movie?
The man, who at one time claimed to have invented the Internet, more carefully documented his alleged 30-year personal campaign to help bring Global Warming to a screeching halt. Amazingly, he didn't include footnotes with his film speech. We're sure Gore was anticipating the "I invented the Internet" jokes and dutifully prepared his track record for audiences. He shamelessly dredged up memories of his old Harvard science professor, Roger Revelle, whom he once called into congressional hearings to have the scientist warn about CO2 emissions and rising water temperatures.
How seriously can we take 'Scientist' Al Gore? In a Washington Post article (March 19, 2000), Al's grades and scores were questioned, during the presidential campaign, and the assistant headmaster at Gore's private school, St. Albans, reportedly "chuckled at (Gore's) science results." He had scored so poorly.
Gore's one constant, his glibness, manifests in this quasi-documentary. Mostly it's a political infomercial, but for whatever reason Gore was so fervently pitching and hyping Al Gore was never made clear. He hasn't quite grasped how serious the earth's climactic changes could impact our civilization, other than flicking through multiple photos of receding glaciers and a few other tidbits. Gore mentions we might have 100 million refugees if sea levels rise, as if those many would actually survive. In contrast, Dr. Lovelock, author of "The Revenge of Gaia," is forecasting the demise of billions of people under the same "earth is melting" scenario. Whom do we believe? We vote Lovelock, not Gore. After all, the politician admits, in a recent Rolling Stone magazine interview, Lovelock has forgotten more science than Gore has ever learned.
Whatever gravity the poseur portrayed during his supercilious narration, and in his deep-thinking (but awkward) poses, Gore nullified these moments with clumsy flashbacks to the 2000 presidential campaign. (Well, Gore reportedly did a lot of drugs in college, so we guess he's entitled to his flashbacks.) While he claimed in his movie to have moved on, the man still sounded downright bitter during this pre-campaigning film farce. His movie oozes contempt for the man who defeated him, and offers the same ill will toward anyone distantly related - family, business or otherwise - to the man who is now President of the United States. For those who helped keep him out of the White House or dissed him? He repays his enemies in a way only a screenwriter could: Gore adds his enemies to his movie.
Gore's rapid-fire "subliminal images" are cleverly aimed at Florida and the 2000 presidential campaign. Take that Senator Katherine Harris! Guess which state gets submerged first when the polar ice caps melt? You got it, Florida. Of all the lakes in the world which are drying up, Gore selects Lake Chad. For those who have forgotten, it was the notorious "chads," which cost Gore the presidency. Darn it Al, will you let it go? It's been six years, you know. You LOST the election!
Film goers should wonder why an ex-tobacco farmer, and erstwhile U.S. presidential candidate (going 0 for 2 on presidential campaigns), has only NOW come out against fossil fuels because of Global Warming. What's his agenda? To educate the public? If that is the case, then the filmmakers should have focused on the matter at hand - the earth is getting hotter, and we need a solution. Dr. James Lovelock's mandate is simple: Nuclear energy is the single solution. Listen up, Hillary Clinton - you might have enjoyed Al's ramblings, and said so in your pretentious New York Press Club speech last May, but where is Gore's actual solution to the Global Warming crisis?
The self-righteous Al Jr. offers no solution in his movie. Even when asked by an audience in China for his solution, Gore spouts non-sequiturs - political rhetoric, but no word of a solution. The movie director deftly cuts away before Al can look even sillier, while we wonder why Al offered no solution.
The film shows images of a nuclear reactor, a wind farm and running water. Was the blustering Al or his bewildered movie director hoping the audience would choose a solution for them? At least Ross Perot, in his infomercials, had some solution for the ills then facing America. Al has none. Zippo. Nada. Just join Al's crusade and start driving a hybrid car. Or did he mean a bicycle? After all, in one scene, Al boasts about the Chinese riding their bicycles and flashes a dated photo showing this. Wake up, Al, last we heard, the Chinese were driving Beemers and Benzes, not bicycles. Bikes are reserved for environmentalist weenies who can't find a real job.
Al seems to be pro-nuclear, but claims there are problems with proliferation and waste disposal. In an interview with Australia's The Age newspaper, published in November 2005, Gore told the reporter he was not "reflexively against" nuclear energy. Wearing his hat as a fund manager for the Generation Fund, he told the newspaper that investing in uranium mining comes down to sustainability. In another interview with "Grist Magazine's" David Roberts, published in May of this year, Gore responded to questioning about the nuclear energy renaissance, saying, " I doubt nuclear power will play a much larger role than it does now." How's that for naiveté in the context of dozens of countries having already announced their plans to advance their nuclear energy programs?
Perhaps, Gore will begin touting renewables, as Hillary Clinton has done on behalf of lapdog/energy guru Amory Lovins. We asked third-term Wyoming legislator, David R. Miller, who is also president of a U.S. uranium development company, Strathmore Minerals, about the madness over renewables becoming a serious factor for baseload electricity generation. Miller told us, "We were 100 percent renewable 300 years ago, 50 percent renewable 100 years ago and 30 percent renewable 50 years ago. Now, we are less than 10 percent renewable and shrinking fast."
About nuclear energy, Miller added, "It nearly unlimited. We are learning to use better technology to make purer energy to do more for us." Miller's rebuttal on Al Gore's message was emphatic, "Those that preach about saving the earth should practice what they speak, but the loudest voices are those that consume the most." Miller pointed out, "Only the rich and idle have time to rail against too much consumption. But they want you to stop the consuming, not them."
One could look deeper to better understand Al Gore's ambiguity toward any solution. For example, is Al Gore's family still a large shareholder of Occidental Petroleum? After all, his father took a consultancy with a subsidiary of the multi-national oil firm, upon leaving the U.S. Senate in 1970. Just in time to cash in on the oil embargo of 1973, Al Gore's dad was paid $500,000 per year for his services. Al Gore Sr. also served as a company director. Why was Al Gore's father on such great terms with Armand Hammer, the founder of Occidental Petroleum? Hammer was a good buddy of Josef Stalin and his Kremlin successors. Hammer's dad introduced Little Armand to Stalin, who helped him build the Hammer Empire. All this in return for one small favor: Julius Hammer founded the U.S. Communist Party.
Have the sins of the father visited the son? For the past thirty or forty years, Al Gore has allegedly received a "mining royalty" check from Occidental Petroleum for zinc ore discovered on the Gore family property. Reportedly, Al has been paid about $20,000 annually for mining rights to the property. But, that's just chump change. Long before the Buddhist Temple fund-raising fiasco in Los Angeles, Al Gore was involved in dubious political financings.
We didn't look that much more deeply into Al Gore. Truthfully, why bother? Gore's remorse appears rigged; his acting is pathetic. For example, his sister died of lung cancer, before the family stopped growing tobacco. He makes a really big deal about this in his movie (despite his own alleged chain-smoking habits as a college student). But he failed to mention he continued receiving royalties from his tobacco farm for years after his sister died.
Gore also forgot his vivid 1988 presidential election campaign speeches, defending tobacco farmers in the southern United States. Imagine Mr. Clean telling tobacco farmers about how he, himself, tilled the soil with his bare hands and picked dem dar tobacco leaves wit his own fingers! Our research shows Gore continued accepting campaign donations from tobacco companies until at least 1990. Instead of being truthful with his audience, Gore mentioned in passing that the reason he ran for President in 1988 was to give Global Warming some exposure. Hypocrisy or ambivalence? You decide.
In his film, Gore claimed to have changed the way he performed his congressional duties after his six-year old son was hit by a car and nearly died. Throughout his movie, Gore uses every personal tragedy to play upon the audience's heart strings. What does that have to do with Global Warming? Nothing, but it aids and abets an otherwise insincere politician to better sell his purported sincerity concerning abrupt climate change. The message is good; the messenger needs to take up a new hobby. Like unsuccessfully running for president again so he can finally get his just deserves: "Strike Three, you're outa here!"
Why pay good money to get bored out of your skull with this blasé movie? Save the $7 to $10 (or more) on "Al Gore's Inconvenient Infomercial" by reading the same stuff for no charge whatsoever (and without the deep-thinking, brooding ex-politician who spends nearly all of his 100 minutes preaching in your face). Kevin Bambrough and Eric Sprott wrote a detailed report, covering a great deal, if not more than what the Gore movie attempted to discuss.
About the Author
James Finch contributes to and other publications. Visit to read more articles by James Finch.
Who is the chubby, aging baby boomer waddling through airport after empty airport, wearily tugging along his 2-piece luggage roller? Hey, it's not Michael Moore (again). Why, for heaven's sake, it's none other than a bored, disgruntled Al Gore, Jr. - the Man Who Personally Believes He Coulda/Woulda/Shoulda Been King! Well, at least Saturday Night Live believed him. Instead of ruling the Western World with a Green Fist, he's starred in a new movie persuading us to stop using up so much energy. Meanwhile, Al Gore Jr. cruises about foreign capitals in one gas-guzzling, chauffeured Mercedes after another, pondering one very deep thought after another while solemnly tapping away on his Mac Powerbook. Earth to Al Gore: Actor Steven Seagal already nailed down the slick but glazed 'poseur look' about nine movies ago.
Is "An Inconvenient Truth" a documentary about Global Warming, or Al Gore's microphone-grabbing, spotlight-snatching platform to whine about, and revisit, his presidential election loss, six years ago? Is former Veep Gore really hoping to educate film audiences about the very serious dangers of carbon dioxide emissions, greenhouse gases and abrupt climate change, or conniving to create a multi-media white paper for the Democratic Party's energy agenda? We're not sure, actually. Perhaps, it is because Al Gore, and the film's executive producer Davis Guggenheim, were themselves confused as to the direction in which they were heading with this narcissistic political propaganda.
C'mon, a former high-profile Vice President of the United States shuffling through airport security like the rest of us hoi polloi? If so, then why didn't the alarm bells go off? For those who missed it, in one scene Gore wore a belt buckle the size of a small dish, when passing through the airport's metal detector. And it didn't screech? Right! Or how about the scene where a pompous Al Gore (sans bodyguards) was hailing a cab in Manhattan, but no one recognized him? Well, perhaps that part was realistic. Who really cares about Al? Was the former #2 man doing a for-the-people inspirational routine, along the lines of "He Walks Among Us," so that we'd buy his punch line about self-sacrifice at the end of the movie?
The man, who at one time claimed to have invented the Internet, more carefully documented his alleged 30-year personal campaign to help bring Global Warming to a screeching halt. Amazingly, he didn't include footnotes with his film speech. We're sure Gore was anticipating the "I invented the Internet" jokes and dutifully prepared his track record for audiences. He shamelessly dredged up memories of his old Harvard science professor, Roger Revelle, whom he once called into congressional hearings to have the scientist warn about CO2 emissions and rising water temperatures.
How seriously can we take 'Scientist' Al Gore? In a Washington Post article (March 19, 2000), Al's grades and scores were questioned, during the presidential campaign, and the assistant headmaster at Gore's private school, St. Albans, reportedly "chuckled at (Gore's) science results." He had scored so poorly.
Gore's one constant, his glibness, manifests in this quasi-documentary. Mostly it's a political infomercial, but for whatever reason Gore was so fervently pitching and hyping Al Gore was never made clear. He hasn't quite grasped how serious the earth's climactic changes could impact our civilization, other than flicking through multiple photos of receding glaciers and a few other tidbits. Gore mentions we might have 100 million refugees if sea levels rise, as if those many would actually survive. In contrast, Dr. Lovelock, author of "The Revenge of Gaia," is forecasting the demise of billions of people under the same "earth is melting" scenario. Whom do we believe? We vote Lovelock, not Gore. After all, the politician admits, in a recent Rolling Stone magazine interview, Lovelock has forgotten more science than Gore has ever learned.
Whatever gravity the poseur portrayed during his supercilious narration, and in his deep-thinking (but awkward) poses, Gore nullified these moments with clumsy flashbacks to the 2000 presidential campaign. (Well, Gore reportedly did a lot of drugs in college, so we guess he's entitled to his flashbacks.) While he claimed in his movie to have moved on, the man still sounded downright bitter during this pre-campaigning film farce. His movie oozes contempt for the man who defeated him, and offers the same ill will toward anyone distantly related - family, business or otherwise - to the man who is now President of the United States. For those who helped keep him out of the White House or dissed him? He repays his enemies in a way only a screenwriter could: Gore adds his enemies to his movie.
Gore's rapid-fire "subliminal images" are cleverly aimed at Florida and the 2000 presidential campaign. Take that Senator Katherine Harris! Guess which state gets submerged first when the polar ice caps melt? You got it, Florida. Of all the lakes in the world which are drying up, Gore selects Lake Chad. For those who have forgotten, it was the notorious "chads," which cost Gore the presidency. Darn it Al, will you let it go? It's been six years, you know. You LOST the election!
Film goers should wonder why an ex-tobacco farmer, and erstwhile U.S. presidential candidate (going 0 for 2 on presidential campaigns), has only NOW come out against fossil fuels because of Global Warming. What's his agenda? To educate the public? If that is the case, then the filmmakers should have focused on the matter at hand - the earth is getting hotter, and we need a solution. Dr. James Lovelock's mandate is simple: Nuclear energy is the single solution. Listen up, Hillary Clinton - you might have enjoyed Al's ramblings, and said so in your pretentious New York Press Club speech last May, but where is Gore's actual solution to the Global Warming crisis?
The self-righteous Al Jr. offers no solution in his movie. Even when asked by an audience in China for his solution, Gore spouts non-sequiturs - political rhetoric, but no word of a solution. The movie director deftly cuts away before Al can look even sillier, while we wonder why Al offered no solution.
The film shows images of a nuclear reactor, a wind farm and running water. Was the blustering Al or his bewildered movie director hoping the audience would choose a solution for them? At least Ross Perot, in his infomercials, had some solution for the ills then facing America. Al has none. Zippo. Nada. Just join Al's crusade and start driving a hybrid car. Or did he mean a bicycle? After all, in one scene, Al boasts about the Chinese riding their bicycles and flashes a dated photo showing this. Wake up, Al, last we heard, the Chinese were driving Beemers and Benzes, not bicycles. Bikes are reserved for environmentalist weenies who can't find a real job.
Al seems to be pro-nuclear, but claims there are problems with proliferation and waste disposal. In an interview with Australia's The Age newspaper, published in November 2005, Gore told the reporter he was not "reflexively against" nuclear energy. Wearing his hat as a fund manager for the Generation Fund, he told the newspaper that investing in uranium mining comes down to sustainability. In another interview with "Grist Magazine's" David Roberts, published in May of this year, Gore responded to questioning about the nuclear energy renaissance, saying, " I doubt nuclear power will play a much larger role than it does now." How's that for naiveté in the context of dozens of countries having already announced their plans to advance their nuclear energy programs?
Perhaps, Gore will begin touting renewables, as Hillary Clinton has done on behalf of lapdog/energy guru Amory Lovins. We asked third-term Wyoming legislator, David R. Miller, who is also president of a U.S. uranium development company, Strathmore Minerals, about the madness over renewables becoming a serious factor for baseload electricity generation. Miller told us, "We were 100 percent renewable 300 years ago, 50 percent renewable 100 years ago and 30 percent renewable 50 years ago. Now, we are less than 10 percent renewable and shrinking fast."
About nuclear energy, Miller added, "It nearly unlimited. We are learning to use better technology to make purer energy to do more for us." Miller's rebuttal on Al Gore's message was emphatic, "Those that preach about saving the earth should practice what they speak, but the loudest voices are those that consume the most." Miller pointed out, "Only the rich and idle have time to rail against too much consumption. But they want you to stop the consuming, not them."
One could look deeper to better understand Al Gore's ambiguity toward any solution. For example, is Al Gore's family still a large shareholder of Occidental Petroleum? After all, his father took a consultancy with a subsidiary of the multi-national oil firm, upon leaving the U.S. Senate in 1970. Just in time to cash in on the oil embargo of 1973, Al Gore's dad was paid $500,000 per year for his services. Al Gore Sr. also served as a company director. Why was Al Gore's father on such great terms with Armand Hammer, the founder of Occidental Petroleum? Hammer was a good buddy of Josef Stalin and his Kremlin successors. Hammer's dad introduced Little Armand to Stalin, who helped him build the Hammer Empire. All this in return for one small favor: Julius Hammer founded the U.S. Communist Party.
Have the sins of the father visited the son? For the past thirty or forty years, Al Gore has allegedly received a "mining royalty" check from Occidental Petroleum for zinc ore discovered on the Gore family property. Reportedly, Al has been paid about $20,000 annually for mining rights to the property. But, that's just chump change. Long before the Buddhist Temple fund-raising fiasco in Los Angeles, Al Gore was involved in dubious political financings.
We didn't look that much more deeply into Al Gore. Truthfully, why bother? Gore's remorse appears rigged; his acting is pathetic. For example, his sister died of lung cancer, before the family stopped growing tobacco. He makes a really big deal about this in his movie (despite his own alleged chain-smoking habits as a college student). But he failed to mention he continued receiving royalties from his tobacco farm for years after his sister died.
Gore also forgot his vivid 1988 presidential election campaign speeches, defending tobacco farmers in the southern United States. Imagine Mr. Clean telling tobacco farmers about how he, himself, tilled the soil with his bare hands and picked dem dar tobacco leaves wit his own fingers! Our research shows Gore continued accepting campaign donations from tobacco companies until at least 1990. Instead of being truthful with his audience, Gore mentioned in passing that the reason he ran for President in 1988 was to give Global Warming some exposure. Hypocrisy or ambivalence? You decide.
In his film, Gore claimed to have changed the way he performed his congressional duties after his six-year old son was hit by a car and nearly died. Throughout his movie, Gore uses every personal tragedy to play upon the audience's heart strings. What does that have to do with Global Warming? Nothing, but it aids and abets an otherwise insincere politician to better sell his purported sincerity concerning abrupt climate change. The message is good; the messenger needs to take up a new hobby. Like unsuccessfully running for president again so he can finally get his just deserves: "Strike Three, you're outa here!"
Why pay good money to get bored out of your skull with this blasé movie? Save the $7 to $10 (or more) on "Al Gore's Inconvenient Infomercial" by reading the same stuff for no charge whatsoever (and without the deep-thinking, brooding ex-politician who spends nearly all of his 100 minutes preaching in your face). Kevin Bambrough and Eric Sprott wrote a detailed report, covering a great deal, if not more than what the Gore movie attempted to discuss.
About the Author
James Finch contributes to and other publications. Visit to read more articles by James Finch.
Democrats, Here is your Platform: "It's Time for a Change!"
Democrats, Here is your Platform: "It's Time for a Change!"
Jesus Christ called the Religious and Political Leaders of his time "Blind Guides". The United States of America has been led so blindly into imminent disaster by George W. Bush and the Republican Party that the US is now looking like the Titanic hurtling into the Iceberg about to go down and take the rest of the world with it. The US has so many enormous problems that a child could defeat the Republicans, but the leaders of the Democratic Party are such a bunch of bumbling fools that they are tripping all over themselves like drunks in Times Square on New Years Eve. We are now beginning the countdown to the 2008 Presidential election and the Democrats do not even have a platform and they are busy fighting among themselves. Karl Rove cannot deal with the big issues like Iraq and the Deficit and Global Warming and so he wraps the Republicans up in the flag and attacks the New York Times. Let me now dismantle this leaky midget and right the Democratic ship.
The scenario we are now facing is very similar to the scene in "The American President" when President Michael Douglas finally decides to take a stand and says to the challenger Richard Dreyfuss, "These are serious times and you are way out of your league." The Democrats need to clean house and bring in some tough white male brilliant candidate because not one red state will vote for a black man or Hillary Clinton. The racism is just too inbred, even if Barak Obama is the best choice. Hilary has too much baggage, no platform, and the US is involved in a war. The US will not elect a woman.
Now lets get to the platform. Lets start at the beginning. Lets start with the spiritual leader of the United States of America, Jesus Christ, "Mr. I am the truth!" An overwhelming majority of Americans know that they were misled into the war in Iraq by deliberate Republican lies and they want the troops to come home. It is now time to play the integrity card. "How can you trust a Republican? They misled us into another Vietnam. Lets redeploy the troops back a bit into Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and let the Iraqis sort out their own problems. This war has already cost us 3,000 soldiers, and another 17,000 American men and women have had their arms and legs blown off. How did the Republicans hijack Jesus Christ exclusively to themselves? Jesus wants us out of Iraq! Jesus was the Prince of Peace! Jesus was a total Pacifist! Jesus commanded us to turn the other cheek, not to hit back even in self defense! We are a Christian country and this war goes against everything that Jesus Christ stood for! We Democrats go to Church! We are leaving Iraq now! It's Time for a Change!"
Who gave the Republicans the morality issue? Is it moral to attack a country for deceitful reasons and then proceed to massacre 50,000 innocent civilian Muslim men, women and children? Leaving Iraq now will help build a bridge between the Christian and Muslim people who all believe in the same God who handed the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago, including "Don't Murder!" Who gave the Republicans the American flag? The Democratic candidate needs to wrap himself up in the Star Spangled Banner, so tarnished across the globe by the Republican Party. The Republicans claim to be Pro Life. Aren't innocent Iraqi Muslim children lives?
Karl Rove has tapped into our basest instinct, our killer instinct, our blood lust, to the point where the President declared a Crusade against Islam and he is now carrying it out! What's next, another 300 year Inquisition against his own people? The Republicans are calling the Muslims Islamo - Fascists! They believe that Islam is Nazi Germany and the United States is France about to be taken over by Hitler in 1940. The Bush family and the Bin Laden family jointly own the Carlysle Group which makes the tanks, and Unocal the oil company, and Halliburton. The BushCo corruption and fear mongering and war mongering has made the Bush family enormously wealthy at the expense of the entire country. Exxon Executives are running the White House, the Republican Congress and the Supreme Court! It's Time for a Change! Lets bring in a tough as nails straight shooting Democrat who will say to all the countries of the world, "If you dare touch the United States of America in any way I will unleash the full nuclear, biological and chemical arsenal of the United States of America upon you and immediately wipe your country off the face of the earth forever! The United States of America has stopped fighting with its hands tied behind its backs. Jesus Christ said, "I have not come to bring you Peace but the Sword! It's Time for a Change!"
The Democratic Candidate must say to the people of the United States: "Being President is like being a parent. It is not a popularity contest. Sometimes it requires the parent to discipline the child to protect the child. Sometimes the people must be called upon to sacrifice, like Jesus on the cross. Karl Rove has branded Democrats as tax hikers and demonized the term. This snake oil salesman with his trillion dollar tax cut, his trillion dollar war in Iraq, has taken the Clinton Surplus and turned it into the Bush Bankruptcy of the United States of America, as he and his father and their oil and defense contractor friends have sat on the board of the House of Saud and filled their Swiss bank accounts with billions! Because our country is now teetering on the brink of bankruptcy all of our social programs including education, health, and social security are in danger. The Republicans got us all into this mess. Now they are abolishing estate taxes to cost us another trillion dollars. How many meals a day can Karl Rove eat? We must raise taxes now, get out of Iraq, and dramatically reduce spending before our treasury bills, your life's savings become junk bonds. The Republican Party has brought us right to the brink of another Great Depression! It's Time for a Change! We must save ourselves!"
"And finally let me say this. Stephen Hawking the greatest scientist alive recently warned that global warming due to the burning of fossil fuels and now the thawing of the permafrost threatens the existence of life on earth forever. The only people who disagree are the White House and Congress Exxon Executives. Big oil finances their campaigns and they have sold you and your children out. The US spews 25% of the world's pollution into the air. The Republicans have taken control of the networks, the newspapers, and are now poised to censor the internet, so that only their filthy lies and propaganda will hit your ears. When global warming melts the polar Ice Caps in the near future, and it is well underway, every coastal city on earth will be submerged under 50 feet of water as the melting Ice turns into water and raises the level of the earth's one ocean by 50 feet. The earth only has 40 years of oil left anyway. I will ban SUV's like your President drives, and only allow American car manufacturers to produce tiny fuel efficient hybrid cars. This should save General Motors and Ford from being wiped out by the foreign competition. I will invest heavily in solar energy, and wind energy and bicycles.
These are serious times. Every nuclear scientist on earth knows that Nuclear World War 3 our present heading and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will have zero survivors. World Peace is our only chance to survive. The question is not did we evolve, but will we evolve into a peaceful species in order to survive. By definition if 200 ambassadors at the United Nations raise their hands for world peace, we can have world peace overnight. I personally will spend a great deal of my time at the United Nations educating the ambassadors to this fact, and I will make the Prince of Peace proud, or die trying. The Time has come for a Change! We must save ourselves!"
About the Author
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love
Jesus Christ called the Religious and Political Leaders of his time "Blind Guides". The United States of America has been led so blindly into imminent disaster by George W. Bush and the Republican Party that the US is now looking like the Titanic hurtling into the Iceberg about to go down and take the rest of the world with it. The US has so many enormous problems that a child could defeat the Republicans, but the leaders of the Democratic Party are such a bunch of bumbling fools that they are tripping all over themselves like drunks in Times Square on New Years Eve. We are now beginning the countdown to the 2008 Presidential election and the Democrats do not even have a platform and they are busy fighting among themselves. Karl Rove cannot deal with the big issues like Iraq and the Deficit and Global Warming and so he wraps the Republicans up in the flag and attacks the New York Times. Let me now dismantle this leaky midget and right the Democratic ship.
The scenario we are now facing is very similar to the scene in "The American President" when President Michael Douglas finally decides to take a stand and says to the challenger Richard Dreyfuss, "These are serious times and you are way out of your league." The Democrats need to clean house and bring in some tough white male brilliant candidate because not one red state will vote for a black man or Hillary Clinton. The racism is just too inbred, even if Barak Obama is the best choice. Hilary has too much baggage, no platform, and the US is involved in a war. The US will not elect a woman.
Now lets get to the platform. Lets start at the beginning. Lets start with the spiritual leader of the United States of America, Jesus Christ, "Mr. I am the truth!" An overwhelming majority of Americans know that they were misled into the war in Iraq by deliberate Republican lies and they want the troops to come home. It is now time to play the integrity card. "How can you trust a Republican? They misled us into another Vietnam. Lets redeploy the troops back a bit into Saudi Arabia and Kuwait and let the Iraqis sort out their own problems. This war has already cost us 3,000 soldiers, and another 17,000 American men and women have had their arms and legs blown off. How did the Republicans hijack Jesus Christ exclusively to themselves? Jesus wants us out of Iraq! Jesus was the Prince of Peace! Jesus was a total Pacifist! Jesus commanded us to turn the other cheek, not to hit back even in self defense! We are a Christian country and this war goes against everything that Jesus Christ stood for! We Democrats go to Church! We are leaving Iraq now! It's Time for a Change!"
Who gave the Republicans the morality issue? Is it moral to attack a country for deceitful reasons and then proceed to massacre 50,000 innocent civilian Muslim men, women and children? Leaving Iraq now will help build a bridge between the Christian and Muslim people who all believe in the same God who handed the 10 commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai 3,200 years ago, including "Don't Murder!" Who gave the Republicans the American flag? The Democratic candidate needs to wrap himself up in the Star Spangled Banner, so tarnished across the globe by the Republican Party. The Republicans claim to be Pro Life. Aren't innocent Iraqi Muslim children lives?
Karl Rove has tapped into our basest instinct, our killer instinct, our blood lust, to the point where the President declared a Crusade against Islam and he is now carrying it out! What's next, another 300 year Inquisition against his own people? The Republicans are calling the Muslims Islamo - Fascists! They believe that Islam is Nazi Germany and the United States is France about to be taken over by Hitler in 1940. The Bush family and the Bin Laden family jointly own the Carlysle Group which makes the tanks, and Unocal the oil company, and Halliburton. The BushCo corruption and fear mongering and war mongering has made the Bush family enormously wealthy at the expense of the entire country. Exxon Executives are running the White House, the Republican Congress and the Supreme Court! It's Time for a Change! Lets bring in a tough as nails straight shooting Democrat who will say to all the countries of the world, "If you dare touch the United States of America in any way I will unleash the full nuclear, biological and chemical arsenal of the United States of America upon you and immediately wipe your country off the face of the earth forever! The United States of America has stopped fighting with its hands tied behind its backs. Jesus Christ said, "I have not come to bring you Peace but the Sword! It's Time for a Change!"
The Democratic Candidate must say to the people of the United States: "Being President is like being a parent. It is not a popularity contest. Sometimes it requires the parent to discipline the child to protect the child. Sometimes the people must be called upon to sacrifice, like Jesus on the cross. Karl Rove has branded Democrats as tax hikers and demonized the term. This snake oil salesman with his trillion dollar tax cut, his trillion dollar war in Iraq, has taken the Clinton Surplus and turned it into the Bush Bankruptcy of the United States of America, as he and his father and their oil and defense contractor friends have sat on the board of the House of Saud and filled their Swiss bank accounts with billions! Because our country is now teetering on the brink of bankruptcy all of our social programs including education, health, and social security are in danger. The Republicans got us all into this mess. Now they are abolishing estate taxes to cost us another trillion dollars. How many meals a day can Karl Rove eat? We must raise taxes now, get out of Iraq, and dramatically reduce spending before our treasury bills, your life's savings become junk bonds. The Republican Party has brought us right to the brink of another Great Depression! It's Time for a Change! We must save ourselves!"
"And finally let me say this. Stephen Hawking the greatest scientist alive recently warned that global warming due to the burning of fossil fuels and now the thawing of the permafrost threatens the existence of life on earth forever. The only people who disagree are the White House and Congress Exxon Executives. Big oil finances their campaigns and they have sold you and your children out. The US spews 25% of the world's pollution into the air. The Republicans have taken control of the networks, the newspapers, and are now poised to censor the internet, so that only their filthy lies and propaganda will hit your ears. When global warming melts the polar Ice Caps in the near future, and it is well underway, every coastal city on earth will be submerged under 50 feet of water as the melting Ice turns into water and raises the level of the earth's one ocean by 50 feet. The earth only has 40 years of oil left anyway. I will ban SUV's like your President drives, and only allow American car manufacturers to produce tiny fuel efficient hybrid cars. This should save General Motors and Ford from being wiped out by the foreign competition. I will invest heavily in solar energy, and wind energy and bicycles.
These are serious times. Every nuclear scientist on earth knows that Nuclear World War 3 our present heading and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer will have zero survivors. World Peace is our only chance to survive. The question is not did we evolve, but will we evolve into a peaceful species in order to survive. By definition if 200 ambassadors at the United Nations raise their hands for world peace, we can have world peace overnight. I personally will spend a great deal of my time at the United Nations educating the ambassadors to this fact, and I will make the Prince of Peace proud, or die trying. The Time has come for a Change! We must save ourselves!"
About the Author
Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California. The Temple of Love
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